+#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import cairo as C
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func
+from datetime import datetime
from mako.template import Template
from os import system
from pyramid.paster import bootstrap
from xonstat.models import *
from xonstat.views.player import player_info_data
+from xonstat.util import qfont_decode
+from colorsys import rgb_to_hls, hls_to_rgb
+# similar to html_colors() from util.py
+_contrast_threshold = 0.5
+_dec_colors = [ (0.5,0.5,0.5),
+ (1.0,0.0,0.0),
+ (0.2,1.0,0.0),
+ (1.0,1.0,0.0),
+ (0.2,0.4,1.0),
+ (0.2,1.0,1.0),
+ (1.0,0.2,102),
+ (1.0,1.0,1.0),
+ (0.6,0.6,0.6),
+ (0.5,0.5,0.5)
+ ]
+# parameters to affect the output, could be changed via URL
+params = {
+ 'width': 560,
+ 'height': 70,
+ 'bg': 1, # 0 - black, 1 - dark_wall
+ 'font': 0, # 0 - xolonium, 1 - dejavu sans
+ 'gametypes': ['duel','dm','ctf'], # up to three gametypes to show
+# maximal number of query results (for testing, set to 0 to get all)
+def get_data(player):
+ """Return player data as dict.
+ This function is similar to the function in player.py but more optimized
+ for this purpose.
+ """
+ # total games
+ # wins/losses
+ # kills/deaths
+ # duel/dm/tdm/ctf elo + rank
+ player_id = player.player_id
+ total_stats = {}
+ games_played = DBSession.query(
+ Game.game_type_cd, func.count(), func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+ filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id).\
+ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+ group_by(Game.game_type_cd).\
+ order_by(func.count().desc()).\
+ all()
+ total_stats['games'] = 0
+ total_stats['games_breakdown'] = {} # this is a dictionary inside a dictionary .. dictception?
+ total_stats['games_alivetime'] = {}
+ for (game_type_cd, games, alivetime) in games_played:
+ total_stats['games'] += games
+ total_stats['games_breakdown'][game_type_cd] = games
+ total_stats['games_alivetime'][game_type_cd] = alivetime
+ (total_stats['kills'], total_stats['deaths'], total_stats['suicides'],
+ total_stats['alivetime'],) = DBSession.query(
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.kills),
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.deaths),
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.suicides),
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime)).\
+ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+ one()
+ (total_stats['wins'],) = DBSession.query(
+ func.count("*")).\
+ filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id).\
+ filter(PlayerGameStat.player_id == player_id).\
+ filter(Game.winner == PlayerGameStat.team or PlayerGameStat.rank == 1).\
+ one()
+ ranks = DBSession.query("game_type_cd", "rank", "max_rank").\
+ from_statement(
+ "select pr.game_type_cd, pr.rank, overall.max_rank "
+ "from player_ranks pr, "
+ "(select game_type_cd, max(rank) max_rank "
+ "from player_ranks "
+ "group by game_type_cd) overall "
+ "where pr.game_type_cd = overall.game_type_cd "
+ "and player_id = :player_id "
+ "order by rank").\
+ params(player_id=player_id).all()
+ ranks_dict = {}
+ for gtc,rank,max_rank in ranks:
+ ranks_dict[gtc] = (rank, max_rank)
+ elos = DBSession.query(PlayerElo).\
+ filter_by(player_id=player_id).\
+ order_by(PlayerElo.elo.desc()).\
+ all()
+ elos_dict = {}
+ for elo in elos:
+ if elo.games > 32:
+ elos_dict[elo.game_type_cd] = elo.elo
+ data = {
+ 'player':player,
+ 'total_stats':total_stats,
+ 'ranks':ranks_dict,
+ 'elos':elos_dict,
+ }
+ #print data
+ return data
+def render_image(data):
+ """Render an image from the given data fields."""
+ width, height = params['width'], params['height']
+ output = "output/%s.png" % data['player'].player_id
+ font = "Xolonium"
+ if params['font'] == 1:
+ font = "DejaVu Sans"
+ ## create background
+ surf = C.ImageSurface(C.FORMAT_RGB24, width, height)
+ ctx = C.Context(surf)
+ # draw background (just plain fillcolor)
+ if params['bg'] == 0:
+ ctx.rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);
+ ctx.set_source_rgba(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 1.0);
+ ctx.fill();
+ # draw background image (try to get correct tiling, too)
+ if params['bg'] > 0:
+ bg = None
+ if params['bg'] == 1:
+ bg = C.ImageSurface.create_from_png("img/dark_wall.png");
+ if bg:
+ bg_w, bg_h = bg.get_width(), bg.get_height()
+ bg_xoff = 0
+ while bg_xoff < width:
+ bg_yoff = 0
+ while bg_yoff < height:
+ ctx.set_source_surface(bg, bg_xoff, bg_yoff);
+ ctx.paint()
+ bg_yoff += bg_h
+ bg_xoff += bg_w
+ ## draw player's nickname with fancy colors
+ # fontsize is reduced if width gets too large - TODO: needs finetuning
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(18)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+ if tw > 340:
+ ctx.set_font_size(16)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(player.stripped_nick)[:4]
+ if tw > 340:
+ ctx.set_font_size(14)
+ # split up nick into colored segments and draw each of them
+ qstr = qfont_decode(player.nick).replace('^^', '^')
+ txt_xoff = 0
+ txt_xpos, txt_ypos = 5,18
+ for txt in qstr.split('^'):
+ try:
+ if txt.startswith('x'):
+ r = int(txt[1] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+ g = int(txt[2] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+ b = int(txt[3] * 2, 16) / 255.0
+ hue, light, satur = rgb_to_hls(r, g, b)
+ if light < _contrast_threshold:
+ light = _contrast_threshold
+ r, g, b = hls_to_rgb(hue, light, satur)
+ txt = txt[4:]
+ else:
+ r,g,b = _dec_colors[int(txt[0])]
+ txt = txt[1:]
+ except:
+ r,g,b = _dec_colors[7]
+ if len(txt) < 1:
+ # only colorcode and no real text, skip this
+ continue
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(r, g, b)
+ ctx.move_to(txt_xpos + txt_xoff, txt_ypos)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ if tw == 0:
+ # only whitespaces, use some extra space
+ tw += 5*len(txt)
+ txt_xoff += tw + 1
+ ## print elos and ranks
+ elos = data["elos"]
+ ranks = data["ranks"]
+ games_x, games_y = 60,35
+ games_w = 110 # width of each gametype field
+ for gt in params['gametypes']:
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(10)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ txt = "[ %s ]" % gt.upper()
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.set_line_width(1)
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-games_w/2+5, games_y+8);
+ ctx.line_to(games_x+games_w/2-5, games_y+8);
+ ctx.stroke()
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-games_w/2+5, games_y+32);
+ ctx.line_to(games_x+games_w/2-5, games_y+32);
+ ctx.stroke()
+ if not elos.has_key(gt) or not ranks.has_key(gt):
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_ITALIC, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(10)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+ txt = "(no stats yet!)"
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+22-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ else:
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(10)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ txt = "Elo: %.0f" % round(elos[gt], 0)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+15-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(8)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.7, 0.7, 0.7)
+ txt = "Rank %d of %d" % ranks[gt]
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(games_x-xoff-tw/2,games_y+25-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ games_x += games_w
+ # print win percentage
+ total_stats = data['total_stats']
+ total_games = total_stats['games']
+ win_x, win_y = 500,18
+ if total_games > 0 and total_stats['wins'] is not None:
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(9)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ txt = "Win Percentage"
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+ ctx.set_font_size(12)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ txt = "%.2f%%" % round(float(total_stats['wins'])/total_games * 100, 2)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+14-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(8)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ txt = "%d wins" % total_stats["wins"]
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+28-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ txt = "%d losses" % (total_games-total_stats['wins'])
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(win_x-xoff-tw/2,win_y+38-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ # print kill/death ratio
+ kill_x, kill_y = 400,18
+ if total_stats['kills'] > 0 and total_stats['deaths'] > 0:
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(9)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
+ txt = "Kill Ratio"
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD)
+ ctx.set_font_size(12)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
+ txt = "%.3f" % round(float(total_stats['kills'])/total_stats['deaths'], 3)
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+14-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ ctx.select_font_face(font, C.FONT_SLANT_NORMAL, C.FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL)
+ ctx.set_font_size(8)
+ ctx.set_source_rgb(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
+ txt = "%d kills" % total_stats["kills"]
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+28-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ txt = "%d deaths" % total_stats['deaths']
+ xoff, yoff, tw, th = ctx.text_extents(txt)[:4]
+ ctx.move_to(kill_x-xoff-tw/2,kill_y+38-yoff-th/2)
+ ctx.show_text(txt)
+ # save to PNG
+ surf.write_to_png(output)
-# converter params
-CONVERTER = "/home/ant/xonotic/xonstat/xonstat/batch/badges/wkhtmltoimage-amd64 --crop-x 10 --crop-y 10 --width 560 --height 70 -f png"
# environment setup
-env = bootstrap('../../../development.ini.home')
+env = bootstrap('../../../development.ini')
req = env['request']
req.matchdict = {'id':3}
-# template setup
-t = Template(filename = 'templates/badge.mako')
+print "Requesting player data from db ..."
+start = datetime.now()
players = DBSession.query(Player).\
filter(Player.player_id == PlayerElo.player_id).\
filter(Player.nick != None).\
filter(Player.player_id > 2).\
- filter(Player.active_ind == True).all()
+ filter(Player.active_ind == True).\
+ limit(NUM_PLAYERS).all()
+stop = datetime.now()
+print "Query took %.2f seconds" % (stop-start).total_seconds()
+print "Creating badges for %d players ..." % len(players)
+start = datetime.now()
+data_time, render_time = 0,0
for player in players:
req.matchdict['id'] = player.player_id
- data = player_info_data(req)
- rt = t.render(player=data['player'], elos_display=data['elos_display'],
- total_stats=data['total_stats'], total_games=data['total_games'],
- games_breakdown=data['games_breakdown'])
- f = open("output/%s.html" % player.player_id, 'w')
- f.write(rt)
- f.close()
- cmd = "%s %s %s" % (CONVERTER, "output/%s.html" % player.player_id,
- "output/%s.png" % player.player_id)
- system(cmd)
+ sstart = datetime.now()
+ #data = player_info_data(req)
+ data = get_data(player)
+ sstop = datetime.now()
+ data_time += (sstop-sstart).total_seconds()
+ print "\t#%d (%s)" % (player.player_id, player.stripped_nick)
+ sstart = datetime.now()
+ render_image(data)
+ sstop = datetime.now()
+ render_time += (sstop-sstart).total_seconds()
+stop = datetime.now()
+print "Creating the badges took %.2f seconds (%.2f s per player)" % ((stop-start).total_seconds(), (stop-start).total_seconds()/float(len(players)))
+print "Total time for getting data: %.2f s" % data_time
+print "Total time for redering images: %.2f s" % render_time