pointparticles(particleeffectnum(strcat("impact_", self.material)), self.origin, '0 0 0', ceil(intensity * 10)); // allow a count from 1 to 10
-entity sandbox_EditObject_Get()
+entity sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get()
// returns the traced entity if the player can edit it, and world if not
// attached objects are SOLID_NOT and don't risk getting traced
return world;
-void sandbox_EditObject_Scale(entity e, float f)
+void sandbox_ObjectEdit_Scale(entity e, float f)
e.scale = f;
.float old_movetype;
-void sandbox_AttachObject_Set(entity e, entity parent, string s)
+void sandbox_ObjectAttach_Set(entity e, entity parent, string s)
// attaches e to parent on string s
e.owner = parent;
-void sandbox_AttachObject_Remove(entity e)
+void sandbox_ObjectAttach_Remove(entity e)
// detaches any object attached to e
-entity sandbox_SpawnObject(float database)
+entity sandbox_ObjectSpawn(float database)
// spawn a new object with default properties
return e;
-void sandbox_RemoveObject(entity e)
+void sandbox_ObjectRemove(entity e)
- sandbox_AttachObject_Remove(e); // detach child objects
+ sandbox_ObjectAttach_Remove(e); // detach child objects
object_count -= 1;
-string sandbox_Storage_Save(entity e, float database)
+string sandbox_ObjectPort_Save(entity e, float database)
// save object properties
string s;
return s;
-void sandbox_Storage_Load(entity e, string s, float database)
+void sandbox_ObjectPort_Load(entity e, string s, float database)
// load object properties
e.colormod = stov(argv(3));
e.glowmod = stov(argv(4));
e.frame = stof(argv(5));
- sandbox_EditObject_Scale(e, stof(argv(6)));
+ sandbox_ObjectEdit_Scale(e, stof(argv(6)));
e.movetype = stof(argv(7));
e.damageforcescale = stof(argv(8));
if(e.material) strunzone(e.material); if(argv(9) != "-") e.material = strzone(argv(9)); else e.material = string_null;
-void sandbox_Storage_DatabaseSave()
+void sandbox_DatabaseSave()
// saves all objects to the database file
return; // nothing to store
entity head;
- string fn;
- float fh, i;
+ float get_file;
- fn = strcat("sandbox/storage_", GetMapname(), ".txt");
- fh = fopen(fn, FILE_WRITE);
- fputs(fh, strcat("// sandbox storage for map ", GetMapname(), ", containing a total of ", ftos(object_count), " objects\n"));
- i = 1;
+ get_file = fopen(strcat("sandbox/storage_", GetMapname(), ".txt"), FILE_WRITE);
+ fputs(get_file, strcat("// sandbox storage for map ", GetMapname(), ", containing a total of ", ftos(object_count), " objects\n"));
for(head = world; (head = find(head, classname, "object")); )
// Unfortunately, attached objects cannot be persisted yet. That's because the parent is specified as an entity,
// use a line for each object, listing all properties
- fputs(fh, strcat(sandbox_Storage_Save(head, TRUE), "\n"));
- i++;
+ fputs(get_file, strcat(sandbox_ObjectPort_Save(head, TRUE), "\n"));
- fclose(fh);
+ fclose(get_file);
-void sandbox_Storage_DatabaseLoad()
+void sandbox_DatabaseLoad()
// loads all objects from the database file
- string fn, rf;
- float fh;
+ string file;
+ float get_file;
- fn = strcat("sandbox/storage_", GetMapname(), ".txt");
- fh = fopen(fn, FILE_READ);
- if(fh < 0)
+ get_file = fopen(strcat("sandbox/storage_", GetMapname(), ".txt"), FILE_READ);
+ if(get_file < 0)
{ } // message comes here
- rf = fgets(fh);
- if(!rf)
+ file = fgets(get_file);
+ if(!file)
- if(substring(rf, 0, 2) == "//")
+ if(substring(file, 0, 2) == "//")
- if(substring(rf, 0, 1) == "#")
+ if(substring(file, 0, 1) == "#")
entity e;
- e = sandbox_SpawnObject(TRUE);
- sandbox_Storage_Load(e, rf, TRUE);
+ e = sandbox_ObjectSpawn(TRUE);
+ sandbox_ObjectPort_Load(e, file, TRUE);
return TRUE;
- e = sandbox_SpawnObject(FALSE);
+ e = sandbox_ObjectSpawn(FALSE);
setmodel(e, argv(2));
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 0)
// ---------------- COMMAND: REMOVE OBJECT ----------------
case "object_remove":
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 0)
print(strcat("^3SANDBOX - SERVER: ^7", self.netname, " removed an object at origin ^3", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
- sandbox_RemoveObject(e);
+ sandbox_ObjectRemove(e);
return TRUE;
case "copy":
// copies customizable properties of the selected object to the clipboard
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get(); // you can only copy objects you can edit, so this works
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get(); // you can only copy objects you can edit, so this works
if(e != world)
- self.object_clipboard = strzone(sandbox_Storage_Save(e, FALSE));
+ self.object_clipboard = strzone(sandbox_ObjectPort_Save(e, FALSE));
print_to(self, "^2SANDBOX - INFO: ^7Object copied to clipboard");
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
- e = sandbox_SpawnObject(FALSE);
- sandbox_Storage_Load(e, self.object_clipboard, FALSE);
+ e = sandbox_ObjectSpawn(FALSE);
+ sandbox_ObjectPort_Load(e, self.object_clipboard, FALSE);
print_to(self, "^2SANDBOX - INFO: ^7Object pasted successfully");
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 0)
print_to(self, "^1SANDBOX - WARNING: ^7You do not have a player UID, and cannot claim objects");
return TRUE;
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
if(e.crypto_idfp == self.crypto_idfp)
case "get":
// select e as the object as meant to be attached
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
self.object_attach = e;
// attaches the previously selected object to e
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
- sandbox_AttachObject_Set(self.object_attach, e, argv(3));
+ sandbox_ObjectAttach_Set(self.object_attach, e, argv(3));
self.object_attach = world; // object was attached, no longer keep it scheduled for attachment
print_to(self, "^2SANDBOX - INFO: ^7Object attached successfully");
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 1)
return TRUE;
case "remove":
// removes e if it was attached
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
- sandbox_AttachObject_Remove(e);
+ sandbox_ObjectAttach_Remove(e);
print_to(self, "^2SANDBOX - INFO: ^7Child objects detached successfully");
if(autocvar_g_sandbox_info > 1)
print(strcat("^3SANDBOX - SERVER: ^7", self.netname, " detached objects at origin ^3", vtos(e.origin), "\n"));
return TRUE;
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world)
e.frame = stof(argv(3));
case "scale":
- sandbox_EditObject_Scale(e, stof(argv(3)));
+ sandbox_ObjectEdit_Scale(e, stof(argv(3)));
case "physics":
entity e;
float grab;
- e = sandbox_EditObject_Get();
+ e = sandbox_ObjectEdit_Get();
if(e != world && vlen(e.origin - self.origin) <= autocvar_g_sandbox_editor_distance_edit)
grab = TRUE;
return FALSE;
autosave_time = time + autocvar_g_sandbox_storage_autosave;
- sandbox_Storage_DatabaseSave();
+ sandbox_DatabaseSave();
return TRUE;
autosave_time = time + autocvar_g_sandbox_storage_autosave; // don't save the first server frame
- sandbox_Storage_DatabaseLoad();
+ sandbox_DatabaseLoad();
return FALSE;