if [ -n "$IRCSPAM" ]; then
pre2spam "$M" "$url$M-$blobhash.pk3" "$REFNAME" "$commithash" | $IRCSPAM || true
t0=`date +%s`
+ # It's sad that we must enforce this rule by code.
+ if grep -- '-nosRGB' "maps/$map.map.options" >/dev/null; then
+ is_nosrgb=true
+ else
+ is_nosrgb=false
+ fi
+ allow_build=true
+ case "$map" in
+ afterslime|dance|drain|glowplant|leave_em_behind|newtonian-nightmare|nexballarena|oilrig|red-planet|runningmanctf|runningman|space-elevator|stormkeep|techassault|xoylent)
+ if ! $is_nosrgb; then
+ if [ -n "$IRCSPAM" ]; then
+ echo "CONGRATULATIONS: map $map does not use -nosRGB any more. Please remove the map name from the list in xonotic-map-compiler-autobuild once this is merged to master." | $IRCSPAM || true
+ fi
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if $is_nosrgb; then
+ case "$REFNAME" in
+ master|refs/heads/master|origin/master|refs/remotes/origin/master)
+ if [ -n "$IRCSPAM" ]; then
+ echo "\ 34ERROR: map $map uses -nosRGB. This is not acceptable in master. Please fix." | $IRCSPAM || true
+ fi
+ allow_build=false
+ ;;
+ *)
+ if [ -n "$IRCSPAM" ]; then
+ echo "\ 34WARNING:\ f map $map uses -nosRGB. This is not acceptable in master. Please fix." | $IRCSPAM || true
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ ;;
+ esac
set +e
- (
+ $allow_build && (
cd ../..
misc/tools/xonotic-map-compiler-optionsfile "data/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/maps/$M" $build_override > "data/xonotic-maps.pk3dir/maps/$M.log" 2>&1