"classname" "item_health_medium"\r
"origin" "-160.000000 -6128.000000 640.000000"\r
+// entity 598\r
+"classname" "dom_team"\r
+"model" "models/domination/dom_unclaimed.md3"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 416.000000"\r
+// entity 599\r
+"classname" "dom_team"\r
+"netname" "^4Blue Team^3"\r
+"cnt" "13"\r
+"noise" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"noise1" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"message" "Blue team has captured a control point"\r
+"model" "models/domination/dom_blue.md3"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 384.000000"\r
+// entity 600\r
+"classname" "dom_team"\r
+"netname" "^1Red Team^3"\r
+"cnt" "4"\r
+"noise" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"noise1" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"message" "Red team has captured a control point"\r
+"model" "models/domination/dom_red.md3"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 352.000000"\r
+// entity 601\r
+"classname" "dom_team"\r
+"netname" "^6Pink Team^3"\r
+"cnt" "9"\r
+"noise" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"noise1" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"message" "Pink team has captured a control point"\r
+"model" "models/domination/dom_pink.md3"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 288.000000"\r
+// entity 602\r
+"classname" "dom_team"\r
+"netname" "^6Yellow Team^3"\r
+"cnt" "12"\r
+"noise" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"noise1" "domination/claim.wav"\r
+"message" "Yellow team has captured a control point"\r
+"model" "models/domination/dom_yellow.md3"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 320.000000"\r
+// entity 603\r
+"classname" "dom_controlpoint"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -2336.000000 32.000000"\r
+"message" "has captured the Bridge"\r
+// entity 604\r
+"classname" "dom_controlpoint"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 0.000000 40.000000"\r
+"message" "has captured the Glass Room"\r
+// entity 605\r
+"classname" "dom_controlpoint"\r
+"origin" "0.000000 -6144.000000 -240.000000"\r
+"message" "has captured the Elevator"\r