for (i = 0;i < NUMOFFSETS;i++)
VectorAdd(offsets[i], s->origin, neworigin);
- if (!CL_TraceBox(neworigin, cl.playercrouchmins, cl.playercrouchmaxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true).startsolid)
+ if (!CL_TraceBox(neworigin, cl.playercrouchmins, cl.playercrouchmaxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true).startsolid)
VectorCopy(neworigin, s->origin);
return true;
// low ceiling first
if (s->crouched)
- trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, s->origin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, cl.playerstandmins, cl.playerstandmaxs, s->origin, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
if (!trace.startsolid)
s->crouched = false;
// set onground
VectorSet(origin1, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + 1);
VectorSet(origin2, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] - 1); // -2 causes clientside doublejump bug at above 150fps, raising that to 300fps :)
- trace = CL_TraceBox(origin1, s->mins, s->maxs, origin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(origin1, s->mins, s->maxs, origin2, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
if(trace.fraction < 1 && trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7)
s->onground = true;
// set watertype/waterlevel
VectorSet(origin1, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + s->mins[2] + 1);
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_NONE;
- s->watertype = CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK;
+ s->watertype = CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s->self, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK;
if (s->watertype)
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_WETFEET;
origin1[2] = s->origin[2] + (s->mins[2] + s->maxs[2]) * 0.5f;
- if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s->self, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
s->waterlevel = WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING;
origin1[2] = s->origin[2] + 22;
- if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(origin1, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s->self, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsupercontents & SUPERCONTENTS_LIQUIDSMASK)
for (bump = 0, t = s->cmd.frametime;bump < 8 && VectorLength2(s->velocity) > 0;bump++)
VectorMA(s->origin, t, s->velocity, neworigin);
- trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(s->origin, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
if (trace.fraction < 1 && trace.plane.normal[2] == 0)
// may be a step or wall, try stepping up
// first move forward at a higher level
VectorSet(currentorigin2, s->origin[0], s->origin[1], s->origin[2] + cl.movevars_stepheight);
VectorSet(neworigin2, neworigin[0], neworigin[1], s->origin[2] + cl.movevars_stepheight);
- trace2 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace2 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
if (!trace2.startsolid)
// then move down from there
VectorCopy(trace2.endpos, currentorigin2);
VectorSet(neworigin2, trace2.endpos[0], trace2.endpos[1], s->origin[2]);
- trace3 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace3 = CL_TraceBox(currentorigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin2, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
//Con_Printf("%f %f %f %f : %f %f %f %f : %f %f %f %f\n", trace.fraction, trace.endpos[0], trace.endpos[1], trace.endpos[2], trace2.fraction, trace2.endpos[0], trace2.endpos[1], trace2.endpos[2], trace3.fraction, trace3.endpos[0], trace3.endpos[1], trace3.endpos[2]);
// accept the new trace if it made some progress
if (fabs(trace3.endpos[0] - trace.endpos[0]) >= 0.03125 || fabs(trace3.endpos[1] - trace.endpos[1]) >= 0.03125)
AngleVectors(yawangles, forward, NULL, NULL);
VectorMA(s->origin, 24, forward, spot);
spot[2] += 8;
- if (CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
+ if (CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s->self, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
spot[2] += 24;
- if (!CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, NULL, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
+ if (!CL_TracePoint(spot, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, s->self, 0, true, false, NULL, false).startsolid)
VectorScale(forward, 50, s->velocity);
s->velocity[2] = 310;
VectorSet(neworigin2, s->origin[0] + s->velocity[0]*(16/f), s->origin[1] + s->velocity[1]*(16/f), s->origin[2] + s->mins[2]);
VectorSet(neworigin3, neworigin2[0], neworigin2[1], neworigin2[2] - 34);
if (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD)
- trace = CL_TraceBox(neworigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
+ trace = CL_TraceBox(neworigin2, s->mins, s->maxs, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true);
- trace = CL_TraceLine(neworigin2, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, NULL, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true, false);
+ trace = CL_TraceLine(neworigin2, neworigin3, MOVE_NORMAL, s->self, SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID | SUPERCONTENTS_BODY | SUPERCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP, true, true, NULL, true, false);
if (trace.fraction == 1 && !trace.startsolid)
friction *= cl.movevars_edgefriction;