// direction is perpendicular to the view normal, and perpendicular to the axis
thickdir = normalize(cross(axis, view_origin - from));
+ print("from ", vtos(from), "\n");
+ print("to ", vtos(to), "\n");
+ print("org ", vtos(view_origin), "\n");
+ print("dir ", vtos(thickdir), "\n");
A = from - thickdir * (thickness / 2);
B = from + thickdir * (thickness / 2);
C = to + thickdir * (thickness / 2);
WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, hook_shotorigin_x);
WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, hook_shotorigin_y);
WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, hook_shotorigin_z);
if(sv_foginterval && world.fog != "")
WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, world.fog);
entity o;
entity e;
+ e = spawn();
e.classname = "clientinit";
e.think = ClientInit_CheckUpdate;
- e.nextthink = time;
Net_LinkEntity(e, FALSE, 0, ClientInit_SendEntity);
o = self;
self = e;