MSG_INFO_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VH_SPID_ROCKET, N_CONSOLE, 2, 1, "s1 s2loc spree_lost", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 was blasted to bits by a Spiderbot rocket%s%s"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VH_WAKI_DEATH, N_CONSOLE, 2, 1, "s1 s2loc spree_lost", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 got caught in the blast of a Racer explosion%s%s"), "")
MSG_INFO_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VH_WAKI_ROCKET, N_CONSOLE, 2, 1, "s1 s2loc spree_lost", "s1", "notify_death", _("^BG%s^K1 couldn't find shelter from a Racer rocket%s%s"), "")
- MSG_INFO_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VOID, N_CONSOLE, 3, 1, "s1 s2 s2loc spree_lost", "s1", "notify_void", "^BG%s^K1 %s^K1%s%s", "")
+ MSG_INFO_NOTIF(DEATH_SELF_VOID, N_CONSOLE, 3, 1, "s1 s2 s3loc spree_lost", "s1", "notify_void", "^BG%s^K1 %s^K1%s%s", "")
MULTITEAM_INFO(DEATH_TEAMKILL, N_CONSOLE, 3, 1, "s1 s2 s3loc spree_end", "s2 s1", "notify_teamkill_%s", _("^BG%s^K1 was betrayed by ^BG%s^K1%s%s"), "", NAME)
Obituary_SpecialDeath(targ, false, deathtype, targ.netname, deathlocation, "", CS(targ).killcount, 0, 0);
+ Obituary_SpecialDeath(targ, false, deathtype, targ.netname, inflictor.message, deathlocation, CS(targ).killcount, 0, 0);
+ break;
Obituary_SpecialDeath(targ, false, deathtype, targ.netname, deathlocation, "", CS(targ).killcount, 0, 0);