cl_smoothviewheight 0.2 // time of the averaging to the viewheight value so that it creates a smooth transition for crouching and such. 0 for instant transition\r
cl_deathfade 0.03 // fade screen to dark red when dead, value represents how fast the fade is (higher is faster)\r
cl_bobcycle 0.55 // how long the cycle of up/down view movement takes (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 0.6\r
-cl_bob 0.01 // how much view moves up/down when moving (does not move if cl_bobcycle is 0), default is 0.01\r
+cl_bob 0.005 // how much view moves up/down when moving (does not move if cl_bobcycle is 0), default is 0.01\r
cl_bob2cycle 0.55 // how long the cycle of left/right view movement takes (only works if cl_bob2 is not 0), default is 0.6\r
cl_bob2 0.01 // how much view moves left/right when moving (does not move if cl_bob2cycle is 0), default is 0.01\r
cl_bobfall 0.05 "how much the view swings down when falling (influenced by the speed you hit the ground with)"\r
cl_bobfallcycle 3 "speed of the bobfall swing"\r
cl_bobfallspeed 200 "necessary amount of speed for bob-falling to occur"\r
cl_bobmodel 1 // whether to have gun model move around on screen when moving (only works if cl_bob is not 0), default is 1\r
+cl_bobmodel_side 0.25 // gun bobbing sideways sway amount\r
+cl_bobmodel_speed 7 // gun bobbing speed\r
+cl_bobmodel_up 0.1 // gun bobbing upward movement amount\r
cl_rollangle 2 // amount of view tilt when strafing, default is 2.0\r
v_kicktime 0.5 // how long damage kicks of the view last, default is 0 seconds\r
gl_polyblend 0.5 // whether to use screen tints, default is 1\r
con_notifysize 10\r
con_notifyalign 0\r
-seta hud_damage 0.65 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for damage, draw an image instead when hurt"\r
+seta hud_damage 0.75 "an improved version of gl_polyblend for damage, draw an image instead when hurt"\r
seta hud_damage_blur 8 "Use postprocessing to blur the screen when you have taken damage. This can be paired with current hud damage or just used alone. Higher values = more blur"\r
seta hud_damage_blur_alpha 0.5 "Amount of alpha to use when merging the blurred layers back into the render. Turning this up higher will remove bloom, so it's best to find a balance"\r
seta hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier 0.10 "how much to multiply alpha of flash when using the cl_gentle version, it's much more opaque than the non-gentle version"\r
seta hud_saturation 0 "saturation changes based on the amount of armor you have"\r
-seta hud_stomach 0.65 "displays a splash on the screen when inside the stomach, value specifies alpha"\r
+seta hud_stomach 0.75 "displays a splash on the screen when inside the stomach, value specifies alpha"\r
seta hud_stomach_color "1 1 0" "color of the stomach screen splash"\r
seta hud_stomach_fade_in 0.2 "how quickly the stomach splash appears when you get swallowed"\r
seta hud_stomach_fade_out 0.03 "how quickly the stomach splash disappears when you are regurgitated"\r
- 0.7 BUG: Fix the world reporting leanangle again when shooting it\r
-- 0.8: Add cubemap reflections for eX and trak5\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Add cubemap reflections for eX and trak5\r
-- 0.7 | 0.8: Sound when someone is starting to swallow (like getting grabbed or something)
\ No newline at end of file
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Sound when someone is starting to swallow (like getting grabbed or something)\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Maybe find better footstep sounds?\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Bots get stuck with eaten items sometimes.\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8 BUG: Gibbed dead bodies seem to keep throwing gibs infinitely on dedicated servers.\r
+- 0.8: Chat portraits for all models.\r
+- 0.7 | 0.8: Player leaning - Reverse angle on acceleration leaning
\ No newline at end of file