--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import regex # needs regex instead of re for multiple captures of a group
+import glob
+# this is soooooo not regular ;)
+CHAINED_IF_REGEX = regex.compile(r"""
+ [\t ]*
+if[\t ]*\( # the first condition
+ (?<cond>
+ (?<expr1>
+ [^()\n]*
+ |
+ [^()\n]*\(
+ (?&expr1) # this is to match nested parentheses correctly
+ \)[^()\n]*
+ )+
+ )
+\)[\t ]*
+(?://.*|/\*.*\*/)? # comments
+(?: # all subsequent conditions with the same indentation
+ \1
+ if[\t ]*\(
+ (?<conds>
+ (?<expr2>
+ [^()\n]*
+ |
+ [^()\n]*\(
+ (?&expr2)
+ \)[^()\n]*
+ )+
+ )
+ \)[\t ]*
+ (?://.*|/\*.*\*/)?
+ \n
+""", regex.VERBOSE)
+all_files = set(glob.glob('**/*.qc', recursive=True) + glob.glob('**/*.qh', recursive=True))
+all_files = sorted({f for f in all_files if not f.startswith('qcsrc/dpdefs')})
+if 0: # for debugging
+ all_files = ["qcsrc/common/mutators/mutator/campcheck/sv_campcheck.qc", "qcsrc/common/weapons/weapon/minelayer.qc", "qcsrc/server/bot/default/navigation.qc"]
+total = 0
+for file_name in all_files:
+ with open(file_name, 'r+') as f:
+ print()
+ print(file_name)
+ print("=================")
+ print()
+ def repl(match):
+ global total
+ total += 1
+ print("whole match:")
+ print(match.group(0))
+ print("lines:", len(match.group(0).split('\n')))
+ print("captures 1:", match.captures('indent'))
+ print("captures 2:", match.captures('cond'))
+ print("captures 3:", match.captures('conds'))
+ if '||' in match.group(0) or '^' in match.group(0):
+ print("WARNING - logical ops")
+ print()
+ print()
+ return str(match.group(0))
+ old_code = f.read()
+ new_code = CHAINED_IF_REGEX.sub(repl, old_code)
+ #with open('new-code', 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(new_code)
+ f.seek(0)
+ f.truncate()
+ f.write(new_code)
+print("total if chains:", total)