<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
- % if total_stats['games_breakdown'].has_key('duel'):
- Duel Stats: <small>
- % if total_stats['duel_wins'] is not None:
- Win Percentage ${round(float(total_stats['duel_wins'])/total_stats['games_breakdown']['duel'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['duel_wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games_breakdown']['duel'] - total_stats['duel_wins']} losses)
- % endif
- % if total_stats['duel_kills'] > 0 and total_stats['duel_deaths'] > 0:
- | Kill Ratio ${round(float(total_stats['duel_kills'])/total_stats['duel_deaths'], 3)} (${total_stats['duel_kills']} kills, ${total_stats['duel_deaths']} deaths, ${total_stats['duel_suicides']} suicides)
- % endif
- </small><br />
- % endif
- % if total_stats['games_breakdown'].has_key('dm'):
- DM Stats: <small>
- % if total_stats['dm_wins'] is not None:
- Win Percentage ${round(float(total_stats['dm_wins'])/total_stats['games_breakdown']['dm'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['dm_wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games_breakdown']['dm'] - total_stats['dm_wins']} losses)
- % endif
- % if total_stats['dm_kills'] > 0 and total_stats['dm_deaths'] > 0:
- | Kill Ratio ${round(float(total_stats['dm_kills'])/total_stats['dm_deaths'], 3)} (${total_stats['dm_kills']} kills, ${total_stats['dm_deaths']} deaths, ${total_stats['dm_suicides']} suicides)
- % endif
- </small><br />
- % endif
- % if total_stats['games_breakdown'].has_key('tdm'):
- TDM Stats: <small>
- % if total_stats['tdm_wins'] is not None:
- Win Percentage ${round(float(total_stats['tdm_wins'])/total_stats['games_breakdown']['tdm'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['tdm_wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games_breakdown']['tdm'] - total_stats['tdm_wins']} losses)
- % endif
- % if total_stats['tdm_kills'] > 0 and total_stats['tdm_deaths'] > 0:
- | Kill Ratio ${round(float(total_stats['tdm_kills'])/total_stats['tdm_deaths'], 3)} (${total_stats['tdm_kills']} kills, ${total_stats['tdm_deaths']} deaths, ${total_stats['tdm_suicides']} suicides)
- % endif
- </small><br />
- % endif
- % if total_stats['games_breakdown'].has_key('ctf'):
- CTF Stats: <small>
- % if total_stats['ctf_wins'] is not None:
- Win Percentage ${round(float(total_stats['ctf_wins'])/total_stats['games_breakdown']['ctf'] * 100, 2)}% (${total_stats['ctf_wins']} wins, ${total_stats['games_breakdown']['ctf'] - total_stats['ctf_wins']} losses)
- % endif
- % if total_stats['ctf_pickups'] > 0 and total_stats['ctf_caps'] > 0:
- | Cap Ratio ${round(float(total_stats['ctf_caps'])/total_stats['ctf_pickups'], 3)} (${total_stats['ctf_caps']} caps, ${total_stats['ctf_pickups']} pickups, ${total_stats['ctf_returns']} returns, ${total_stats['ctf_fckills']} fckills)
- % endif
- </small><br />
- % endif
% if elos_display is not None and len(elos_display) > 0:
<small>${elos_display} </small>
% endif
+<div class="row">
+ <div class="span12">
+ <h3>Game Breakdown</h3>
+ <table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Type</th>
+ <th>Games Played</th>
+ <th>Win Percentage</th>
+ <th>Kill/Cap Ratio</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <% gametypes = ['Duel', 'DM', 'TDM', 'CTF'] %>
+ % for gtc in gametypes:
+ <% gtc_key = gtc.lower() %>
+ % if total_stats['games_breakdown'].has_key(gtc_key):
+ <tr>
+ <td style="width:20px;"><img title="${gtc}" src="/static/images/icons/24x24/${gtc_key}.png" alt="${gtc}" /></td>
+ <% total = total_stats['games_breakdown'][gtc_key] %>
+ <% wins = total_stats[gtc_key+'_wins'] %>
+ <% losses = total - wins %>
+ <td>${total}</td>
+ <td><big>${round(float(wins)/total * 100, 2)}%</big> (${wins} wins, ${losses} losses)</td>
+ % if gtc.lower() == "ctf":
+ <% caps = total_stats[gtc_key+'_caps'] %>
+ <% pickups = total_stats[gtc_key+'_pickups'] %>
+ <% returns = total_stats[gtc_key+'_returns'] %>
+ <% drops = total_stats[gtc_key+'_drops'] %>
+ <% fckills = total_stats[gtc_key+'_fckills'] %>
+ <td><big>${round(float(caps)/pickups, 3)}</big> (${caps} caps, ${pickups} pickups, ${drops} drops, ${returns} returns, ${fckills} fckills)</td>
+ % else:
+ <% kills = total_stats[gtc_key+'_kills'] %>
+ <% deaths = total_stats[gtc_key+'_deaths'] %>
+ <% suicides = total_stats[gtc_key+'_suicides'] %>
+ <td><big>${round(float(kills)/deaths, 3)}</big> (${kills} kills, ${deaths} deaths, ${suicides} suicides)</td>
+ % endif
+ </tr>
+ % endif
+ % endfor
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </div>
##### RECENT GAMES (v2) ####
% if recent_games:
+<br />
<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
<h3>Recent Games</h3>