seta hud_fontsize 11
seta scr_centersize 12
seta hud_width 560
-// alias hud_font "loadfont user1 ${1},gfx/fallback ${2-}; loadfont user2 ${1}-big ${2-}; scoreboard_columns_set"
-alias sbar_font "set _requested_sbar_font \"${*}\""
-sbar_font gfx/vera-sans 8 12 16 24 32
// these entities are not referenced by anything directly, they just represent
// teams and are found by find() when needed
scr_loadingscreen_barheight 20
scr_loadingscreen_count 1
scr_conforcewhiledisconnected 0
+scr_infobar_height 20
// DP cannot properly detect this, so rather turn off the detection
r_texture_dds_load_dxt1_noalpha 1