r_shadow_realtime_world_importlightentitiesfrommap 0 // Whether build process uses keepLights is nontransparent and may change, so better make keepLights not matter.
cl_decals_fadetime 5
cl_decals_time 1
-seta cl_gunalign 3 "Gun alignment; 1 = center, 3 = right, 4 = left; requires reconnect"
+seta cl_gunalign 3 "Gun alignment; 1 = center, 3 = right, 4 = left; requires reconnect. In servers which override shot origin this cvar is purely visual, in servers which do not this does affect where your shots come from"
seta cl_gunoffset "0 0 0" "Adjust the weapon viewmodel position, applies only to your own first person view and is relative to cl_gunalign"
seta cl_nogibs 0 "reduce number of violence effects, or remove them totally"
seta cl_particlegibs 0 "simpler gibs"