% endif
+<%def name="empty_rows(list, max_empty_rows)">
+ % for i in range(max_empty_rows - len(list)):
+ <tr>
+ <td>-</td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ <td>-</td>
+ </tr>
+ % endfor
% if server is None:
<h2>Sorry, that server wasn't found!</h2>
- <% i = 1 %>
- % for (score_player_id, score_nick, score_value) in top_scorers:
+ % for ts in top_scorers:
- <td>${i}</td>
- % if score_player_id != '-':
- <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=score_player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${score_nick|n}</a></td>
- % else:
- <td class="no-stretch">${score_nick}</td>
- % endif
- <td>${score_value}</td>
+ <td>${ts.rank}</td>
+ <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=ts.player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${ts.nick|n}</a></td>
+ <td>${ts.total_score}</td>
- <% i = i+1 %>
% endfor
+ ${empty_rows(top_scorers, 10)}
- <% i = 1 %>
- % for (player_id, nick, alivetime) in top_players:
+ % for tp in top_players:
- <td>${i}</td>
- % if player_id != '-':
- <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${nick|n}</a></td>
- % else:
- <td class="no-stretch">${nick}</td>
- % endif
- <td>${alivetime}</td>
+ <td>${tp.rank}</td>
+ <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('player_info', id=tp.player_id)}" title="Go to the player info page for this player">${tp.nick|n}</a></td>
+ <td>${tp.alivetime}</td>
- <% i = i+1 %>
% endfor
+ ${empty_rows(top_players, 10)}
- <% i = 1 %>
- % for (map_id, name, count) in top_maps:
+ % for tm in top_maps:
- <td>${i}</td>
- % if map_id != '-':
- <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('map_info', id=map_id)}" title="Go to the map info page for ${name}">${name}</a></td>
- % else:
- <td class="no-stretch">${name}</td>
- % endif
- <td>${count}</td>
+ <td>${tm.rank}</td>
+ <td class="no-stretch"><a href="${request.route_url('map_info', id=tm.map_id)}" title="Go to the map info page for ${tm.name}">${tm.name}</a></td>
+ <td>${tm.times_played}</td>
- <% i = i+1 %>
% endfor
+ ${empty_rows(top_maps, 10)}
import logging
import sqlalchemy.sql.functions as func
import sqlalchemy.sql.expression as expr
+from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
+from sqlalchemy import func as fg
from webhelpers.paginate import Page
from xonstat.models import DBSession, Player, Server, Map, Game, PlayerGameStat
from xonstat.util import page_url, html_colors
def raw(self):
"""Returns the raw data shared by all renderers."""
- top_maps_q = DBSession.query(Game.map_id, Map.name, func.count())\
+ top_maps_q = DBSession.query(
+ fg.row_number().over(order_by=expr.desc(func.count())).label("rank"),
+ Game.map_id, Map.name, func.count().label("times_played"))\
.filter(Game.create_dt > (self.now - timedelta(days=self.lifetime)))\
top_maps_q = top_maps_q.limit(self.limit)
top_maps = top_maps_q.all()
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(e)
raise HTTPNotFound
return top_maps
+ def html(self):
+ """Returns the HTML-ready representation."""
+ return self.top_maps
def json(self):
"""For rendering this data using JSON."""
top_maps = [{
+ "rank": tm.rank,
"map_id": tm.map_id,
"map_name": tm.name,
- "times_played": tm[2],
+ "times_played": tm.times_played,
} for tm in self.top_maps]
return top_maps
def raw(self):
"""Top scorers on this server by total score."""
- top_scorers_q = DBSession.query(Player.player_id, Player.nick,
- func.sum(PlayerGameStat.score))\
+ top_scorers_q = DBSession.query(
+ fg.row_number().over(
+ order_by=expr.desc(func.sum(PlayerGameStat.score))).label("rank"),
+ Player.player_id, Player.nick,
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.score).label("total_score"))\
.filter(Player.player_id == PlayerGameStat.player_id)\
.filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id)\
.filter(Game.server_id == self.server_id)\
top_scorers = top_scorers_q.all()
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(e)
raise HTTPNotFound
return top_scorers
+ def html(self):
+ """Returns an HTML-ready representation."""
+ TopScorer = namedtuple("TopScorer", ["rank", "player_id", "nick", "total_score"])
+ top_scorers = [TopScorer(ts.rank, ts.player_id, html_colors(ts.nick), ts.total_score)
+ for ts in self.top_scorers]
+ return top_scorers
def json(self):
"""For rendering this data using JSON."""
top_scorers = [{
+ "rank": ts.rank,
"player_id": ts.player_id,
"nick": ts.nick,
- "score": ts[2],
+ "score": ts.total_score,
} for ts in self.top_scorers]
return top_scorers
def raw(self):
"""Top players on this server by total playing time."""
- top_players_q = DBSession.query(Player.player_id, Player.nick,
- func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime))\
+ top_players_q = DBSession.query(
+ fg.row_number().over(
+ order_by=expr.desc(func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime))).label("rank"),
+ Player.player_id, Player.nick,
+ func.sum(PlayerGameStat.alivetime).label("alivetime"))\
.filter(Player.player_id == PlayerGameStat.player_id)\
.filter(Game.game_id == PlayerGameStat.game_id)\
.filter(Game.server_id == self.server_id)\
top_players = top_players_q.all()
- except:
+ except Exception as e:
+ log.debug(e)
raise HTTPNotFound
return top_players
+ def html(self):
+ """Returns the HTML-ready representation."""
+ TopPlayer = namedtuple("TopPlayer", ["rank", "player_id", "nick", "alivetime"])
+ top_players = [TopPlayer(tp.rank, tp.player_id, html_colors(tp.nick), tp.alivetime)
+ for tp in self.top_players]
+ return top_players
def json(self):
"""For rendering this data using JSON."""
top_players = [{
+ "rank": ts.rank,
"player_id": ts.player_id,
"nick": ts.nick,
- "time": ts[2].total_seconds(),
+ "time": ts.alivetime.total_seconds(),
} for ts in self.top_players]
return top_players
def html(self):
"""For rendering this data using something HTML-based."""
- server_info = self.raw()
- # convert the nick into HTML for both scorers and players
- server_info["top_scorers"] = [(player_id, html_colors(nick), score)
- for (player_id, nick, score) in server_info["top_scorers"]]
- server_info["top_players"] = [(player_id, html_colors(nick), score)
- for (player_id, nick, score) in server_info["top_players"]]
- return server_info
+ return {
+ 'server': self.server,
+ 'top_players': self.top_players_v.html(),
+ 'top_scorers': self.top_scorers_v.html(),
+ 'top_maps': self.top_maps_v.html(),
+ 'recent_games': self.recent_games,
+ }
def json(self):
"""For rendering this data using JSON."""