scr_loadingscreen_scale 999
scr_loadingscreen_scale_base 1
scr_loadingscreen_scale_limit 2
+// other config files
+exec effects-normal.cfg
+exec crosshairs.cfg
+exec notifications.cfg
+seta cl_physics "default" "client selected physics set"
+// hud cvar descriptions and common settings
+exec _hud_common.cfg
+exec _hud_descriptions.cfg
+// exec the default skin config
+// please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud_config.qc for consistency
+exec hud_luma.cfg
set g_mod_physics "" "Current physics config name"
set g_mod_balance "" "Current balance config name"
set g_mod_config "" "Current config mod name"
+// other config files
+exec balance-xonotic.cfg
+exec physicsX.cfg
+exec turrets.cfg
+exec mutators.cfg
+exec monsters.cfg
+exec minigames.cfg
+exec physics.cfg
snd_identicalsoundrandomization_time -0.1
snd_identicalsoundrandomization_tics 1
-// other config files
-exec balance-xonotic.cfg
-exec effects-normal.cfg
-exec physicsX.cfg
-exec turrets.cfg
-exec crosshairs.cfg
+// FIXME contains both client and server
exec gamemodes.cfg
-exec mutators.cfg
-exec notifications.cfg
-exec monsters.cfg
-exec minigames.cfg
-exec physics.cfg
// load console command aliases and settings
exec commands.cfg
-// hud cvar descriptions and common settings
-exec _hud_common.cfg
-exec _hud_descriptions.cfg
-// exec the default skin config
-// please add any new cvars into the hud_save script in qcsrc/client/hud_config.qc for consistency
-exec hud_luma.cfg
// ... and now that everything is configured/aliased, we can do some things:
// Change g_start_delay based upon if the server is local or not.
// ==============
// Main options
// ==============
-seta cl_physics "default" "client selected physics set"
set g_physics_clientselect 0 "allow clients to select their physics set"
set g_physics_clientselect_options "xonotic nexuiz quake warsow defrag quake3 vecxis quake2 bones"
set g_physics_clientselect_default "" "override default physics"