shockwave.sw_time = time;
-.vector beam_color;
-.float beam_alpha;
-.float beam_thickness;
-.float beam_traileffect;
-.float beam_hiteffect;
-.float beam_hitlight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb
-.float beam_muzzleeffect;
-.float beam_muzzlelight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb
-.string beam_image;
-.entity beam_muzzleentity;
-.float beam_degreespersegment;
-.float beam_distancepersegment;
-.float beam_usevieworigin;
-.float beam_initialized;
-.float beam_maxangle;
-.float beam_range;
-.float beam_returnspeed;
-.float beam_tightness;
-.vector beam_shotorigin;
-.vector beam_dir;
-entity Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir;
-float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist;
-float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top;
-vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom;
-void Draw_ArcBeam_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end)
- entity beam = Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity;
- vector transformed_view_org;
- transformed_view_org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin);
- vector thickdir = normalize(cross(normalize(start - hit), transformed_view_org - start));
- vector hitorigin;
- // draw segment
- #if 0
- if(trace_fraction != 1)
- {
- // calculate our own hit origin as trace_endpos tends to jump around annoyingly (to player origin?)
- hitorigin = start + (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist * trace_fraction);
- hitorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, hitorigin);
- }
- else
- {
- hitorigin = hit;
- }
- #else
- hitorigin = hit;
- #endif
- // decide upon thickness
- float thickness = beam.beam_thickness;
- // draw primary beam render
- vector top = hitorigin + (thickdir * thickness);
- vector bottom = hitorigin - (thickdir * thickness);
- //vector last_top = start + (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
- //vector last_bottom = start - (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
- R_BeginPolygon(beam.beam_image, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE
- R_PolygonVertex(
- top,
- '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
- beam.beam_color,
- beam.beam_alpha
- );
- R_PolygonVertex(
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top,
- '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
- beam.beam_color,
- beam.beam_alpha
- );
- R_PolygonVertex(
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom,
- '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
- beam.beam_color,
- beam.beam_alpha
- );
- R_PolygonVertex(
- bottom,
- '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
- beam.beam_color,
- beam.beam_alpha
- );
- R_EndPolygon();
- // draw trailing particles
- // NOTES:
- // - Don't use spammy particle counts here, use a FEW small particles around the beam
- // - We're not using WarpZone_TrailParticles here because we will handle warpzones ourselves.
- if(beam.beam_traileffect)
- {
- trailparticles(beam, beam.beam_traileffect, start, hitorigin);
- }
- // set up for the next
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = thickness;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = top;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = bottom;
-void Draw_ArcBeam()
- if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
- {
- InterpolateOrigin_Do();
- }
- // origin = beam starting origin
- // v_angle = wanted/aim direction
- // angles = current direction of beam
- vector start_pos;
- vector wantdir; //= view_forward;
- vector beamdir; //= self.beam_dir;
- float segments;
- if(self.beam_usevieworigin)
- {
- // Currently we have to replicate nearly the same method of figuring
- // out the shotdir that the server does... Ideally in the future we
- // should be able to acquire this from a generalized function built
- // into a weapon system for client code.
- // find where we are aiming
- makevectors(view_angles);
- // decide upon start position
- if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2)
- { start_pos = view_origin; }
- else
- { start_pos = self.origin; }
- // trace forward with an estimation
- WarpZone_TraceLine(
- start_pos,
- start_pos + view_forward * self.beam_range,
- self
- );
- // untransform in case our trace went through a warpzone
- vector vf, vr, vu;
- vf = view_forward;
- vr = view_right;
- vu = view_up;
- vector shothitpos = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support
- view_forward = vf;
- view_right = vr;
- view_up = vu;
- // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close
- if(vlen(shothitpos - view_origin) < g_trueaim_minrange)
- shothitpos = view_origin + (view_forward * g_trueaim_minrange);
- // move shot origin to the actual gun muzzle origin
- vector origin_offset =
- view_forward * self.beam_shotorigin_x
- + view_right * -self.beam_shotorigin_y
- + view_up * self.beam_shotorigin_z;
- start_pos = start_pos + origin_offset;
- // calculate the aim direction now
- wantdir = normalize(shothitpos - start_pos);
- if(!self.beam_initialized)
- {
- self.beam_dir = wantdir;
- self.beam_initialized = TRUE;
- }
- if(self.beam_dir != wantdir)
- {
- // calculate how much we're going to move the end of the beam to the want position
- // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
- // blendfactor never actually becomes 0 in this situation, which is a problem
- // regarding precision... this means that self.beam_dir and w_shotdir approach
- // eachother, however they never actually become the same value with this method.
- // Perhaps we should do some form of rounding/snapping?
- float angle = vlen(wantdir - self.beam_dir) * RAD2DEG;
- if(angle && (angle > self.beam_maxangle))
- {
- // if the angle is greater than maxangle, force the blendfactor to make this the maximum factor
- float blendfactor = bound(
- 0,
- (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)),
- min(self.beam_maxangle / angle, 1)
- );
- self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor));
- }
- else
- {
- // the radius is not too far yet, no worries :D
- float blendfactor = bound(
- 0,
- (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)),
- 1
- );
- self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor));
- }
- // calculate how many segments are needed
- float max_allowed_segments;
- if(self.beam_distancepersegment)
- {
- max_allowed_segments = min(
- 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment))
- );
- }
- else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; }
- if(self.beam_degreespersegment)
- {
- segments = bound(
- 1,
- (
- min(
- angle,
- self.beam_maxangle
- )
- /
- self.beam_degreespersegment
- ),
- max_allowed_segments
- );
- }
- else { segments = 1; }
- }
- else { segments = 1; }
- // set the beam direction which the rest of the code will refer to
- beamdir = self.beam_dir;
- // finally, set self.angles to the proper direction so that muzzle attachment points in proper direction
- self.angles = fixedvectoangles2(view_forward, view_up);
- }
- else
- {
- // set the values from the provided info from the networked entity
- start_pos = self.origin;
- wantdir = self.v_angle;
- beamdir = self.angles;
- if(beamdir != wantdir)
- {
- float angle = vlen(wantdir - beamdir) * RAD2DEG;
- // calculate how many segments are needed
- float max_allowed_segments;
- if(self.beam_distancepersegment)
- {
- max_allowed_segments = min(
- 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment))
- );
- }
- else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; }
- if(self.beam_degreespersegment)
- {
- segments = bound(
- 1,
- (
- min(
- angle,
- self.beam_maxangle
- )
- /
- self.beam_degreespersegment
- ),
- max_allowed_segments
- );
- }
- else { segments = 1; }
- }
- else { segments = 1; }
- }
- setorigin(self, start_pos);
- self.beam_muzzleentity.angles_z = random() * 360; // WEAPONTODO: use avelocity instead?
- vector beam_endpos_estimate = (start_pos + (beamdir * self.beam_range));
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = self;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = start_pos;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = start_pos;
- vector last_origin = start_pos;
- float i;
- for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i)
- {
- // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
- // Segment blend and distance should probably really be calculated in a better way,
- // however I am not sure how to do it properly. There are a few things I have tried,
- // but most of them do not work properly due to my lack of understanding regarding
- // the mathematics behind them.
- // Ideally, we should calculate the positions along a perfect curve
- // between wantdir and self.beam_dir with an option for depth of arc
- // Another issue is that (on the client code) we must separate the
- // curve into multiple rendered curves when handling warpzones.
- // I can handle this by detecting it for each segment, however that
- // is a fairly inefficient method in comparison to having a curved line
- // drawing function similar to Draw_CylindricLine that accepts
- // top and bottom origins as input, this way there would be no
- // overlapping edges when connecting the curved pieces.
- // WEAPONTODO (client):
- // In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always
- // have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when
- // keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments
- // drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially)
- // calculate this on every segment to ensure that we always reach the full length of the attack
- float segmentblend = bound(0, (i/segments) + self.beam_tightness, 1);
- float segmentdist = vlen(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * (i/segments);
- // WEAPONTODO: Apparently, normalize is not the correct function to use here...
- // Figure out how this actually should work.
- vector new_dir = normalize(
- (wantdir * (1 - segmentblend))
- +
- (normalize(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * segmentblend)
- );
- vector new_origin = last_origin + (new_dir * segmentdist);
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = segmentdist;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = new_dir;
- WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(
- last_origin,
- '0 0 0',
- '0 0 0',
- new_origin,
- world,
- world,
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback
- );
- //printf("segment: %d, warpzone transform: %d\n", i, (WarpZone_trace_transform != world));
- // Figure out some way to detect a collision with geometry with callback...
- // That way we can know when we are done drawing the beam and skip
- // the rest of the segments without breaking warpzone support.
- last_origin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, new_origin);
- beam_endpos_estimate = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos_estimate);
- }
- // startpoint and endpoint drawn visual effects
- if(self.beam_hiteffect)
- {
- pointparticles(
- self.beam_hiteffect,
- last_origin,
- beamdir * -1,
- frametime * 2
- );
- }
- if(self.beam_hitlight[0])
- {
- adddynamiclight(
- last_origin,
- self.beam_hitlight[0],
- vec3(
- self.beam_hitlight[1],
- self.beam_hitlight[2],
- self.beam_hitlight[3]
- )
- );
- }
- if(self.beam_muzzleeffect)
- {
- pointparticles(
- self.beam_muzzleeffect,
- start_pos + wantdir * 20,
- wantdir * 1000,
- frametime * 0.1
- );
- }
- if(self.beam_muzzlelight[0])
- {
- adddynamiclight(
- start_pos + wantdir * 20,
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0],
- vec3(
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1],
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2],
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3]
- )
- );
- }
- // cleanup
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = world;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = '0 0 0';
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = 0;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = '0 0 0';
- Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = '0 0 0';
-void Remove_ArcBeam(void)
- remove(self.beam_muzzleentity);
- sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
-void Ent_ReadArcBeam(float isnew)
- float sf = ReadByte();
- entity flash;
- if(isnew)
- {
- // calculate shot origin offset from gun alignment
- float gunalign = autocvar_cl_gunalign;
- if(gunalign != 1 && gunalign != 2 && gunalign != 4)
- gunalign = 3; // default value
- --gunalign;
- self.beam_shotorigin = arc_shotorigin[gunalign];
- // set other main attributes of the beam
- self.draw = Draw_ArcBeam;
- self.entremove = Remove_ArcBeam;
- sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/lgbeam_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
- flash = spawn();
- flash.owner = self;
- flash.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT;
- flash.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
- flash.solid = SOLID_NOT;
- setattachment(flash, self, "");
- setorigin(flash, '0 0 0');
- self.beam_muzzleentity = flash;
- }
- else
- {
- flash = self.beam_muzzleentity;
- }
- if(sf & 1) // settings information
- {
- self.beam_degreespersegment = ReadShort();
- self.beam_distancepersegment = ReadShort();
- self.beam_maxangle = ReadShort();
- self.beam_range = ReadCoord();
- self.beam_returnspeed = ReadShort();
- self.beam_tightness = (ReadByte() / 10);
- if(ReadByte())
- {
- if(autocvar_chase_active)
- { self.beam_usevieworigin = 1; }
- else // use view origin
- { self.beam_usevieworigin = 2; }
- }
- else
- {
- self.beam_usevieworigin = 0;
- }
- }
- if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
- {
- // self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN | IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_V_ANGLE; // why doesn't this work?
- self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN;
- InterpolateOrigin_Undo();
- }
- if(sf & 2) // starting location
- {
- self.origin_x = ReadCoord();
- self.origin_y = ReadCoord();
- self.origin_z = ReadCoord();
- }
- else if(self.beam_usevieworigin) // infer the location from player location
- {
- if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2)
- {
- // use view origin
- self.origin = view_origin;
- }
- else
- {
- // use player origin so that third person display still works
- self.origin = getplayerorigin(player_localnum) + ('0 0 1' * getstati(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT));
- }
- }
- setorigin(self, self.origin);
- if(sf & 4) // want/aim direction
- {
- self.v_angle_x = ReadCoord();
- self.v_angle_y = ReadCoord();
- self.v_angle_z = ReadCoord();
- }
- if(sf & 8) // beam direction
- {
- self.angles_x = ReadCoord();
- self.angles_y = ReadCoord();
- self.angles_z = ReadCoord();
- }
- if(sf & 16) // beam type
- {
- self.beam_type = ReadByte();
- switch(self.beam_type)
- {
- case ARC_BT_MISS:
- {
- self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 8;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- case ARC_BT_WALL: // grenadelauncher_muzzleflash healray_muzzleflash
- {
- self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 8;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; // particleeffectnum("grenadelauncher_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- case ARC_BT_HEAL:
- {
- self.beam_color = '0 1 0';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 8;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("healray_impact");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- case ARC_BT_HIT:
- {
- self.beam_color = '1 0 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 8;
- self.beam_traileffect = particleeffectnum("nex_beam");
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 20;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 50;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 0;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- {
- self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 14;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- {
- self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 14;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- {
- self.beam_color = '0 1 0';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 14;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- {
- self.beam_color = '1 0 1';
- self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
- self.beam_thickness = 14;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- // shouldn't be possible, but lets make it colorful if it does :D
- default:
- {
- self.beam_color = randomvec();
- self.beam_alpha = 1;
- self.beam_thickness = 8;
- self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hiteffect = FALSE;
- self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
- self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
- self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
- self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
- setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
- flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
- flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
- flash.scale = 0.5;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
- {
- InterpolateOrigin_Note();
- }
.float beam_initialized;
.float beam_bursting;
+#ifdef CSQC
+void Ent_ReadArcBeam(float isnew);
#ifdef SVQC
void spawnfunc_weapon_arc(void) { weapon_defaultspawnfunc(WEP_ARC); }
#ifdef CSQC
+.vector beam_color;
+.float beam_alpha;
+.float beam_thickness;
+.float beam_traileffect;
+.float beam_hiteffect;
+.float beam_hitlight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb
+.float beam_muzzleeffect;
+.float beam_muzzlelight[4]; // 0: radius, 123: rgb
+.string beam_image;
+.entity beam_muzzleentity;
+.float beam_degreespersegment;
+.float beam_distancepersegment;
+.float beam_usevieworigin;
+.float beam_initialized;
+.float beam_maxangle;
+.float beam_range;
+.float beam_returnspeed;
+.float beam_tightness;
+.vector beam_shotorigin;
+.vector beam_dir;
+entity Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity;
+vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir;
+float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist;
+float Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness;
+vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top;
+vector Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom;
+void Draw_ArcBeam_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end)
+ entity beam = Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity;
+ vector transformed_view_org;
+ transformed_view_org = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin);
+ vector thickdir = normalize(cross(normalize(start - hit), transformed_view_org - start));
+ vector hitorigin;
+ // draw segment
+ #if 0
+ if(trace_fraction != 1)
+ {
+ // calculate our own hit origin as trace_endpos tends to jump around annoyingly (to player origin?)
+ hitorigin = start + (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist * trace_fraction);
+ hitorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, hitorigin);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hitorigin = hit;
+ }
+ #else
+ hitorigin = hit;
+ #endif
+ // decide upon thickness
+ float thickness = beam.beam_thickness;
+ // draw primary beam render
+ vector top = hitorigin + (thickdir * thickness);
+ vector bottom = hitorigin - (thickdir * thickness);
+ //vector last_top = start + (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
+ //vector last_bottom = start - (thickdir * Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness);
+ R_BeginPolygon(beam.beam_image, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE
+ R_PolygonVertex(
+ top,
+ '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
+ beam.beam_color,
+ beam.beam_alpha
+ );
+ R_PolygonVertex(
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top,
+ '0 0.5 0' + ('0 0.5 0' * (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
+ beam.beam_color,
+ beam.beam_alpha
+ );
+ R_PolygonVertex(
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom,
+ '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
+ beam.beam_color,
+ beam.beam_alpha
+ );
+ R_PolygonVertex(
+ bottom,
+ '0 0.5 0' * (1 - (thickness / beam.beam_thickness)),
+ beam.beam_color,
+ beam.beam_alpha
+ );
+ R_EndPolygon();
+ // draw trailing particles
+ // NOTES:
+ // - Don't use spammy particle counts here, use a FEW small particles around the beam
+ // - We're not using WarpZone_TrailParticles here because we will handle warpzones ourselves.
+ if(beam.beam_traileffect)
+ {
+ trailparticles(beam, beam.beam_traileffect, start, hitorigin);
+ }
+ // set up for the next
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = thickness;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = top;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = bottom;
+void Draw_ArcBeam()
+ if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
+ {
+ InterpolateOrigin_Do();
+ }
+ // origin = beam starting origin
+ // v_angle = wanted/aim direction
+ // angles = current direction of beam
+ vector start_pos;
+ vector wantdir; //= view_forward;
+ vector beamdir; //= self.beam_dir;
+ float segments;
+ if(self.beam_usevieworigin)
+ {
+ // Currently we have to replicate nearly the same method of figuring
+ // out the shotdir that the server does... Ideally in the future we
+ // should be able to acquire this from a generalized function built
+ // into a weapon system for client code.
+ // find where we are aiming
+ makevectors(view_angles);
+ // decide upon start position
+ if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2)
+ { start_pos = view_origin; }
+ else
+ { start_pos = self.origin; }
+ // trace forward with an estimation
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(
+ start_pos,
+ start_pos + view_forward * self.beam_range,
+ self
+ );
+ // untransform in case our trace went through a warpzone
+ vector vf, vr, vu;
+ vf = view_forward;
+ vr = view_right;
+ vu = view_up;
+ vector shothitpos = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support
+ view_forward = vf;
+ view_right = vr;
+ view_up = vu;
+ // un-adjust trueaim if shotend is too close
+ if(vlen(shothitpos - view_origin) < g_trueaim_minrange)
+ shothitpos = view_origin + (view_forward * g_trueaim_minrange);
+ // move shot origin to the actual gun muzzle origin
+ vector origin_offset =
+ view_forward * self.beam_shotorigin_x
+ + view_right * -self.beam_shotorigin_y
+ + view_up * self.beam_shotorigin_z;
+ start_pos = start_pos + origin_offset;
+ // calculate the aim direction now
+ wantdir = normalize(shothitpos - start_pos);
+ if(!self.beam_initialized)
+ {
+ self.beam_dir = wantdir;
+ self.beam_initialized = TRUE;
+ }
+ if(self.beam_dir != wantdir)
+ {
+ // calculate how much we're going to move the end of the beam to the want position
+ // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
+ // blendfactor never actually becomes 0 in this situation, which is a problem
+ // regarding precision... this means that self.beam_dir and w_shotdir approach
+ // eachother, however they never actually become the same value with this method.
+ // Perhaps we should do some form of rounding/snapping?
+ float angle = vlen(wantdir - self.beam_dir) * RAD2DEG;
+ if(angle && (angle > self.beam_maxangle))
+ {
+ // if the angle is greater than maxangle, force the blendfactor to make this the maximum factor
+ float blendfactor = bound(
+ 0,
+ (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)),
+ min(self.beam_maxangle / angle, 1)
+ );
+ self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the radius is not too far yet, no worries :D
+ float blendfactor = bound(
+ 0,
+ (1 - (self.beam_returnspeed * frametime)),
+ 1
+ );
+ self.beam_dir = normalize((wantdir * (1 - blendfactor)) + (self.beam_dir * blendfactor));
+ }
+ // calculate how many segments are needed
+ float max_allowed_segments;
+ if(self.beam_distancepersegment)
+ {
+ max_allowed_segments = min(
+ 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment))
+ );
+ }
+ else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; }
+ if(self.beam_degreespersegment)
+ {
+ segments = bound(
+ 1,
+ (
+ min(
+ angle,
+ self.beam_maxangle
+ )
+ /
+ self.beam_degreespersegment
+ ),
+ max_allowed_segments
+ );
+ }
+ else { segments = 1; }
+ }
+ else { segments = 1; }
+ // set the beam direction which the rest of the code will refer to
+ beamdir = self.beam_dir;
+ // finally, set self.angles to the proper direction so that muzzle attachment points in proper direction
+ self.angles = fixedvectoangles2(view_forward, view_up);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // set the values from the provided info from the networked entity
+ start_pos = self.origin;
+ wantdir = self.v_angle;
+ beamdir = self.angles;
+ if(beamdir != wantdir)
+ {
+ float angle = vlen(wantdir - beamdir) * RAD2DEG;
+ // calculate how many segments are needed
+ float max_allowed_segments;
+ if(self.beam_distancepersegment)
+ {
+ max_allowed_segments = min(
+ 1 + (vlen(wantdir / self.beam_distancepersegment))
+ );
+ }
+ else { max_allowed_segments = ARC_MAX_SEGMENTS; }
+ if(self.beam_degreespersegment)
+ {
+ segments = bound(
+ 1,
+ (
+ min(
+ angle,
+ self.beam_maxangle
+ )
+ /
+ self.beam_degreespersegment
+ ),
+ max_allowed_segments
+ );
+ }
+ else { segments = 1; }
+ }
+ else { segments = 1; }
+ }
+ setorigin(self, start_pos);
+ self.beam_muzzleentity.angles_z = random() * 360; // WEAPONTODO: use avelocity instead?
+ vector beam_endpos_estimate = (start_pos + (beamdir * self.beam_range));
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = self;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = start_pos;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = start_pos;
+ vector last_origin = start_pos;
+ float i;
+ for(i = 1; i <= segments; ++i)
+ {
+ // WEAPONTODO (server and client):
+ // Segment blend and distance should probably really be calculated in a better way,
+ // however I am not sure how to do it properly. There are a few things I have tried,
+ // but most of them do not work properly due to my lack of understanding regarding
+ // the mathematics behind them.
+ // Ideally, we should calculate the positions along a perfect curve
+ // between wantdir and self.beam_dir with an option for depth of arc
+ // Another issue is that (on the client code) we must separate the
+ // curve into multiple rendered curves when handling warpzones.
+ // I can handle this by detecting it for each segment, however that
+ // is a fairly inefficient method in comparison to having a curved line
+ // drawing function similar to Draw_CylindricLine that accepts
+ // top and bottom origins as input, this way there would be no
+ // overlapping edges when connecting the curved pieces.
+ // WEAPONTODO (client):
+ // In order to do nice fading and pointing on the starting segment, we must always
+ // have that drawn as a separate triangle... However, that is difficult to do when
+ // keeping in mind the above problems and also optimizing the amount of segments
+ // drawn on screen at any given time. (Automatic beam quality scaling, essentially)
+ // calculate this on every segment to ensure that we always reach the full length of the attack
+ float segmentblend = bound(0, (i/segments) + self.beam_tightness, 1);
+ float segmentdist = vlen(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * (i/segments);
+ // WEAPONTODO: Apparently, normalize is not the correct function to use here...
+ // Figure out how this actually should work.
+ vector new_dir = normalize(
+ (wantdir * (1 - segmentblend))
+ +
+ (normalize(beam_endpos_estimate - last_origin) * segmentblend)
+ );
+ vector new_origin = last_origin + (new_dir * segmentdist);
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = segmentdist;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = new_dir;
+ WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(
+ last_origin,
+ '0 0 0',
+ '0 0 0',
+ new_origin,
+ world,
+ world,
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback
+ );
+ //printf("segment: %d, warpzone transform: %d\n", i, (WarpZone_trace_transform != world));
+ // Figure out some way to detect a collision with geometry with callback...
+ // That way we can know when we are done drawing the beam and skip
+ // the rest of the segments without breaking warpzone support.
+ last_origin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, new_origin);
+ beam_endpos_estimate = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, beam_endpos_estimate);
+ }
+ // startpoint and endpoint drawn visual effects
+ if(self.beam_hiteffect)
+ {
+ pointparticles(
+ self.beam_hiteffect,
+ last_origin,
+ beamdir * -1,
+ frametime * 2
+ );
+ }
+ if(self.beam_hitlight[0])
+ {
+ adddynamiclight(
+ last_origin,
+ self.beam_hitlight[0],
+ vec3(
+ self.beam_hitlight[1],
+ self.beam_hitlight[2],
+ self.beam_hitlight[3]
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ if(self.beam_muzzleeffect)
+ {
+ pointparticles(
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect,
+ start_pos + wantdir * 20,
+ wantdir * 1000,
+ frametime * 0.1
+ );
+ }
+ if(self.beam_muzzlelight[0])
+ {
+ adddynamiclight(
+ start_pos + wantdir * 20,
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0],
+ vec3(
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1],
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2],
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3]
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ // cleanup
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_entity = world;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_new_dir = '0 0 0';
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_segmentdist = 0;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_thickness = 0;
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_top = '0 0 0';
+ Draw_ArcBeam_callback_last_bottom = '0 0 0';
+void Remove_ArcBeam(void)
+ remove(self.beam_muzzleentity);
+ sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+void Ent_ReadArcBeam(float isnew)
+ float sf = ReadByte();
+ entity flash;
+ if(isnew)
+ {
+ // calculate shot origin offset from gun alignment
+ float gunalign = autocvar_cl_gunalign;
+ if(gunalign != 1 && gunalign != 2 && gunalign != 4)
+ gunalign = 3; // default value
+ --gunalign;
+ self.beam_shotorigin = arc_shotorigin[gunalign];
+ // set other main attributes of the beam
+ self.draw = Draw_ArcBeam;
+ self.entremove = Remove_ArcBeam;
+ sound(self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, "weapons/lgbeam_fly.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM);
+ flash = spawn();
+ flash.owner = self;
+ flash.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT;
+ flash.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL;
+ flash.solid = SOLID_NOT;
+ setattachment(flash, self, "");
+ setorigin(flash, '0 0 0');
+ self.beam_muzzleentity = flash;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ flash = self.beam_muzzleentity;
+ }
+ if(sf & 1) // settings information
+ {
+ self.beam_degreespersegment = ReadShort();
+ self.beam_distancepersegment = ReadShort();
+ self.beam_maxangle = ReadShort();
+ self.beam_range = ReadCoord();
+ self.beam_returnspeed = ReadShort();
+ self.beam_tightness = (ReadByte() / 10);
+ if(ReadByte())
+ {
+ if(autocvar_chase_active)
+ { self.beam_usevieworigin = 1; }
+ else // use view origin
+ { self.beam_usevieworigin = 2; }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ self.beam_usevieworigin = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
+ {
+ // self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN | IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_V_ANGLE; // why doesn't this work?
+ self.iflags = IFLAG_ORIGIN;
+ InterpolateOrigin_Undo();
+ }
+ if(sf & 2) // starting location
+ {
+ self.origin_x = ReadCoord();
+ self.origin_y = ReadCoord();
+ self.origin_z = ReadCoord();
+ }
+ else if(self.beam_usevieworigin) // infer the location from player location
+ {
+ if(self.beam_usevieworigin == 2)
+ {
+ // use view origin
+ self.origin = view_origin;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // use player origin so that third person display still works
+ self.origin = getplayerorigin(player_localnum) + ('0 0 1' * getstati(STAT_VIEWHEIGHT));
+ }
+ }
+ setorigin(self, self.origin);
+ if(sf & 4) // want/aim direction
+ {
+ self.v_angle_x = ReadCoord();
+ self.v_angle_y = ReadCoord();
+ self.v_angle_z = ReadCoord();
+ }
+ if(sf & 8) // beam direction
+ {
+ self.angles_x = ReadCoord();
+ self.angles_y = ReadCoord();
+ self.angles_z = ReadCoord();
+ }
+ if(sf & 16) // beam type
+ {
+ self.beam_type = ReadByte();
+ switch(self.beam_type)
+ {
+ case ARC_BT_MISS:
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 8;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ARC_BT_WALL: // grenadelauncher_muzzleflash healray_muzzleflash
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 8;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; // particleeffectnum("grenadelauncher_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ARC_BT_HEAL:
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '0 1 0';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 8;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("healray_impact");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ case ARC_BT_HIT:
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '1 0 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 8;
+ self.beam_traileffect = particleeffectnum("nex_beam");
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 20;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 50;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 0;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '-1 -1 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 14;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '0.5 0.5 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 14;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '0 1 0';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 14;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ self.beam_color = '1 0 1';
+ self.beam_alpha = 0.5;
+ self.beam_thickness = 14;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = particleeffectnum("electro_lightning");
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ // shouldn't be possible, but lets make it colorful if it does :D
+ default:
+ {
+ self.beam_color = randomvec();
+ self.beam_alpha = 1;
+ self.beam_thickness = 8;
+ self.beam_traileffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hiteffect = FALSE;
+ self.beam_hitlight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_hitlight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_hitlight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzleeffect = FALSE; //particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash");
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[0] = 0;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[1] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[2] = 1;
+ self.beam_muzzlelight[3] = 1;
+ self.beam_image = "particles/lgbeam";
+ setmodel(flash, "models/flash.md3");
+ flash.alpha = self.beam_alpha;
+ flash.colormod = self.beam_color;
+ flash.scale = 0.5;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!self.beam_usevieworigin)
+ {
+ InterpolateOrigin_Note();
+ }
float W_Arc(float req)