//self = self.owner;
setorigin(self,self.owner.origin + v_forward * 32);
- RadiusDamage(self, self.owner, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage,autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage,16,self, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_force,DEATH_TURRET,world);
- //float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+ RadiusDamage(self, self.owner, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage,autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_damage,16,self, world, autocvar_g_monster_zombie_attack_stand_force,DEATH_TURRET,world);
+ //float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
//self = oldself;
setorigin(e2, org);
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("rocket_explode"), org, '0 0 0', 1);
sound(e2, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/rocket_impact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- RadiusDamage(e2, e, 1000, 0, 128, e, 500, DEATH_CHEAT, world);
+ RadiusDamage(e2, e, 1000, 0, 128, e, world, 500, DEATH_CHEAT, world);
print("404 Sportsmanship not found.\n");
entity e;
e = spawn();
setorigin(e, org);
- RadiusDamage(e, world, g_touchexplode_damage, g_touchexplode_edgedamage, g_touchexplode_radius, world, g_touchexplode_force, DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE, world);
+ RadiusDamage(e, world, g_touchexplode_damage, g_touchexplode_edgedamage, g_touchexplode_radius, world, world, g_touchexplode_force, DEATH_TOUCHEXPLODE, world);
sound (self, CH_TRIGGER, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
- RadiusDamage(self, activator, self.dmg, self.dmg_edge, self.dmg_radius, self, self.dmg_force, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, world);
+ RadiusDamage(self, activator, self.dmg, self.dmg_edge, self.dmg_radius, self, world, self.dmg_force, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, world);
pointparticles(self.cnt, self.absmin * 0.5 + self.absmax * 0.5, '0 0 0', self.count);
float RadiusDamage_running;
-float RadiusDamageForSource (entity inflictor, vector inflictororigin, vector inflictorvelocity, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float inflictorselfdamage, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+float RadiusDamageForSource (entity inflictor, vector inflictororigin, vector inflictorvelocity, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float inflictorselfdamage, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
// Returns total damage applies to creatures
entity targ;
next = targ.chain;
if ((targ != inflictor) || inflictorselfdamage)
- if (ignore != targ) if(targ.takedamage)
+ if (((cantbe != targ) && !mustbe) || (mustbe == targ))
+ if (targ.takedamage)
+ {
+ vector nearest;
+ vector diff;
+ float power;
+ // LordHavoc: measure distance to nearest point on target (not origin)
+ // (this guarentees 100% damage on a touch impact)
+ nearest = targ.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
+ diff = targ.WarpZone_findradius_dist;
+ // round up a little on the damage to ensure full damage on impacts
+ // and turn the distance into a fraction of the radius
+ power = 1 - ((vlen (diff) - bound(MIN_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, targ.damageextraradius, MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS)) / rad);
+ //bprint(" ");
+ //bprint(ftos(power));
+ //if (targ == attacker)
+ // print(ftos(power), "\n");
+ if (power > 0)
- vector nearest;
- vector diff;
- float power;
- // LordHavoc: measure distance to nearest point on target (not origin)
- // (this guarentees 100% damage on a touch impact)
- nearest = targ.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
- diff = targ.WarpZone_findradius_dist;
- // round up a little on the damage to ensure full damage on impacts
- // and turn the distance into a fraction of the radius
- power = 1 - ((vlen (diff) - bound(MIN_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS, targ.damageextraradius, MAX_DAMAGEEXTRARADIUS)) / rad);
- //bprint(" ");
- //bprint(ftos(power));
- //if (targ == attacker)
- // print(ftos(power), "\n");
- if (power > 0)
+ float finaldmg;
+ if (power > 1)
+ power = 1;
+ finaldmg = coredamage * power + edgedamage * (1 - power);
+ if (finaldmg > 0)
- float finaldmg;
- if (power > 1)
- power = 1;
- finaldmg = coredamage * power + edgedamage * (1 - power);
- if (finaldmg > 0)
- {
- float a;
- float c;
- vector hitloc;
- vector myblastorigin;
- vector center;
+ float a;
+ float c;
+ vector hitloc;
+ vector myblastorigin;
+ vector center;
- myblastorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(targ, inflictororigin);
+ myblastorigin = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(targ, inflictororigin);
- // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference
- if (targ.classname == "player")
- center = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
- else
- center = targ.origin + (targ.mins + targ.maxs) * 0.5;
+ // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference
+ if (targ.classname == "player")
+ center = targ.origin + targ.view_ofs;
+ else
+ center = targ.origin + (targ.mins + targ.maxs) * 0.5;
- force = normalize(center - myblastorigin);
- force = force * (finaldmg / coredamage) * forceintensity;
- hitloc = nearest;
+ force = normalize(center - myblastorigin);
+ force = force * (finaldmg / coredamage) * forceintensity;
+ hitloc = nearest;
- if(targ != directhitentity)
- {
- float hits;
- float total;
- float hitratio;
- float mininv_f, mininv_d;
+ if(targ != directhitentity)
+ {
+ float hits;
+ float total;
+ float hitratio;
+ float mininv_f, mininv_d;
- // test line of sight to multiple positions on box,
- // and do damage if any of them hit
- hits = 0;
+ // test line of sight to multiple positions on box,
+ // and do damage if any of them hit
+ hits = 0;
- // we know: max stddev of hitratio = 1 / (2 * sqrt(n))
- // so for a given max stddev:
- // n = (1 / (2 * max stddev of hitratio))^2
+ // we know: max stddev of hitratio = 1 / (2 * sqrt(n))
+ // so for a given max stddev:
+ // n = (1 / (2 * max stddev of hitratio))^2
- mininv_d = (finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_damage_max_stddev;
- mininv_f = (vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_force_max_stddev;
+ mininv_d = (finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_damage_max_stddev;
+ mininv_f = (vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce)) / autocvar_g_throughfloor_force_max_stddev;
- if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
- print(sprintf("THROUGHFLOOR: D=%f F=%f max(dD)=1/%f max(dF)=1/%f", finaldmg, vlen(force), mininv_d, mininv_f));
+ if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
+ print(sprintf("THROUGHFLOOR: D=%f F=%f max(dD)=1/%f max(dF)=1/%f", finaldmg, vlen(force), mininv_d, mininv_f));
- total = 0.25 * pow(max(mininv_f, mininv_d), 2);
+ total = 0.25 * pow(max(mininv_f, mininv_d), 2);
- if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
- print(sprintf(" steps=%f", total));
+ if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
+ print(sprintf(" steps=%f", total));
- if (targ.classname == "player")
- total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_player, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_player));
- else
- total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_other, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_other));
+ if (targ.classname == "player")
+ total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_player, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_player));
+ else
+ total = ceil(bound(autocvar_g_throughfloor_min_steps_other, total, autocvar_g_throughfloor_max_steps_other));
- if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
- print(sprintf(" steps=%f dD=%f dF=%f", total, finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg) / (2 * sqrt(total)), vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce) / (2 * sqrt(total))));
+ if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
+ print(sprintf(" steps=%f dD=%f dF=%f", total, finaldmg * (1-tfloordmg) / (2 * sqrt(total)), vlen(force) * (1-tfloorforce) / (2 * sqrt(total))));
- for(c = 0; c < total; ++c)
+ for(c = 0; c < total; ++c)
+ {
+ //traceline(targ.WarpZone_findradius_findorigin, nearest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(inflictororigin, WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(targ, nearest), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
+ if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == targ)
- //traceline(targ.WarpZone_findradius_findorigin, nearest, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
- WarpZone_TraceLine(inflictororigin, WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(targ, nearest), MOVE_NOMONSTERS, inflictor);
- if (trace_fraction == 1 || trace_ent == targ)
- {
- ++hits;
- if (hits > 1)
- hitloc = hitloc + nearest;
- else
- hitloc = nearest;
- }
- nearest_x = targ.origin_x + targ.mins_x + random() * targ.size_x;
- nearest_y = targ.origin_y + targ.mins_y + random() * targ.size_y;
- nearest_z = targ.origin_z + targ.mins_z + random() * targ.size_z;
+ ++hits;
+ if (hits > 1)
+ hitloc = hitloc + nearest;
+ else
+ hitloc = nearest;
+ nearest_x = targ.origin_x + targ.mins_x + random() * targ.size_x;
+ nearest_y = targ.origin_y + targ.mins_y + random() * targ.size_y;
+ nearest_z = targ.origin_z + targ.mins_z + random() * targ.size_z;
+ }
- nearest = hitloc * (1 / max(1, hits));
- hitratio = (hits / total);
- a = bound(0, tfloordmg + (1-tfloordmg) * hitratio, 1);
- finaldmg = finaldmg * a;
- a = bound(0, tfloorforce + (1-tfloorforce) * hitratio, 1);
- force = force * a;
+ nearest = hitloc * (1 / max(1, hits));
+ hitratio = (hits / total);
+ a = bound(0, tfloordmg + (1-tfloordmg) * hitratio, 1);
+ finaldmg = finaldmg * a;
+ a = bound(0, tfloorforce + (1-tfloorforce) * hitratio, 1);
+ force = force * a;
- if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
- print(sprintf(" D=%f F=%f\n", finaldmg, vlen(force)));
- }
+ if(autocvar_g_throughfloor_debug)
+ print(sprintf(" D=%f F=%f\n", finaldmg, vlen(force)));
+ }
- // laser force adjustments :P
- if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) == WEP_LASER)
+ // laser force adjustments :P
+ if(DEATH_WEAPONOF(deathtype) == WEP_LASER)
+ {
+ if (targ == attacker)
- if (targ == attacker)
+ vector vel;
+ float force_zscale;
+ float force_velocitybiasramp;
+ float force_velocitybias;
+ force_velocitybiasramp = autocvar_sv_maxspeed;
+ if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- vector vel;
- float force_zscale;
- float force_velocitybiasramp;
- float force_velocitybias;
- force_velocitybiasramp = autocvar_sv_maxspeed;
- if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- {
- force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale;
- force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias;
- }
- else
- {
- force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_zscale;
- force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_velocitybias;
- }
- vel = targ.velocity;
- vel_z = 0;
- vel = normalize(vel) * bound(0, vlen(vel) / force_velocitybiasramp, 1) * force_velocitybias;
- force =
- vlen(force)
- *
- normalize(normalize(force) + vel);
- force_z *= force_zscale;
+ force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_zscale;
+ force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_velocitybias;
- if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- {
- force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale;
- }
- else
- {
- force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_other_scale;
- }
+ force_zscale = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_zscale;
+ force_velocitybias = autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_velocitybias;
- }
- //if (targ == attacker)
- //{
- // print("hits ", ftos(hits), " / ", ftos(total));
- // print(" finaldmg ", ftos(finaldmg), " force ", vtos(force));
- // print(" (", ftos(a), ")\n");
- //}
- if(finaldmg || vlen(force))
+ vel = targ.velocity;
+ vel_z = 0;
+ vel = normalize(vel) * bound(0, vlen(vel) / force_velocitybiasramp, 1) * force_velocitybias;
+ force =
+ vlen(force)
+ *
+ normalize(normalize(force) + vel);
+ force_z *= force_zscale;
+ }
+ else
- if(targ.iscreature)
+ if(deathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- total_damage_to_creatures += finaldmg;
- if(accuracy_isgooddamage(attacker, targ))
- stat_damagedone += finaldmg;
+ force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force_other_scale;
- if(targ == directhitentity || DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype))
- Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype, nearest, force);
- Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype | HITTYPE_SPLASH, nearest, force);
+ {
+ force *= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force_other_scale;
+ }
+ //if (targ == attacker)
+ //{
+ // print("hits ", ftos(hits), " / ", ftos(total));
+ // print(" finaldmg ", ftos(finaldmg), " force ", vtos(force));
+ // print(" (", ftos(a), ")\n");
+ //}
+ if(finaldmg || vlen(force))
+ {
+ if(targ.iscreature)
+ {
+ total_damage_to_creatures += finaldmg;
+ if(accuracy_isgooddamage(attacker, targ))
+ stat_damagedone += finaldmg;
+ }
+ if(targ == directhitentity || DEATH_ISSPECIAL(deathtype))
+ Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype, nearest, force);
+ else
+ Damage (targ, inflictor, attacker, finaldmg, deathtype | HITTYPE_SPLASH, nearest, force);
+ }
+ }
targ = next;
return total_damage_to_creatures;
-float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity ignore, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
+float RadiusDamage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float coredamage, float edgedamage, float rad, entity cantbe, entity mustbe, float forceintensity, float deathtype, entity directhitentity)
- return RadiusDamageForSource (inflictor, (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5), inflictor.velocity, attacker, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, ignore, FALSE, forceintensity, deathtype, directhitentity);
+ return RadiusDamageForSource (inflictor, (inflictor.origin + (inflictor.mins + inflictor.maxs) * 0.5), inflictor.velocity, attacker, coredamage, edgedamage, rad, cantbe, mustbe, FALSE, forceintensity, deathtype, directhitentity);
.float fire_damagepersec;
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
float d;
- d = RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
+ d = RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h + d;
self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f + self.owner.shot_dmg;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.owner.shot_dmg, 0, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
float d;
- d = RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_radius, self, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
+ d = RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_h + d;
self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f = self.owner.tur_dbg_dmg_t_f + self.owner.shot_dmg;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_radius, self, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_dmg, self.owner.shot_radius, self, world, self.owner.shot_force, self.totalfrags, world);
void walker_rocket_explode()
- RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_dmg, 0, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_radius, self, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_force, DEATH_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_dmg, 0, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_radius, self, world, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_force, DEATH_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, world);
remove (self);
RadiusDamage (self, self, autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_coredamage,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_radius, world,
+ autocvar_g_vehicle_racer_blowup_radius, world, world,
RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_damage,
- autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_radius, world,
+ autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_radius, world, world,
autocvar_g_vehicle_raptor_bomblet_force, DEATH_RAPTOR_BOMB, world);
self.deadflag = DEAD_DEAD;
- RadiusDamage (self, self, 250, 15, 250, world, 250, DEATH_WAKIBLOWUP, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self, 250, 15, 250, world, world, 250, DEATH_WAKIBLOWUP, world);
self.alpha = -1;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
SUB_SetFade(g1, time, min(autocvar_g_vehicle_spiderbot_respawntime, 10));
SUB_SetFade(g2, time, min(autocvar_g_vehicle_spiderbot_respawntime, 10));
- RadiusDamage (self, self, 250, 15, 250, world, 250, DEATH_SBBLOWUP, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self, 250, 15, 250, world, world, 250, DEATH_SBBLOWUP, world);
self.alpha = self.tur_head.alpha = self.gun1.alpha = self.gun2.alpha = -1;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.shot_dmg, 0, self.shot_radius, self, self.shot_force, self.totalfrags, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.shot_dmg, 0, self.shot_radius, self, world, self.shot_force, self.totalfrags, other);
remove (self);
// create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable)
//setorigin (explosion, hitloc);
- //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, 300, deathtype);
+ //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, world, 300, deathtype);
ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0';
ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT;
e.realowner.crylink_lastgroup = world;
if(e.projectiledeathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_force * a, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_force * a, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
- RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_damage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_force * a, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_damage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage * a, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_force * a, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
W_Crylink_LinkExplode(e.queuenext, e2);
n = n / autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_shots;
RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_damage * n,
autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_edgedamage * n,
- autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_radius * n, e.realowner,
+ autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_radius * n, e.realowner, world,
autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_joinexplode_force * n, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("crylink_joinexplode"), self.origin, '0 0 0', n);
n = n / autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_shots;
RadiusDamage (e, e.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_damage * n,
autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_edgedamage * n,
- autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_radius * n, e.realowner,
+ autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_radius * n, e.realowner, world,
autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_joinexplode_force * n, e.projectiledeathtype, other);
pointparticles(particleeffectnum("crylink_joinexplode"), self.origin, '0 0 0', n);
f = autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_bouncedamagefactor;
f *= a;
- if (RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_damage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other) && autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_linkexplode)
+ if (RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_damage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_edgedamage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other) && autocvar_g_balance_crylink_primary_linkexplode)
if(self == self.realowner.crylink_lastgroup)
self.realowner.crylink_lastgroup = world;
f = autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_bouncedamagefactor;
f *= a;
- if (RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other) && autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode)
+ if (RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_damage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_edgedamage * f, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, other) && autocvar_g_balance_crylink_secondary_linkexplode)
if(self == self.realowner.crylink_lastgroup)
self.realowner.crylink_lastgroup = world;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
if (self.movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE)
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
W_Plasma_TriggerCombo(self.origin, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_comboradius, self.realowner);
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
W_Plasma_TriggerCombo(self.origin, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_comboradius, self.realowner);
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_force, WEP_ELECTRO | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world); // use THIS type for a combo because primary can't bounce
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_damage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_electro_combo_force, WEP_ELECTRO | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world); // use THIS type for a combo because primary can't bounce
remove (self);
// 1. dist damage
d = (self.realowner.health + self.realowner.armorvalue);
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_fireball_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
if(self.realowner.health + self.realowner.armorvalue >= d)
if(self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
self.velocity = self.oldvelocity;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
if(self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE)
self.velocity = self.oldvelocity;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_grenadelauncher_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
void W_Hagar_Explode (void)
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
void W_Hagar_Explode2 (void)
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_hagar_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
if(self.projectiledeathtype & HITTYPE_SECONDARY)
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_hlac_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
f = self.dmg_last - dmg_remaining_next;
self.dmg_last = dmg_remaining_next;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.dmg * f, self.dmg_edge * f, self.dmg_radius, self.realowner, self.dmg_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, self.dmg * f, self.dmg_edge * f, self.dmg_radius, self.realowner, world, self.dmg_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, world);
self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE;
- //RadiusDamage (self, world, self.dmg * f, self.dmg_edge * f, self.dmg_radius, world, self.dmg_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, world);
+ //RadiusDamage (self, world, self.dmg * f, self.dmg_edge * f, self.dmg_radius, world, world, self.dmg_force * f, self.projectiledeathtype, world);
if(dt < self.dmg_duration)
self.nextthink = time + 0.05; // soon
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
if (self.dmg)
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_laser_secondary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
// declarations
float final_damage, final_spread;
entity head, next, aim_ent;
- vector nearest, attack_endpos, attack_hitpos, angle_to_head, angle_to_attack, final_force, center;
+ vector nearest, attack_hitpos, angle_to_head, angle_to_attack, final_force, center;
// set up the shot direction
vector wanted_shot_direction = (v_forward * cos(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle * DEG2RAD) + v_up * sin(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_shotangle * DEG2RAD));
W_SetupShot_Dir(self, wanted_shot_direction, FALSE, 3, "weapons/lasergun_fire.wav", CH_WEAPON_B, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage);
- vector targpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_jumpradius));
+ vector attack_endpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius));
- // trace to see if this is a self jump
- WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, targpos, FALSE, self);
- //te_lightning2(world, targpos, w_shotorg);
- if(trace_fraction < 1) // Yes, it is a close range jump
+ // find out what we're pointing at
+ WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, attack_endpos, FALSE, self);
+ aim_ent = trace_ent;
+ attack_hitpos = trace_endpos;
+ // do the jump explosion now (also handles the impact effect)
+ RadiusDamageForSource(self, trace_endpos, '0 0 0', self, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_jumpradius, world, self, TRUE, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force, WEP_LASER, world);
+ // also do the firing effect now
+ SendCSQCShockwaveParticle(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread, attack_hitpos);
+ // did we hit a player directly?
+ if(aim_ent.takedamage)
- RadiusDamageForSource(self, trace_endpos, '0 0 0', self, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_jumpradius, world, TRUE, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force, WEP_LASER, world);
- SendCSQCShockwaveParticle(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread, trace_endpos);
+ // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference (stolen from RadiusDamage functions in g_damage.qc)
+ if (aim_ent.classname == "player")
+ center = aim_ent.origin + aim_ent.view_ofs;
+ else
+ center = aim_ent.origin + (aim_ent.mins + aim_ent.maxs) * 0.5;
+ final_force = (normalize(center - attack_hitpos) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force);
+ Damage(aim_ent, self, self, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, WEP_LASER, w_shotorg, final_force);
+ print("Player hit directly via aim!\n");
- else // No, it's a mid range attack
+ // now figure out if I hit anything else than what my aim directly pointed at...
+ head = WarpZone_FindRadius(w_shotorg, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius, FALSE);
+ while(head)
- // find out what i'm pointing at
- targpos = (w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius));
- WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, targpos, FALSE, self);
- //te_lightning2(world, trace_endpos, w_shotorg);
+ next = head.chain;
- aim_ent = trace_ent;
- attack_hitpos = trace_endpos;
- //total_attack_range = vlen(w_shotorg - trace_endpos);
- if(aim_ent.takedamage) // we actually aimed at a player // TODO: not sure if i should detect players like this
+ if((head != self && head != aim_ent) && (head.takedamage))
// if it's a player, use the view origin as reference (stolen from RadiusDamage functions in g_damage.qc)
- if (aim_ent.classname == "player")
- center = aim_ent.origin + aim_ent.view_ofs;
+ if (head.classname == "player")
+ center = head.origin + head.view_ofs;
- center = aim_ent.origin + (aim_ent.mins + aim_ent.maxs) * 0.5;
- final_force = (normalize(center - attack_hitpos) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force);
- Damage(aim_ent, self, self, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage, WEP_LASER, w_shotorg, final_force);
- print("Player hit directly via aim!\n");
- }
- attack_endpos = w_shotorg + (w_shotdir * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius);
+ center = head.origin + (head.mins + head.maxs) * 0.5;
- // now figure out if I hit anything else than what my aim directly pointed at...
- head = WarpZone_FindRadius(w_shotorg, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius, FALSE);
- while(head)
- {
- next = head.chain;
+ // find the closest point on the enemy to the center of the attack
+ float h = vlen(center - self.origin);
+ float ang = acos(dotproduct(normalize(center - self.origin), w_shotdir));
+ float a = h * cos(ang);
- if((head != self && head != aim_ent) && (head.takedamage))
- {
- // is it in range of the attack?
- //nearest = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(head.origin + head.mins, head.origin + head.maxs, w_shotorg); // won't this just find the nearest point on the bbox from the attacker? we probably don't want this...
- // if it's a player, use the view origin as reference (stolen from RadiusDamage functions in g_damage.qc)
- if (head.classname == "player")
- center = head.origin + head.view_ofs;
- else
- center = head.origin + (head.mins + head.maxs) * 0.5;
+ // ang = angle between shotdir and h
+ // h = hypotenuse, which is the distance between attacker to head
+ // a = adjacent side, which is the distance between attacker and the point on w_shotdir that is closest to head.origin
- float ang, h, a; // ang = angle between h, a
- // h = hypotenuse, which is the distance between attacker to head
- // a = adjacent side, which is the distance between attacker and the point on w_shotdir that is closest to head.origin
+ nearest = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(center + head.mins, center + head.maxs, w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir);
- h = vlen(center - self.origin);
- ang = acos(dotproduct(normalize(center - self.origin), w_shotdir)); // angle between shotdir and h
- a = h * cos(ang);
- nearest = WarpZoneLib_NearestPointOnBox(center + head.mins, center + head.maxs, w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir);
- if(vlen(w_shotorg - nearest) <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius)
+ if(vlen(w_shotorg - nearest) <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_radius)
+ {
+ // is it within the limit of the spread?
+ nearest = head.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
+ angle_to_head = normalize(nearest - w_shotorg);
+ angle_to_attack = w_shotdir;
+ final_spread = vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack);
+ if(final_spread <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
- // is it within the limit of the spread?
- nearest = head.WarpZone_findradius_nearest;
- angle_to_head = normalize(nearest - w_shotorg);
- angle_to_attack = w_shotdir;
- final_spread = vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack);
- if(final_spread <= autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
- {
- // TODO! we MUST check this, otherwise you can shoot through walls!
- // just how to make sure that if a small part of the player is visible, we'll hit him?
- // we can just do it the cheap way of tracing from shotorg to nearest, but what if there's an obstruction between those points, but the player still sees the enemy...?
- // is it visible to the weapon?
- //WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, nearest, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
- //if(trace_fraction == 1)
- //{
- // finally lets do some damage bitches!
- if(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
- final_damage = (final_spread / autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread);
- else
- final_damage = 1;
- //final_force = (normalize(nearest - w_shotorg) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force); // we dont want to use nearest here, because that would result in some rather weird force dirs for the attacker...
- print(strcat("head.origin: ", vtos(head.origin), ", (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir): ", vtos(w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir), ".\n"));
- print("a = ", ftos(a), " h = ", ftos(h), " ang = ", ftos(ang), "\n");
- final_force = (normalize(center - (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir)) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force);
- final_damage = (autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage * final_damage + autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage * (1 - final_damage));
- print(strcat("damage: ", ftos(final_damage), ", force: ", vtos(final_force), ".\n"));
- Damage(head, self, self, final_damage, WEP_LASER, w_shotorg, final_force);
- print(strcat(vtos(angle_to_head), " - ", vtos(angle_to_attack), ": ", ftos(vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack)), ".\n"));
- //te_lightning2(world, nearest, w_shotorg);
- //pointparticles(particleeffectnum("rocket_guide"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
- //SendCSQCShockwaveParticle(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread, trace_endpos);
- //}
- }
+ // TODO! we MUST check this, otherwise you can shoot through walls!
+ // just how to make sure that if a small part of the player is visible, we'll hit him?
+ // we can just do it the cheap way of tracing from shotorg to nearest, but what if there's an obstruction between those points, but the player still sees the enemy...?
+ // is it visible to the weapon?
+ //WarpZone_TraceLine(w_shotorg, nearest, MOVE_WORLDONLY, self);
+ //if(trace_fraction == 1)
+ //{
+ // finally lets do some damage bitches!
+ if(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread)
+ final_damage = (final_spread / autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread);
+ else
+ final_damage = 1;
+ //final_force = (normalize(nearest - w_shotorg) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force); // we dont want to use nearest here, because that would result in some rather weird force dirs for the attacker...
+ print(strcat("head.origin: ", vtos(head.origin), ", (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir): ", vtos(w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir), ".\n"));
+ print("a = ", ftos(a), " h = ", ftos(h), " ang = ", ftos(ang), "\n");
+ final_force = (normalize(center - (w_shotorg + a * w_shotdir)) * autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_force);
+ final_damage = (autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_damage * final_damage + autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_edgedamage * (1 - final_damage));
+ print(strcat("damage: ", ftos(final_damage), ", force: ", vtos(final_force), ".\n"));
+ Damage(head, self, self, final_damage, WEP_LASER, head.origin, final_force);
+ print(strcat(vtos(angle_to_head), " - ", vtos(angle_to_attack), ": ", ftos(vlen(angle_to_head - angle_to_attack)), ".\n"));
+ //te_lightning2(world, nearest, w_shotorg);
+ //pointparticles(particleeffectnum("rocket_guide"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ //SendCSQCShockwaveParticle(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread, trace_endpos);
+ //}
- head = next;
- SendCSQCShockwaveParticle(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_spread, trace_endpos);
- //pointparticles(particleeffectnum("laser_shockwave_attack"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1);
+ head = next;
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_damage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_damage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
if (self.realowner.weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
if(self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || self.movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW)
self.velocity = self.oldvelocity;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_force, self.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_damage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_remote_force, self.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world);
if (self.realowner.weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER)
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_damage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
if (self.realowner.weapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_damage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force, self.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_damage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_rocketlauncher_remote_force, self.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, world);
if (self.realowner.weapon == WEP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)
void Seeker_Missile_Explode ()
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_missile_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
self.event_damage = SUB_Null;
- RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
+ RadiusDamage (self, self.realowner, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_damage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_seeker_flac_force, self.projectiledeathtype, other);
remove (self);
self.tuba_note.teleport_time = time + autocvar_g_balance_tuba_refire * 2 * W_WeaponRateFactor(); // so it can get prolonged safely
//sound(self, c, TUBA_NOTE(n), bound(0, VOL_BASE * cvar("g_balance_tuba_volume"), 1), autocvar_g_balance_tuba_attenuation);
- RadiusDamage(self, self, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_damage, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_radius, world, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_force, hittype | WEP_TUBA, world);
+ RadiusDamage(self, self, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_damage, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_edgedamage, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_radius, world, world, autocvar_g_balance_tuba_force, hittype | WEP_TUBA, world);
o = gettaginfo(self.exteriorweaponentity, 0);
if(time > self.tuba_smoketime)