set teamplay_lockonrestart 0 "lock teams once all players readied up and the game restarted (no new players can join after restart unless using the server-command unlockteams)"
set g_maxplayers 0 "maximum number of players allowed to play at the same time, 0 means unlimited, -1 uses the map setting or unlimited if not set (rounded to multiple of team number)"
-set g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime 5 "if the players voted for the \"nospectators\" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before he gets kicked"
+set g_maxplayers_spectator_blocktime 5 "if the players voted for the \"nospectators\" command, this setting defines the number of seconds a observer/spectator has time to join the game before they get kicked"
// tournament mod
- set g_warmup 0 "split the game into a warmup- and match-stage, -1 means stay in warmup until enough (set by map, lower bound of 2 or 2 per team) players join, then g_warmup_limit and readiness apply"
+ set g_warmup 0 "splits the game into warmup and match stages, 1 means the match starts when g_warmup_majority_factor of players are ready OR g_warmup_limit is hit, >1 also requires at least g_warmup players (including bots) to join, -1 means that minimum player requrement is set by the map (lower bound of 2 or 2 per team)"
set g_warmup_limit 180 "limit warmup-stage to this time (in seconds); if set to -1 the warmup-stage is not affected by any timelimit, if set to 0 the usual timelimit also affects warmup-stage"
set g_warmup_allow_timeout 0 "allow calling timeouts in the warmup-stage (if sv_timeout is set to 1)"
set g_warmup_allguns 1 "provide more weapons on start while in warmup: 0 = normal start weapons, 1 = all guns available on the map, 2 = all normal weapons"