FOREACH_CLIENT(!(IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), {
sprint(it, msgstr);
+ play_chatsound(source, msgin);
event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat_spec:%d:%s", source.playerid, strreplace("\n", " ", msgin));
FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && it != source && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ChatMessageTo, it, source), {
sprint(it, msgstr);
+ play_chatsound(source, msgin);
event_log_msg = sprintf(":chat:%d:%s", source.playerid, strreplace("\n", " ", msgin));
- var .float flood_sound = floodcontrol_chatsound;
- if(autocvar_g_chat_sounds && sourcemsgstr != "" && ret > 0) {
- bprintf("%d < %d", source.(flood_sound), time - autocvar_g_chat_sounds_flood);
+ return ret;
+void play_chatsound(entity source, string msgin)
+ if(autocvar_g_chat_sounds) {
+ var .float flood_sound = floodcontrol_chatsound;
+ //bprintf("%d < %d", source.(flood_sound), time - autocvar_g_chat_sounds_flood);
if (source.(flood_sound) < time - autocvar_g_chat_sounds_flood) {
string rawmsg;
rawmsg = strreplace("\n", " ", msgin);
- bprintf("msg is %s and list is %s\n", rawmsg, autocvar_g_chat_sounds_list);
+ //bprintf("msg is %s and list is %s\n", rawmsg, autocvar_g_chat_sounds_list);
if (findinlist_abbrev(rawmsg, autocvar_g_chat_sounds_list)) {
bprintf("IN LIST!!!\n");
play2all(strcat("sound/chat/", rawmsg, ".ogg"));
- return ret;
// hack to copy the button fields from the client entity to the Client State
void PM_UpdateButtons(entity this, entity store)