+string translate_modifications(string s)
+ return build_mutator_list(s);
+string translate_weaponarena(string s)
+ if (s == "") return s;
+ if (s == "All Weapons Arena") return _("All Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Dev All Weapons Arena") return s; // development option, do not translate
+ if (s == "Most Weapons Arena") return _("Most Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "All Available Weapons Arena") return _("All Available Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "Dev All Available Weapons Arena") return s; // development option, do not translate
+ if (s == "Most Available Weapons Arena") return _("Most Available Weapons Arena");
+ if (s == "No Weapons Arena") return _("No Weapons Arena");
+ int n = tokenizebyseparator(s, " & ");
+ string wpn_list = "";
+ for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ {
+ Weapon wep = Weapon_from_name(argv(i));
+ if (wep == WEP_Null)
+ LOG_INFO("^3Warning: ^7server sent an invalid weapon name\n");
+ wpn_list = cons_mid(wpn_list, " & ", wep.m_name);
+ }
+ return sprintf(_("%s Arena"), wpn_list);
+string GetVersionMessage(string hostversion, bool version_mismatch, bool version_check)
+ string xonotic_hostversion = strcat("Xonotic ", hostversion);
+ if (version_mismatch)
+ {
+ if(!version_check)
+ return strcat(sprintf(_("This is %s"), xonotic_hostversion), "\n^3",
+ _("Your client version is outdated."), "\n\n\n",
+ _("### YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO PLAY ON THIS SERVER ###"), "\n\n\n",
+ _("Please update!"));
+ else
+ return strcat(sprintf(_("This is %s"), xonotic_hostversion), "\n^3",
+ _("This server is using an outdated Xonotic version."), "\n\n\n",
+ }
+ return sprintf(_("Welcome to %s"), xonotic_hostversion);
+ bool net_handle_ServerWelcome()
+ bool campaign = ReadByte();
+ if (campaign)
+ {
+ string campaign_title = ReadString();
+ int campaign_level = ReadByte();
+ string campaign_msg = ReadString();
+ string welcomedialog_args;
+ welcomedialog_args = strcat("HOSTNAME \"", campaign_title, "\"");
+ string key = getcommandkey(_("jump"), "+jump");
+ string msg = strcat(
+ CCR("^F1"), sprintf(_("Level %d:"), campaign_level),
+ sprintf(CCR(" ^BG%s\n^3\n"), campaign_msg),
+ sprintf(CCR(_("^BGPress ^F2%s^BG to enter the game")), key));
+ msg = MakeConsoleSafe(strreplace("\n", "\\n", msg));
+ welcomedialog_args = strcat(welcomedialog_args, " WELCOME \"", msg, "\"");
+ localcmd("\nmenu_cmd directmenu Welcome ", welcomedialog_args, "\n");
+ return true;
+ }
bool force_centerprint = ReadByte();
string hostname = ReadString();
- string ver = ReadString();
- string modifications = ReadString();
+ string hostversion = ReadString();
+ bool version_mismatch = ReadByte();
+ bool version_check = ReadByte();
+ string ver = GetVersionMessage(hostversion, version_mismatch, version_check);
+ string modifications = translate_modifications(ReadString());
+ string weaponarena_list = translate_weaponarena(ReadString());
string cache_mutatormsg = ReadString();
- string mutator_msg = ReadString();
string motd = ReadString();
string msg = "";
msg = strcat(msg, ver);
- msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n\n", _("match type is "), " ^1", MapInfo_Type_ToText(gametype), "^8\n");
+ msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n\n", strcat(_("Gametype:"), " ^1", MapInfo_Type_ToText(gametype)), "^8\n");
+ modifications = cons_mid(modifications, ", ", weaponarena_list);
if(modifications != "")
- msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n", _("active modifications:"), " ^3", modifications, "^8\n");
+ msg = strcat(msg, "^8\n", _("Active modifications:"), " ^3", modifications, "^8\n");
if (cache_mutatormsg != "")
- msg = strcat(msg, "\n\n^8", _("special gameplay tips:"), " ^7", cache_mutatormsg);
+ msg = strcat(msg, "\n\n^8", _("Special gameplay tips:"), " ^7", cache_mutatormsg);
+ string mutator_msg = "";
+ MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg);
+ mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string);
msg = strcat(msg, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting
if (motd != "")
msg = strcat(msg, "\n\n^8", _("MOTD:"), " ^7", motd);
void SendWelcomemessage(entity this, bool force_centerprint)
msg_entity = this;
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, force_centerprint);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, autocvar_hostname);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, autocvar_g_xonoticversion);
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, CS(this).version_mismatch);
- WriteByte(MSG_ONE, (CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion));
+ SendWelcomemessage_msg_type(this, force_centerprint, MSG_ONE);
+ }
+ void SendWelcomemessage_msg_type(entity this, bool force_centerprint, int msg_type)
+ {
+ WriteByte(msg_type, boolean(autocvar_g_campaign));
+ if (boolean(autocvar_g_campaign))
+ {
+ WriteString(msg_type, Campaign_GetTitle());
+ WriteByte(msg_type, Campaign_GetLevelNum());
+ WriteString(msg_type, Campaign_GetMessage());
+ return;
+ }
+ WriteByte(msg_type, force_centerprint);
+ WriteString(msg_type, autocvar_hostname);
- WriteString(msg_type, GetClientVersionMessage(this));
++ WriteString(msg_type, autocvar_g_xonoticversion);
++ WriteByte(msg_type, CS(this).version_mismatch);
++ WriteByte(msg_type, (CS(this).version < autocvar_gameversion));
MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildMutatorsPrettyString, "");
string modifications = M_ARGV(0, string);
if(g_weapon_stay && !g_cts)
modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Weapons stay");
- modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jet pack");
+ modifications = strcat(modifications, ", Jetpack");
modifications = substring(modifications, 2, strlen(modifications) - 2);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, modifications);
+ WriteString(msg_type, modifications);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, g_weaponarena_list);
++ WriteString(msg_type, g_weaponarena_list);
if(cache_lastmutatormsg != autocvar_g_mutatormsg)
strcpy(cache_lastmutatormsg, autocvar_g_mutatormsg);
strcpy(cache_mutatormsg, cache_lastmutatormsg);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, cache_mutatormsg);
+ WriteString(msg_type, cache_mutatormsg);
- WriteString(MSG_ONE, strreplace("\\n", "\n", autocvar_sv_motd));
- }
- void SendWelcomemessage_onConnection_think(entity this)
- {
- SendWelcomemessage(this, false);
- }
- string mutator_msg = "";
- MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(BuildGameplayTipsString, mutator_msg);
- mutator_msg = M_ARGV(0, string);
- void SendWelcomemessage_onConnection(entity this)
- {
- // give the client time to sent its version
- defer(this, 0.5, SendWelcomemessage_onConnection_think);
- WriteString(msg_type, mutator_msg); // trust that the mutator will do proper formatting
+ WriteString(msg_type, strreplace("\\n", "\n", autocvar_sv_motd));