set g_ctf_flag_collect_delay 1
set g_ctf_flag_health 0
set g_ctf_flag_dropped_waypoint 2 "show dropped flag waypointsprite when a flag is lost. 1 = team only, 2 = for all players"
+set g_ctf_flag_dropped_floatinwater 200 "move upwards while in water at this velocity"
set g_ctf_flag_pickup_verbosename 0 "show the name of the person who picked up the flag too"
set g_ctf_drop 1 "dropping allows circumventing carrierkill score, so enable this with care!"
set g_ctf_drop_velocity 500 "how fast or far a player can throw the flag"
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_collect_delay;
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_damageforcescale;
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_dropped_waypoint;
+float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_dropped_floatinwater;
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_glowtrails;
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_health;
float autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects;
+ if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_dropped_floatinwater && (self.flags & FL_INWATER))
+ self.velocity_z = autocvar_g_ctf_flag_dropped_floatinwater;
if((vlen(self.origin - self.ctf_spawnorigin) <= autocvar_g_ctf_flag_return_dropped) || (autocvar_g_ctf_flag_return_dropped == -1))