#include "../common/triggers/include.qh"
#include "../common/turrets/cl_turrets.qh"
-#include "../common/turrets/turrets.qh"
#include "../warpzonelib/client.qh"
#include "../common/weapons/all.qc"
#include "../common/turrets/cl_turrets.qc"
-#include "../common/turrets/turrets.qc"
+#include "../common/turrets/all.qc"
#include "../common/triggers/include.qc"
--- /dev/null
+#include "all.qh"
+#include "all.inc"
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef TURRETS_H
+#define TURRETS_H
+// turret requests
+#define TR_SETUP 1 // (BOTH) setup turret data
+#define TR_THINK 2 // (SERVER) logic to run every frame
+#define TR_DEATH 3 // (SERVER) called when turret dies
+#define TR_PRECACHE 4 // (BOTH) precaches models/sounds used by this turret
+#define TR_ATTACK 5 // (SERVER) called when turret attacks
+#define TR_CONFIG 6 // (ALL)
+// functions:
+entity get_turretinfo(int id);
+// fields:
+.entity tur_head;
+// target selection flags
+.int target_select_flags;
+.int target_validate_flags;
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NO = 2; // don't automatically find targets
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS = 4; // require line of sight to find targets
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS = 8; // target players
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILES = 16; // target projectiles
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_TRIGGERTARGET = 32; // respond to turret_trigger_target events
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_ANGLELIMITS = 64; // apply extra angular limits to target selection
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMITS = 128; // limit target selection range
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK = 256; // don't attack teammates
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOBUILTIN = 512; // only attack targets when triggered
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_OWNTEAM = 1024; // only attack teammates
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOTURRETS = 2048; // don't attack other turrets
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_FOV = 4096; // extra limits to attack range
+const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILESONLY = 8192; // only attack missiles
+// aim flags
+.int aim_flags;
+const int TFL_AIM_NO = 1; // no aiming
+const int TFL_AIM_SPLASH = 2; // aim for ground around the target's feet
+const int TFL_AIM_LEAD = 4; // try to predict target movement
+const int TFL_AIM_SHOTTIMECOMPENSATE = 8; // compensate for shot traveltime when leading
+const int TFL_AIM_ZPREDICT = 16; // predict target's z position at impact
+const int TFL_AIM_SIMPLE = 32; // aim at player's current location
+// tracking flags
+.int track_flags;
+const int TFL_TRACK_NO = 2; // don't move head
+const int TFL_TRACK_PITCH = 4; // pitch head
+const int TFL_TRACK_ROTATE = 8; // rotate head
+// prefire checks
+.int firecheck_flags;
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_DEAD = 4; // don't attack dead targets (zombies?)
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_DISTANCES = 8; // another range check
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_LOS = 16; // line of sight
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AIMDIST = 32; // consider distance impactpoint<->aimspot
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_REALDIST = 64; // consider enemy origin<->impactpoint
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_ANGLEDIST = 128; // consider angular diff head<->aimspot
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_TEAMCHECK = 256; // don't attack teammates
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AFF = 512; // try to avoid any friendly fire
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AMMO_OWN = 1024; // own ammo needs to be larger than damage dealt
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AMMO_OTHER = 2048; // target's ammo needs to be less than max
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_REFIRE = 4096; // check single attack finished delays
+const int TFL_FIRECHECK_NO = 16384; // no prefire checks
+// attack flags
+.int shoot_flags;
+const int TFL_SHOOT_NO = 64; // no attacking
+const int TFL_SHOOT_VOLLY = 2; // fire in vollies
+const int TFL_SHOOT_VOLLYALWAYS = 4; // always do a full volly, even if target is lost
+const int TFL_SHOOT_HITALLVALID = 8; // loop through all valid targets
+const int TFL_SHOOT_CLEARTARGET = 16; // lose target after attack (after volly is done if in volly mode)
+const int TFL_SHOOT_CUSTOM = 32; // custom attacking
+// turret capabilities
+.int turret_flags;
+const int TUR_FLAG_NONE = 0; // no abilities
+const int TUR_FLAG_SNIPER = 2; // sniping turret
+const int TUR_FLAG_SPLASH = 4; // can deal splash damage
+const int TUR_FLAG_HITSCAN = 8; // hit scan
+const int TUR_FLAG_MULTIGUN = 16; // multiple guns
+const int TUR_FLAG_GUIDED = 32; // laser guided projectiles
+const int TUR_FLAG_SLOWPROJ = 64; // turret fires slow projectiles
+const int TUR_FLAG_MEDPROJ = 128; // turret fires medium projectiles
+const int TUR_FLAG_FASTPROJ = 256; // turret fires fast projectiles
+const int TUR_FLAG_PLAYER = 512; // can damage players
+const int TUR_FLAG_MISSILE = 1024; // can damage missiles
+const int TUR_FLAG_SUPPORT = 2048; // supports other units
+const int TUR_FLAG_AMMOSOURCE = 4096; // can provide ammunition
+const int TUR_FLAG_RECIEVETARGETS = 8192; // can recieve targets from external sources
+const int TUR_FLAG_MOVE = 16384; // can move
+const int TUR_FLAG_ROAM = 32768; // roams around if not attacking
+const int TUR_FLAG_ISTURRET = 65536; // identifies this unit as a turret
+// ammo types
+#define ammo_flags currentammo
+const int TFL_AMMO_NONE = 64; // doesn't use ammo
+const int TFL_AMMO_ENERGY = 2; // uses power
+const int TFL_AMMO_BULLETS = 4; // uses bullets
+const int TFL_AMMO_ROCKETS = 8; // uses explosives
+const int TFL_AMMO_RECHARGE = 16; // regenerates ammo
+const int TFL_AMMO_RECIEVE = 32; // can recieve ammo from support units
+// damage flags
+.int damage_flags;
+const int TFL_DMG_NO = 256; // doesn't take damage
+const int TFL_DMG_YES = 2; // can be damaged
+const int TFL_DMG_TEAM = 4; // can be damaged by teammates
+const int TFL_DMG_RETALIATE = 8; // target attackers
+const int TFL_DMG_RETALIATE_TEAM = 16; // target attackers, even if on same team
+const int TFL_DMG_TARGETLOSS = 32; // loses target when damaged
+const int TFL_DMG_AIMSHAKE = 64; // damage throws off aim
+const int TFL_DMG_HEADSHAKE = 128; // damage shakes head
+const int TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN = 256; // no re-spawning
+// spawn flags
+const int TSF_SUSPENDED = 1;
+const int TSF_TERRAINBASE = 2; // currently unused
+const int TSF_NO_AMMO_REGEN = 4; // disable builtin ammo regeneration
+const int TSF_NO_PATHBREAK = 8; // don't break path to chase enemies, will still fire at them if possible
+const int TSL_NO_RESPAWN = 16; // don't re-spawn
+const int TSL_ROAM = 32; // roam while idle
+// send flags
+const int TNSF_UPDATE = 2;
+const int TNSF_STATUS = 4;
+const int TNSF_SETUP = 8;
+const int TNSF_ANG = 16;
+const int TNSF_AVEL = 32;
+const int TNSF_MOVE = 64;
+.float anim_start_time;
+const int TNSF_ANIM = 128;
+const int TNSF_FULL_UPDATE = 16777215;
+// entity properties of turretinfo:
+.int turretid; // TUR_...
+.string netname; // short name
+.string turret_name; // human readable name
+.float(float) turret_func; // m_...
+.string mdl; // currently a copy of the model
+.string model; // full name of model
+.string head_model; // full name of tur_head model
+.string cvar_basename; // TODO: deprecate!
+.float spawnflags;
+.vector mins, maxs; // turret hitbox size
+// other useful macros
+#define TUR_ACTION(turrettype,mrequest) (get_turretinfo(turrettype)).turret_func(mrequest)
+#define TUR_NAME(turrettype) (get_turretinfo(turrettype)).turret_name
+// =====================
+// Turret Registration
+// =====================
+float t_null(float dummy);
+void register_turret(entity e, float(float) func, float turretflags, vector min_s, vector max_s, string modelname, string headmodelname, string shortname, string mname);
+const int TUR_MAXCOUNT = 24;
+entity turret_info[TUR_MAXCOUNT], turret_info_first, turret_info_last;
+float TUR_COUNT;
+#define _REGISTER_TURRET(id, func, turretflags, min_s, max_s, modelname, headmodelname, shortname, mname) \
+ float func(float); \
+ REGISTER(RegisterTurrets, TUR, turret_info, TUR_COUNT, id, m_id, spawn()) { \
+ register_turret(this, func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname); \
+ }
+#ifdef MENUQC
+#define REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname) \
+ _REGISTER_TURRET(id,t_null,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname)
+#define REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname) \
+ _REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname)
+void register_turret(entity e, float(float) func, float turretflags, vector min_s, vector max_s, string modelname, string headmodelname, string shortname, string mname)
+ e.classname = "turret_info";
+ e.turretid = e.m_id;
+ e.netname = shortname;
+ e.turret_name = mname;
+ e.turret_func = func;
+ e.mdl = modelname;
+ e.cvar_basename = shortname;
+ e.spawnflags = turretflags;
+ e.mins = min_s;
+ e.maxs = max_s;
+ e.model = strzone(strcat("models/turrets/", modelname));
+ e.head_model = strzone(strcat("models/turrets/", headmodelname));
+float t_null(float dummy) { return 0; }
+ t_null,
+ 0,
+ '-0 -0 -0',
+ '0 0 0',
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ "Turret"
+entity get_turretinfo(float id)
+ entity m;
+ if(id < 1 || id > TUR_COUNT - 1)
+ return TUR_Null;
+ m = turret_info[id];
+ if(m)
+ return m;
+ return TUR_Null;
+#include "all.inc"
-#include "turrets.qh"
+#include "all.qh"
void turret_remove()
#ifndef CL_TURRETS_H
#define CL_TURRETS_H
+#include "all.qh"
void ent_turret();
#ifdef SVQC
+#include "all.qh"
#include "../../server/autocvars.qh"
// Generic aiming
#ifndef SV_TURRETS_H
#define SV_TURRETS_H
+#include "all.qh"
// turret fields
.float ticrate; // interal ai think rate
.vector aim_idle; // where to aim while idle
+++ /dev/null
-#include "turrets.qh"
-#include "all.inc"
+++ /dev/null
-#ifndef TURRETS_H
-#define TURRETS_H
-// turret requests
-#define TR_SETUP 1 // (BOTH) setup turret data
-#define TR_THINK 2 // (SERVER) logic to run every frame
-#define TR_DEATH 3 // (SERVER) called when turret dies
-#define TR_PRECACHE 4 // (BOTH) precaches models/sounds used by this turret
-#define TR_ATTACK 5 // (SERVER) called when turret attacks
-#define TR_CONFIG 6 // (ALL)
-// functions:
-entity get_turretinfo(int id);
-// fields:
-.entity tur_head;
-// target selection flags
-.int target_select_flags;
-.int target_validate_flags;
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NO = 2; // don't automatically find targets
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS = 4; // require line of sight to find targets
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS = 8; // target players
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILES = 16; // target projectiles
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_TRIGGERTARGET = 32; // respond to turret_trigger_target events
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_ANGLELIMITS = 64; // apply extra angular limits to target selection
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMITS = 128; // limit target selection range
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK = 256; // don't attack teammates
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOBUILTIN = 512; // only attack targets when triggered
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_OWNTEAM = 1024; // only attack teammates
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_NOTURRETS = 2048; // don't attack other turrets
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_FOV = 4096; // extra limits to attack range
-const int TFL_TARGETSELECT_MISSILESONLY = 8192; // only attack missiles
-// aim flags
-.int aim_flags;
-const int TFL_AIM_NO = 1; // no aiming
-const int TFL_AIM_SPLASH = 2; // aim for ground around the target's feet
-const int TFL_AIM_LEAD = 4; // try to predict target movement
-const int TFL_AIM_SHOTTIMECOMPENSATE = 8; // compensate for shot traveltime when leading
-const int TFL_AIM_ZPREDICT = 16; // predict target's z position at impact
-const int TFL_AIM_SIMPLE = 32; // aim at player's current location
-// tracking flags
-.int track_flags;
-const int TFL_TRACK_NO = 2; // don't move head
-const int TFL_TRACK_PITCH = 4; // pitch head
-const int TFL_TRACK_ROTATE = 8; // rotate head
-// prefire checks
-.int firecheck_flags;
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_DEAD = 4; // don't attack dead targets (zombies?)
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_DISTANCES = 8; // another range check
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_LOS = 16; // line of sight
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AIMDIST = 32; // consider distance impactpoint<->aimspot
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_REALDIST = 64; // consider enemy origin<->impactpoint
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_ANGLEDIST = 128; // consider angular diff head<->aimspot
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_TEAMCHECK = 256; // don't attack teammates
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AFF = 512; // try to avoid any friendly fire
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AMMO_OWN = 1024; // own ammo needs to be larger than damage dealt
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_AMMO_OTHER = 2048; // target's ammo needs to be less than max
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_REFIRE = 4096; // check single attack finished delays
-const int TFL_FIRECHECK_NO = 16384; // no prefire checks
-// attack flags
-.int shoot_flags;
-const int TFL_SHOOT_NO = 64; // no attacking
-const int TFL_SHOOT_VOLLY = 2; // fire in vollies
-const int TFL_SHOOT_VOLLYALWAYS = 4; // always do a full volly, even if target is lost
-const int TFL_SHOOT_HITALLVALID = 8; // loop through all valid targets
-const int TFL_SHOOT_CLEARTARGET = 16; // lose target after attack (after volly is done if in volly mode)
-const int TFL_SHOOT_CUSTOM = 32; // custom attacking
-// turret capabilities
-.int turret_flags;
-const int TUR_FLAG_NONE = 0; // no abilities
-const int TUR_FLAG_SNIPER = 2; // sniping turret
-const int TUR_FLAG_SPLASH = 4; // can deal splash damage
-const int TUR_FLAG_HITSCAN = 8; // hit scan
-const int TUR_FLAG_MULTIGUN = 16; // multiple guns
-const int TUR_FLAG_GUIDED = 32; // laser guided projectiles
-const int TUR_FLAG_SLOWPROJ = 64; // turret fires slow projectiles
-const int TUR_FLAG_MEDPROJ = 128; // turret fires medium projectiles
-const int TUR_FLAG_FASTPROJ = 256; // turret fires fast projectiles
-const int TUR_FLAG_PLAYER = 512; // can damage players
-const int TUR_FLAG_MISSILE = 1024; // can damage missiles
-const int TUR_FLAG_SUPPORT = 2048; // supports other units
-const int TUR_FLAG_AMMOSOURCE = 4096; // can provide ammunition
-const int TUR_FLAG_RECIEVETARGETS = 8192; // can recieve targets from external sources
-const int TUR_FLAG_MOVE = 16384; // can move
-const int TUR_FLAG_ROAM = 32768; // roams around if not attacking
-const int TUR_FLAG_ISTURRET = 65536; // identifies this unit as a turret
-// ammo types
-#define ammo_flags currentammo
-const int TFL_AMMO_NONE = 64; // doesn't use ammo
-const int TFL_AMMO_ENERGY = 2; // uses power
-const int TFL_AMMO_BULLETS = 4; // uses bullets
-const int TFL_AMMO_ROCKETS = 8; // uses explosives
-const int TFL_AMMO_RECHARGE = 16; // regenerates ammo
-const int TFL_AMMO_RECIEVE = 32; // can recieve ammo from support units
-// damage flags
-.int damage_flags;
-const int TFL_DMG_NO = 256; // doesn't take damage
-const int TFL_DMG_YES = 2; // can be damaged
-const int TFL_DMG_TEAM = 4; // can be damaged by teammates
-const int TFL_DMG_RETALIATE = 8; // target attackers
-const int TFL_DMG_RETALIATE_TEAM = 16; // target attackers, even if on same team
-const int TFL_DMG_TARGETLOSS = 32; // loses target when damaged
-const int TFL_DMG_AIMSHAKE = 64; // damage throws off aim
-const int TFL_DMG_HEADSHAKE = 128; // damage shakes head
-const int TFL_DMG_DEATH_NORESPAWN = 256; // no re-spawning
-// spawn flags
-const int TSF_SUSPENDED = 1;
-const int TSF_TERRAINBASE = 2; // currently unused
-const int TSF_NO_AMMO_REGEN = 4; // disable builtin ammo regeneration
-const int TSF_NO_PATHBREAK = 8; // don't break path to chase enemies, will still fire at them if possible
-const int TSL_NO_RESPAWN = 16; // don't re-spawn
-const int TSL_ROAM = 32; // roam while idle
-// send flags
-const int TNSF_UPDATE = 2;
-const int TNSF_STATUS = 4;
-const int TNSF_SETUP = 8;
-const int TNSF_ANG = 16;
-const int TNSF_AVEL = 32;
-const int TNSF_MOVE = 64;
-.float anim_start_time;
-const int TNSF_ANIM = 128;
-const int TNSF_FULL_UPDATE = 16777215;
-// entity properties of turretinfo:
-.int turretid; // TUR_...
-.string netname; // short name
-.string turret_name; // human readable name
-.float(float) turret_func; // m_...
-.string mdl; // currently a copy of the model
-.string model; // full name of model
-.string head_model; // full name of tur_head model
-.string cvar_basename; // TODO: deprecate!
-.float spawnflags;
-.vector mins, maxs; // turret hitbox size
-// other useful macros
-#define TUR_ACTION(turrettype,mrequest) (get_turretinfo(turrettype)).turret_func(mrequest)
-#define TUR_NAME(turrettype) (get_turretinfo(turrettype)).turret_name
-// =====================
-// Turret Registration
-// =====================
-float t_null(float dummy);
-void register_turret(entity e, float(float) func, float turretflags, vector min_s, vector max_s, string modelname, string headmodelname, string shortname, string mname);
-const int TUR_MAXCOUNT = 24;
-entity turret_info[TUR_MAXCOUNT], turret_info_first, turret_info_last;
-float TUR_COUNT;
-#define _REGISTER_TURRET(id, func, turretflags, min_s, max_s, modelname, headmodelname, shortname, mname) \
- float func(float); \
- REGISTER(RegisterTurrets, TUR, turret_info, TUR_COUNT, id, m_id, spawn()) { \
- register_turret(this, func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname); \
- }
-#ifdef MENUQC
-#define REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname) \
- _REGISTER_TURRET(id,t_null,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname)
-#define REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname) \
- _REGISTER_TURRET(id,func,turretflags,min_s,max_s,modelname,headmodelname,shortname,mname)
-void register_turret(entity e, float(float) func, float turretflags, vector min_s, vector max_s, string modelname, string headmodelname, string shortname, string mname)
- e.classname = "turret_info";
- e.turretid = e.m_id;
- e.netname = shortname;
- e.turret_name = mname;
- e.turret_func = func;
- e.mdl = modelname;
- e.cvar_basename = shortname;
- e.spawnflags = turretflags;
- e.mins = min_s;
- e.maxs = max_s;
- e.model = strzone(strcat("models/turrets/", modelname));
- e.head_model = strzone(strcat("models/turrets/", headmodelname));
-float t_null(float dummy) { return 0; }
- t_null,
- 0,
- '-0 -0 -0',
- '0 0 0',
- "",
- "",
- "",
- "Turret"
-entity get_turretinfo(float id)
- entity m;
- if(id < 1 || id > TUR_COUNT - 1)
- return TUR_Null;
- m = turret_info[id];
- if(m)
- return m;
- return TUR_Null;
-#include "all.inc"
#include "../common/constants.qh"
#include "../common/mapinfo.qh"
-#include "../common/turrets/turrets.qh"
+#include "../common/turrets/all.qh"
#ifdef RELEASE
#define cvar_string_normal builtin_cvar_string
#include "../common/turrets/sv_turrets.qc"
#include "../common/turrets/config.qc"
#include "../common/turrets/util.qc"
-#include "../common/turrets/turrets.qc"
+#include "../common/turrets/all.qc"
#include "../common/turrets/checkpoint.qc"
#include "../common/turrets/targettrigger.qc"
#include "../common/weapons/config.qc"