static float R_EvaluateQ3WaveFunc(q3wavefunc_t func, const float *parms)
double index, f;
- index = parms[2] + r_refdef.scene.time * parms[3];
+ index = parms[2] + rsurface.shadertime * parms[3];
index -= floor(index);
switch (func & ((1 << Q3WAVEFUNC_USER_SHIFT) - 1))
void R_tcMod_ApplyToMatrix(matrix4x4_t *texmatrix, q3shaderinfo_layer_tcmod_t *tcmod, int currentmaterialflags)
int w, h, idx;
- float f;
+ double f;
+ double offsetd[2];
float tcmat[12];
matrix4x4_t matrix, temp;
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, 0.5, 0.5, 0);
- Matrix4x4_ConcatRotate(&matrix, tcmod->parms[0] * r_refdef.scene.time, 0, 0, 1);
+ Matrix4x4_ConcatRotate(&matrix, tcmod->parms[0] * rsurface.shadertime, 0, 0, 1);
Matrix4x4_ConcatTranslate(&matrix, -0.5, -0.5, 0);
Matrix4x4_CreateScale3(&matrix, tcmod->parms[0], tcmod->parms[1], 1);
- Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, tcmod->parms[0] * r_refdef.scene.time, tcmod->parms[1] * r_refdef.scene.time, 0);
+ // extra care is needed because of precision breakdown with large values of time
+ offsetd[0] = tcmod->parms[0] * rsurface.shadertime;
+ offsetd[1] = tcmod->parms[1] * rsurface.shadertime;
+ Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, offsetd[0] - floor(offsetd[0]), offsetd[1] - floor(offsetd[1]), 0);
case Q3TCMOD_PAGE: // poor man's animmap (to store animations into a single file, useful for HTTP downloaded textures)
w = (int) tcmod->parms[0];
h = (int) tcmod->parms[1];
- f = r_refdef.scene.time / (tcmod->parms[2] * w * h);
+ f = rsurface.shadertime / (tcmod->parms[2] * w * h);
f = f - floor(f);
idx = (int) floor(f * w * h);
Matrix4x4_CreateTranslate(&matrix, (idx % w) / tcmod->parms[0], (idx / w) / tcmod->parms[1], 0);
if (model->skinscenes)
if (model->skinscenes[s].framecount > 1)
- s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe + (unsigned int) (r_refdef.scene.time * model->skinscenes[s].framerate) % model->skinscenes[s].framecount;
+ s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe + (unsigned int) (rsurface.shadertime * model->skinscenes[s].framerate) % model->skinscenes[s].framecount;
s = model->skinscenes[s].firstframe;
// use an alternate animation if the entity's frame is not 0,
// and only if the texture has an alternate animation
if (rsurface.ent_alttextures && t->anim_total[1])
- t = t->anim_frames[1][(t->anim_total[1] >= 2) ? ((int)(r_refdef.scene.time * 5.0f) % t->anim_total[1]) : 0];
+ t = t->anim_frames[1][(t->anim_total[1] >= 2) ? ((int)(rsurface.shadertime * 5.0f) % t->anim_total[1]) : 0];
- t = t->anim_frames[0][(t->anim_total[0] >= 2) ? ((int)(r_refdef.scene.time * 5.0f) % t->anim_total[0]) : 0];
+ t = t->anim_frames[0][(t->anim_total[0] >= 2) ? ((int)(rsurface.shadertime * 5.0f) % t->anim_total[0]) : 0];
texture->currentframe = t;
R_LoadQWSkin(&r_qwskincache[i], cl.scores[i].qw_skin);
t->currentskinframe = r_qwskincache[i].skinframe;
if (t->currentskinframe == NULL)
- t->currentskinframe = t->skinframes[(unsigned int)(t->skinframerate * (cl.time - rsurface.ent_shadertime)) % t->numskinframes];
+ t->currentskinframe = t->skinframes[LoopingFrameNumberFromDouble(rsurface.shadertime * t->skinframerate, t->numskinframes)];
else if (t->numskinframes >= 2)
- t->currentskinframe = t->skinframes[(unsigned int)(t->skinframerate * (cl.time - rsurface.ent_shadertime)) % t->numskinframes];
+ t->currentskinframe = t->skinframes[LoopingFrameNumberFromDouble(rsurface.shadertime * t->skinframerate, t->numskinframes)];
if (t->backgroundnumskinframes >= 2)
- t->backgroundcurrentskinframe = t->backgroundskinframes[(unsigned int)(t->backgroundskinframerate * (cl.time - rsurface.ent_shadertime)) % t->backgroundnumskinframes];
+ t->backgroundcurrentskinframe = t->backgroundskinframes[LoopingFrameNumberFromDouble(rsurface.shadertime * t->backgroundskinframerate, t->backgroundnumskinframes)];
t->currentmaterialflags = t->basematerialflags;
t->currentalpha = rsurface.colormod[3];
memset(rsurface.userwavefunc_param, 0, sizeof(rsurface.userwavefunc_param));
rsurface.ent_skinnum = 0;
rsurface.ent_qwskin = -1;
- rsurface.ent_shadertime = 0;
rsurface.ent_flags = r_refdef.scene.worldentity->flags;
+ rsurface.shadertime = r_refdef.scene.time;
rsurface.matrix = identitymatrix;
rsurface.inversematrix = identitymatrix;
rsurface.matrixscale = 1;
memcpy(rsurface.userwavefunc_param, ent->userwavefunc_param, sizeof(rsurface.userwavefunc_param));
rsurface.ent_skinnum = ent->skinnum;
rsurface.ent_qwskin = (ent->entitynumber <= cl.maxclients && ent->entitynumber >= 1 && cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD && cl.scores[ent->entitynumber - 1].qw_skin[0] && !strcmp(ent->model->name, "progs/player.mdl")) ? (ent->entitynumber - 1) : -1;
- rsurface.ent_shadertime = ent->shadertime;
rsurface.ent_flags = ent->flags;
+ rsurface.shadertime = r_refdef.scene.time - ent->shadertime;
rsurface.matrix = ent->matrix;
rsurface.inversematrix = ent->inversematrix;
rsurface.matrixscale = Matrix4x4_ScaleFromMatrix(&rsurface.matrix);
rsurface.skeleton = NULL;
rsurface.ent_skinnum = 0;
rsurface.ent_qwskin = -1;
- rsurface.ent_shadertime = shadertime;
rsurface.ent_flags = entflags;
+ rsurface.shadertime = r_refdef.scene.time - shadertime;
rsurface.modelnumvertices = numvertices;
rsurface.modelnumtriangles = numtriangles;
rsurface.matrix = *matrix;
float vertex[3];
float *normal = rsurface.batchnormal3f + 3*j;
VectorScale(rsurface.batchvertex3f + 3*j, 0.98f, vertex);
- normal[0] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+0] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f( vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], r_refdef.scene.time * deform->parms[1]);
- normal[1] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+1] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f( 98 + vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], r_refdef.scene.time * deform->parms[1]);
- normal[2] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+2] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f(196 + vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], r_refdef.scene.time * deform->parms[1]);
+ normal[0] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+0] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f( vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], rsurface.shadertime * deform->parms[1]);
+ normal[1] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+1] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f( 98 + vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], rsurface.shadertime * deform->parms[1]);
+ normal[2] = rsurface.batchnormal3f[j*3+2] + deform->parms[0] * noise4f(196 + vertex[0], vertex[1], vertex[2], rsurface.shadertime * deform->parms[1]);
if(batchneed & BATCHNEED_ARRAY_VECTOR) // otherwise these can stay NULL
// rsurface.batchnormal3f_bufferoffset = 0;
for (j = 0;j < batchnumvertices;j++)
- scale = sin(rsurface.batchtexcoordtexture2f[j*2+0] * deform->parms[0] + r_refdef.scene.time * deform->parms[2]) * deform->parms[1];
+ scale = sin(rsurface.batchtexcoordtexture2f[j*2+0] * deform->parms[0] + rsurface.shadertime * deform->parms[2]) * deform->parms[1];
VectorMA(rsurface.batchvertex3f + 3*j, scale, rsurface.batchnormal3f + 3*j, rsurface.batchvertex3f + 3*j);
// if we get here, BATCHNEED_ARRAY_NORMAL is in batchneed, so no need to check
if (rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].tcmod == Q3TCMOD_TURBULENT)
amplitude = rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].parms[1];
- animpos = rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].parms[2] + r_refdef.scene.time * rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].parms[3];
+ animpos = rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].parms[2] + rsurface.shadertime * rsurface.texture->tcmods[0].parms[3];
// rsurface.batchtexcoordtexture2f = R_FrameData_Alloc(batchnumvertices * sizeof(float[2]));
// rsurface.batchtexcoordtexture2f_vertexbuffer = NULL;
// rsurface.batchtexcoordtexture2f_bufferoffset = 0;
lifetime = cl_decals_time.value + cl_decals_fadetime.value;
if (decalsystem->lastupdatetime)
- frametime = (cl.time - decalsystem->lastupdatetime);
+ frametime = (r_refdef.scene.time - decalsystem->lastupdatetime);
frametime = 0;
- decalsystem->lastupdatetime = cl.time;
+ decalsystem->lastupdatetime = r_refdef.scene.time;
decal = decalsystem->decals;
numdecals = decalsystem->numdecals;
RSurf_ActiveModelEntity(ent, false, false, false);
- decalsystem->lastupdatetime = cl.time;
+ decalsystem->lastupdatetime = r_refdef.scene.time;
decal = decalsystem->decals;
faderate = 1.0f / max(0.001f, cl_decals_fadetime.value);
// now render the decals all at once
// (this assumes they all use one particle font texture!)
- RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&rsurface.matrix, &rsurface.inversematrix, rsurface.ent_flags, rsurface.ent_shadertime, 1, 1, 1, 1, numdecals*3, decalsystem->vertex3f, decalsystem->texcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, decalsystem->color4f, numtris, decalsystem->element3i, decalsystem->element3s, false, false);
+ RSurf_ActiveCustomEntity(&rsurface.matrix, &rsurface.inversematrix, rsurface.ent_flags, ent->shadertime, 1, 1, 1, 1, numdecals*3, decalsystem->vertex3f, decalsystem->texcoord2f, NULL, NULL, NULL, decalsystem->color4f, numtris, decalsystem->element3i, decalsystem->element3s, false, false);
// R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(numtris * 3, decalsystem->vertex3f, decalsystem->color4f, decalsystem->texcoord2f);