### Faster compiling and reloading of QuakeC
-You can use `QCCFLAGS_WERROR="" ZIP=: ./all compile` to let the build succeed even with warnings and to skip compressing the resulting csprogs.dat (client gamecode) into a pk3.
+You can use `QCCFLAGS_WERROR=""` to let the build succeed even with some warnings and `ZIP=:` to skip compressing the resulting csprogs.dat (client gamecode) into a pk3. A compressed csprogs.dat is only useful to increase download speed of such file if you host an online dedicated server.
+`QCCFLAGS_WERROR="" ZIP=: ./all compile`
Server and menu code produce progs.dat and menu.dat respectively.
-No need to restart Xonotic to load the new client and server code, just start a new map with `map XXX` (depending on how you launch Xonotic you may need to use `fs_rescan; map XXX`). You can restart the menu with `menu_restart`.
+Compiling the Xonotic game code without trying to compile the engine code reduces compile time a little bit, in the case you aren't interested in changing the engine code. You can do so by running this command from the xonotic-data.pk3dir directory:
+`make qc -j4`
+where `-j4` is an option that lets you use up to 4 CPU cores for the compilation (it's enabled by default in `./all compile`). If you want you can run `make all -j4` to enable csprogs.dat compression.
+To test the QC client and server programs you don't need to restart Xonotic, you just have to start a new game with `map <mapname>` (depending on how you launch Xonotic you may need to use `fs_rescan; map <mapname>`).
+To test the QC menu program, you just have to restart the menu by executing `menu_restart` in the console.
### Debug prints