key up events are sent even if in console mode
-#define MAX_INPUTLINE 256
-int edit_line = 31;
-int history_line = 31;
-char key_lines[32][MAX_INPUTLINE];
+int edit_line = MAX_INPUTLINES-1;
+int history_line = MAX_INPUTLINES-1;
int key_linepos;
-int key_insert = true; // insert key toggle (for editing)
+qboolean key_insert = true; // insert key toggle (for editing)
keydest_t key_dest;
int key_consoleactive;
+char *keybindings[MAX_BINDMAPS][MAX_KEYS];
static int key_bmap, key_bmap2;
-char *keybindings[8][1024];
-static qboolean consolekeys[1024]; // if true, can't be rebound while in
- // console
-static qboolean menubound[1024]; // if true, can't be rebound while in
- // menu
-static qbyte keydown[1024]; // 0 = up, 1 = down, 2 = repeating
+static qbyte keydown[MAX_KEYS]; // 0 = up, 1 = down, 2 = repeating
typedef struct {
const char *name;
Key_ClearEditLine (int edit_line)
- memset (key_lines[edit_line], '\0', MAX_INPUTLINE);
+ memset (key_lines[edit_line], '\0', sizeof(key_lines[edit_line]));
key_lines[edit_line][0] = ']';
key_linepos = 1;
key_linepos = 1;
-// init ascii characters in console mode
- for (i = 32; i < 128; i++)
- consolekeys[i] = true;
- consolekeys[K_ENTER] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_ENTER] = true;
- consolekeys[K_TAB] = true;
- consolekeys[K_LEFTARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_LEFTARROW] = true;
- consolekeys[K_RIGHTARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_RIGHTARROW] = true;
- consolekeys[K_UPARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_UPARROW] = true;
- consolekeys[K_DOWNARROW] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_DOWNARROW] = true;
- consolekeys[K_BACKSPACE] = true;
- consolekeys[K_DEL] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_DEL] = true;
- consolekeys[K_INS] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_INS] = true;
- consolekeys[K_HOME] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_HOME] = true;
- consolekeys[K_END] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_END] = true;
- consolekeys[K_PGUP] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_PGUP] = true;
- consolekeys[K_PGDN] = true; consolekeys[K_KP_PGDN] = true;
- consolekeys[K_SHIFT] = true;
- consolekeys[K_MWHEELUP] = true;
- consolekeys[K_MWHEELDOWN] = true;
- consolekeys[K_KP_PLUS] = true;
- consolekeys[K_KP_MINUS] = true;
- consolekeys[K_KP_DIVIDE] = true;
- consolekeys[K_KP_MULTIPLY] = true;
- consolekeys['`'] = false;
- consolekeys['~'] = false;
- menubound[K_ESCAPE] = true;
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- menubound[K_F1 + i] = true;
// register our functions
Key_Event (int key, char ascii, qboolean down)
-#if 0
-#define USERPLAYING() ( !key_consoleactive && key_dest == key_game && (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.signon == SIGNONS) )
- const char *bind;
- // get key binding
- bind = keybindings[ key_bmap ][ key ];
- if( !bind ) {
- bind = keybindings[ key_bmap2 ][ key ];
- }
- // update key repeats
- if( down ) {
- keydown[ key ] = min(keydown[ key ] + 1, 2);
- if( keydown[ key ] > 1 ) {
- if( (key_consoleactive && !consolekeys[key]) || USERPLAYING() )
- return; // ignore most autorepeats
- }
- } else {
- keydown[ key ] = 0;
- }
- if( !down ) {
- if( bind && bind[ 0 ] == '+') {
- Cbuf_AddText( va( "-%s %i\n", bind + 1, key) );
- }
- } else {
- // handle ESCAPE specially, so unbinding wont help
- if( key == K_ESCAPE ) {
- // shift-escape is a safety measure for users who cant toggle the console otherwise
- if( keydown[K_SHIFT] ) {
- Con_ToggleConsole_f();
- return;
- }
- switch( key_dest ) {
- case key_message:
- Key_Message( key, ascii );
- break;
- case key_menu:
- MR_Keydown( key, ascii );
- break;
- case key_game:
- if (COM_CheckParm ("-demolooponly"))
- {
- CL_Disconnect ();
- return;
- }
- MR_ToggleMenu_f();
- break;
- default:
- Sys_Error( "Bad key_dest" );
- }
- return;
- }
- if( !(key_consoleactive && consolekeys[ key ]) && bind && !strncmp( bind, "toggleconsole", strlen( "toggleconsole" ) ) ) {
- Cbuf_AddText( bind );
- Cbuf_AddText( "\n" );
- if( ascii != STRING_COLOR_TAG ) {
- return;
- }
- } else {
- // during demo playback, all keys ingame bring up the main menu
- if( cls.demoplayback && !key_consoleactive && key_dest == key_game ) {
- if (!COM_CheckParm ("-demolooponly"))
- MR_ToggleMenu_f ();
- return;
- }
- // menu bind/function keys or normal binds
- if( (key_dest == key_menu && menubound[key]) || USERPLAYING() ) {
- if( bind ) {
- if( bind[0] == '+' ) { // button commands add keynum as a parm
- Cbuf_AddText( va( "%s %i\n", bind, key ) );
- } else {
- Cbuf_AddText( bind );
- Cbuf_AddText( "\n" );
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- }
- // either console or game state key functions
- if( key_consoleactive ) {
- Key_Console( key, ascii );
- } else {
- switch (key_dest) {
- case key_message:
- Key_Message( key, ascii );
- break;
- case key_menu:
- MR_Keydown( key, ascii );
- break;
- case key_game:
- // unbound key
- break;
- default:
- Sys_Error( "Bad key_dest" );
- }
- }
- }
-#elif 1
-#define USERPLAYING() ( !key_consoleactive && key_dest == key_game && (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.signon == SIGNONS) )
const char *bind;
// get key binding
Sys_Error ("Bad key_dest");
- const char *kb;
- char cmd[1024];
- if (!down)
- keydown[key] = 0;
- key_lastpress = key;
- key_count++;
- if (key_count <= 0) {
- return; // just catching keys for Con_NotifyBox
- }
- // update auto-repeat status
- if (down) {
- keydown[key] = min(keydown[key] + 1, 2);
- if (keydown[key] > 1) {
- if ((key_consoleactive && !consolekeys[key]) ||
- (!key_consoleactive && key_dest == key_game &&
- (cls.state == ca_connected && cls.signon == SIGNONS)))
- return; // ignore most autorepeats
- }
- }
- if (key == K_CTRL)
- ctrl_down = down;
- //
- // handle escape specially, so the user can never unbind it
- //
- if (key == K_ESCAPE) {
- if (!down)
- return;
- // ctrl-escape is a safety measure
- if (ctrl_down)
- {
- Con_ToggleConsole_f ();
- return;
- }
- switch (key_dest) {
- case key_message:
- Key_Message (key, ascii);
- break;
- case key_menu:
- MR_Keydown (key, ascii);
- break;
- case key_game:
- MR_ToggleMenu_f ();
- break;
- default:
- if(UI_Callback_IsSlotUsed(key_dest - 3))
- UI_Callback_KeyDown (key, ascii);
- else
- Sys_Error ("Bad key_dest");
- }
- return;
- }
- if (down)
- {
- if (!(kb = keybindings[key_bmap][key]))
- kb = keybindings[key_bmap2][key];
- if (kb && !strncmp(kb, "toggleconsole", strlen("toggleconsole")))
- {
- Cbuf_AddText (kb);
- Cbuf_AddText ("\n");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (key_consoleactive && consolekeys[key] && down)
- Key_Console (key, ascii);
- else
- {
- //
- // key up events only generate commands if the game key binding is a button
- // command (leading + sign). These will occur even in console mode, to
- // keep the character from continuing an action started before a console
- // switch. Button commands include the kenum as a parameter, so multiple
- // downs can be matched with ups
- //
- if (!down) {
- if (!(kb = keybindings[key_bmap][key]))
- kb = keybindings[key_bmap2][key];
- if (kb && kb[0] == '+') {
- dpsnprintf (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "-%s %i\n", kb + 1, key);
- Cbuf_AddText (cmd);
- }
- return;
- }
- //
- // during demo playback, most keys bring up the main menu
- //
- if (cls.demoplayback && down && consolekeys[key] && key_dest == key_game) {
- MR_ToggleMenu_f ();
- return;
- }
- //
- // if not a consolekey, send to the interpreter no matter what mode is
- //
- if ((key_dest == key_menu && menubound[key])
- || (key_consoleactive && !consolekeys[key])
- || (key_dest == key_game &&
- ((cls.state == ca_connected) || !consolekeys[key]))) {
- if (!(kb = keybindings[key_bmap][key]))
- kb = keybindings[key_bmap2][key];
- if (kb) {
- if (kb[0] == '+') { // button commands add keynum as a parm
- dpsnprintf (cmd, sizeof(cmd), "%s %i\n", kb, key);
- Cbuf_AddText (cmd);
- } else {
- Cbuf_AddText (kb);
- Cbuf_AddText ("\n");
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if (!down)
- return; // other systems only care about key
- // down events
- switch (key_dest) {
- case key_message:
- Key_Message (key, ascii);
- break;
- case key_menu:
- MR_Keydown (key, ascii);
- break;
- case key_game:
- Key_Console (key, ascii);
- break;
- default:
- if(UI_Callback_IsSlotUsed(key_dest - 3))
- UI_Callback_KeyDown (key, ascii);
- else
- Sys_Error ("Bad key_dest");
- }
- }
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to:
Free Software Foundation, Inc.
59 Temple Place - Suite 330
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
typedef enum { key_game, key_message, key_menu } keydest_t;
-extern char *keybindings[8][1024];
-extern char key_lines[32][256];
-extern int key_linepos;
-extern int edit_line;
-extern int history_line;
-extern void Key_ClearEditLine(int edit_line);
-extern qboolean chat_team;
-extern char chat_buffer[256];
-extern unsigned int chat_bufferlen;
+#define MAX_INPUTLINES 32
+#define MAX_INPUTLINE 256
+#define MAX_BINDMAPS 8
+#define MAX_KEYS 1024
+extern int edit_line;
+extern int history_line;
+extern char key_lines[MAX_INPUTLINES][MAX_INPUTLINE];
+extern int key_linepos;
+extern qboolean key_insert; // insert key toggle (for editing)
+extern keydest_t key_dest;
// key_consoleactive bits
// user wants console (halfscreen)
// console forced because there's nothing else active (fullscreen)
-extern int key_consoleactive;
-extern keydest_t key_dest;
+extern int key_consoleactive;
+extern char *keybindings[MAX_BINDMAPS][MAX_KEYS];
+extern void Key_ClearEditLine(int edit_line);
+extern qboolean chat_team;
+extern char chat_buffer[256];
+extern unsigned int chat_bufferlen;
void Key_WriteBindings(qfile_t *f);
void Key_Init(void);