cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_nostepmoveonsteepslopes = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_nostepmoveonsteepslopes", "0", "crude fix which prevents MOVETYPE_STEP (not swimming or flying) to move on slopes whose angle is bigger than 45 degree"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels", "1", "causes pointcontents (used to determine if you are in a liquid) to check bmodel entities as well as the world model, so you can swim around in (possibly moving) water bmodel entities"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag", "1", "prevents monsters, items, and most other objects from being stuck to the floor when pushed around by damage, and other situations in mods"};
-cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag", "1", "prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps)"};
+cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag", "1", "prevents very short moves from clearing onground (which may make the player stick to the floor at high netfps), fixes groundentity not being set when walking onto a mover with sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture", "1", "enables mods to get accurate trace_texture results on q1bsp by using a surface-hitting traceline implementation rather than the standard solidbsp method, q3bsp always reports texture accurately"};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_unstickplayers", "1", "big hack to try and fix the rare case of MOVETYPE_WALK entities getting stuck in the world clipping hull."};
cvar_t sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities = {CF_SERVER, "sv_gameplayfix_unstickentities", "1", "hack to check if entities are crossing world collision hull and try to move them to the right position"};
VectorCopy(PRVM_serveredictvector(ent, maxs), entmaxs);
trace = SV_TraceBox(upmove, entmins, entmaxs, downmove, type, ent, SV_GenericHitSuperContentsMask(ent), skipsupercontentsmask, skipmaterialflagsmask, collision_extendmovelength.value);
if(trace.fraction < 1 && trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7)
+ {
clip |= 1; // but we HAVE found a floor
+ // set groundentity so we get carried when walking onto a mover with sv_gameplayfix_nogravityonground
+ PRVM_serveredictedict(ent, groundentity) = PRVM_EDICT_TO_PROG(trace.ent);
+ }
// if the move did not hit the ground at any point, we're not on ground