void HUD_Weapons(void)
// declarations
- float weapons_stat = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS);
+ float weapons_stat = getstati(STAT_WEAPONS);
float i, f, a, j, factor;
- float screen_ar, center_x, center_y;
- float weapon_count, weapon_id, weapon_alpha;
- float row, column, rows, columns;
+ float screen_ar, center_x, center_y;
+ float weapon_count, weapon_id, weapon_alpha;
+ float row, column, rows, columns;
float aspect = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_aspect;
float show_accuracy, panel_weapon_accuracy;
float timeout = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout;
float timein_effect_length = (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect ? 0.375 : 0);
float timeout_effect_length = (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_timeout_effect ? 0.75 : 0);
float ammo_type, ammo_full, ammo_alpha;
float barsize_x, barsize_y, baroffset_x, baroffset_y;
float when = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_time;
float fadetime = autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble_fadetime;
vector weapon_pos, weapon_size;
vector old_panel_size;
vector color, ammo_color;
// check to see if we want to continue
if(hud != HUD_NORMAL) { return; }
+ {
if((!autocvar_hud_panel_weapons) || (spectatee_status == -1))
else if(timeout && time >= weapontime + timeout + timeout_effect_length)
weaponprevtime = time;
+ }
hud_configure_active_panel = HUD_PANEL_WEAPONS;
// update generic hud functions
// calculate fading effect to weapon images for when the panel is idle
weaponorder_cmp_str = string_null;
// determine which weapons are going to be shown
if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned)
if (weapons_stat == 0) // create some fake weapons anyway
for(i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; i += floor((WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST)/5))
weapons_stat |= power2of(i);
if(menu_enabled != 2)
HUD_Panel_DrawBg(1); // also draw the bg of the entire panel
// do we own this weapon?
for(i = 0; i <= WEP_LAST-WEP_FIRST; ++i)
if(weapons_stat & weaponorder[i].weapons)
// add it anyway if weaponcomplain is shown
- if((!autocvar__hud_configure)
+ if((!autocvar__hud_configure)
&& (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble
&& time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime))
// might as well commit suicide now, no reason to live ;)
if (weapon_count == 0) { return; }
// reduce size of the panel
if (panel_size_y > panel_size_x)
- // draw the background, then change the virtual size of it to better fit other items inside
+ // draw the background, then change the virtual size of it to better fit other items inside
rows = bound(1, floor((sqrt(4 * aspect * rows * weapon_count + rows * rows) + rows + 0.5) / 2), weapon_count);
columns = ceil(weapon_count/rows);
weapon_size = eX * panel_size_x*(1/columns) + eY * panel_size_y*(1/rows);
// calculate position/size for visual bar displaying ammount of ammo status
if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo)
// retrieve information about the current weapon to be drawn
self = weaponorder[i];
weapon_id = self.impulse;
// skip if this weapon doesn't exist
if (!self || self.impulse < 0) { continue; }
// skip this weapon if we don't own it (and onlyowned is enabled)-- or if weapons_complainbubble is showing for this weapon
if (autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_onlyowned
&& !((weapons_stat & self.weapons)
&& time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime
&& autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble)))
// figure out the drawing position of weapon
weapon_pos = (panel_pos
+ eX * column * weapon_size_x
case 1: // weapon number
drawstring(weapon_pos, ftos(weapon_id), '1 1 0' * 0.5 * weapon_size_y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
case 2: // bind
drawstring(weapon_pos, getcommandkey(ftos(weapon_id), strcat("impulse ", ftos(weapon_id))), '1 1 0' * 0.5 * weapon_size_y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
case 3: // weapon name
drawstring(weapon_pos, self.netname, '1 1 0' * 0.5 * weapon_size_y, '1 1 1', panel_fg_alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
default: // nothing
// draw ammo status bar
if(autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_ammo && self.weapon != WEP_TUBA && self.weapon != WEP_LASER && self.weapon != WEP_PORTO)
drawpic_aspect_skin(weapon_pos, strcat("weapon", self.netname), weapon_size, '0 0 0', panel_fg_alpha * 0.5, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL);
// draw the complain message
if(time - complain_weapon_time < when + fadetime && self.weapon == complain_weapon && autocvar_hud_panel_weapons_complainbubble)