(Commit created by redmine exporter script from page "Plan" version 9)
h1. Gameplay Balance
<FruitieX> div0: I would also vote for sv_maxspeed 320 and sv_maxairspeed 320
<FruitieX> so to sum it all up: current physicsNoQWBunny.cfg + sv_airaccel_sideways_friction -1 + sv_maxspeed 320 + sv_maxairspeed 320
<FruitieX> tZork: that is a slightly different physics config that div0 has been working on
<FruitieX> Dokujisan: more physics stuff to note that's really fun: sv_doublejump 1, sv_jump_speedcap_max 1, sv_jumpspeedcap_max_disable_on_ramps 1
h1. Player Models