--- /dev/null
+# release requirements:
+# a graphical environment
+# vorbis-tools: vorbiscomment, oggdec, oggenc
+# imagemagick: convert
+# https://github.com/divVerent/s2tc.git: s2tc_compress
+string(TIMESTAMP stamp "%Y%m%d")
+file(STRINGS data/xonotic-data.pk3dir/defaultXonotic.cfg _contents REGEX "^gameversion ")
+if (NOT _contents)
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "defaultXonotic.cfg does not contain gameversion")
+else ()
+ string(REGEX REPLACE ".*gameversion ([0-9]+).*" "\\1" versionstr "${_contents}")
+ math(EXPR versionstr_major "${versionstr} / 10000")
+ math(EXPR versionstr_minor "${versionstr} / 100 - ${versionstr_major} * 100")
+ math(EXPR versionstr_patch "${versionstr} - ${versionstr_major} * 10000 - ${versionstr_minor} * 100")
+ set(versionstr "${versionstr_major}.${versionstr_minor}.${versionstr_patch}")
+ message("game version: ${versionstr}")
+endif ()
+# foreach repo: git tag "xonotic-v${versionstr}"
+function(getbinary artifact)
+ find_package(Git REQUIRED)
+ get_filename_component(dpname ${artifact} NAME)
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^xonotic" "darkplaces" dpname ${dpname})
+ execute_process(
+ message(STATUS "Downloading http://beta.xonotic.org/autobuild-bin/${rev}/${dpname}")
+ file(DOWNLOAD "http://beta.xonotic.org/autobuild-bin/${rev}/${dpname}"
+ "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/${artifact}"
+if (0)
+ # TODO: build from source
+ message(STATUS "Downloading NetRadiant")
+ file(DOWNLOAD http://www.icculus.org/netradiant/files/netradiant-1.5.0-20120301.tar.bz2
+ "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/netradiant-1.5.0-20120301.tar.bz2"
+ EXPECTED_HASH SHA256=5e720cd8ebd2379ee5d388dfb8f2613bfd5798fb33d16bc7415d44a11fb4eadb)
+ file(DOWNLOAD http://www.icculus.org/netradiant/files/netradiant-1.5.0-20120301-win32-7z.exe
+ "${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/netradiant-1.5.0-20120301-win32-7z.exe"
+ EXPECTED_HASH SHA256=c4bb30b6f14c3f71f1ed29fa38cddac209a7bc2ab5b38e5bf5b442106279b5c4)
+endif ()
+if (0)
+ # TODO: build from source
+ message(STATUS "Downloading Darkplaces")
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-x86.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-x86-wgl.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-x86-dedicated.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-wgl.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-dedicated.exe)
+ getbinary(Xonotic/Xonotic.app/Contents/MacOS/xonotic-osx-sdl-bin) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-osx-dedicated) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux32-sdl) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux32-glx) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux32-dedicated) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux64-sdl) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux64-glx) # +x
+ getbinary(Xonotic/xonotic-linux64-dedicated) # +x
+endif ()
+function(buildpk3s src)
+ set(dir data/${src})
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.pk3dir$" "" name ${src})
+ if (name MATCHES "^xonotic-")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "^xonotic-" "xonotic-${stamp}-" name ${name})
+ else ()
+ set(name "${name}-${stamp}")
+ endif ()
+ file(GLOB_RECURSE files RELATIVE "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${dir}" "${dir}/*")
+ string(REGEX REPLACE "\\.git/[^;]+;?" "" files "${files}")
+ # string(REGEX REPLACE "[^;]+(qh|inc|txt|cfg|sh|po|pl|yml|cmake);?" "" files "${files}")
+ foreach (pair ${ARGN})
+ list(GET pair 0 filter)
+ list(GET pair 1 flavor)
+ buildpk3(${name}${flavor}.pk3)
+ endforeach ()
+function(buildpk3 pk3)
+ message("registered pk3 ${pk3}")
+ set(deps)
+ foreach (file IN LISTS files)
+ get_filename_component(rel ${file} DIRECTORY)
+ set(marker "done.data/${pk3}/${file}")
+ string(REPLACE "#" "_" marker ${marker}) # OUTPUT cannot contain '#'
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${marker}
+ "-Dsrc=${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/${dir}/${file}"
+ "-Ddst=data/${pk3}/${rel}"
+ "-Dconv=data/${pk3}/${file}"
+ -P "transform-${filter}.cmake"
+ list(APPEND deps ${marker})
+ endforeach ()
+ add_custom_target(${pk3} DEPENDS ${deps})
+ add_custom_target(${pk3}-zip DEPENDS ${pk3}.zip)
+ add_dependencies(release ${pk3}-zip)
+ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${pk3}.zip
+ DEPENDS ${pk3}
+ COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E tar "cfv" "../../${pk3}.zip" --format=zip *
+ WORKING_DIRECTORY "data/${pk3}")
+function(deftransform name)
+ file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/transform-${name}.cmake "")
+ set(pairs "${ARGN}")
+ list(APPEND pairs "del_src\;true")
+ foreach (pair IN LISTS pairs)
+ list(GET pair 0 k)
+ list(GET pair 1 v)
+ file(APPEND ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/transform-${name}.cmake "set(ENV{${k}} \"${v}\")\n")
+ endforeach ()
+ file(APPEND ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/transform-${name}.cmake
+ "execute_process(\n"
+ " COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy \${src} \${conv}\n"
+ " COMMAND ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/misc/tools/cached-converter.sh \${conv}\n"
+ " COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory done.\${conv}\n"
+ " RESULT_VARIABLE res_var\n"
+ ")")
+file(WRITE ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/transform-raw.cmake
+ "execute_process(\n"
+ " COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy \${src} \${conv}\n"
+ " COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E make_directory done.\${conv}\n"
+ ")")
+# default to "del_src\;true"
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ "do_jpeg\;true"
+ "jpeg_qual_rgb\;97"
+ "jpeg_qual_a\;99"
+ "do_dds\;false"
+ "do_ogg\;true"
+ "ogg_ogg\;false")
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ # music: reduce bitrate
+ "do_jpeg\;false"
+ "do_jpeg_if_not_dds\;true"
+ "jpeg_qual_rgb\;95"
+ "jpeg_qual_a\;99"
+ "do_dds\;true"
+ "dds_flags\;"
+ "do_ogg\;true"
+ "ogg_ogg\;false")
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ # music: reduce bitrate
+ "do_jpeg\;true"
+ "jpeg_qual_rgb\;80"
+ "jpeg_qual_a\;97"
+ "do_dds\;false"
+ "do_ogg\;true"
+ "ogg_qual\;1")
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ "do_jpeg\;false"
+ "do_webp\;true"
+ "do_dds\;false"
+ "do_ogg\;false"
+ "ogg_ogg\;false")
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ # music: reduce bitrate
+ "do_jpeg\;false"
+ "do_jpeg_if_not_dds\;true"
+ "jpeg_qual_rgb\;80"
+ "jpeg_qual_a\;99"
+ "do_dds\;true"
+ "dds_flags\;"
+ "do_ogg\;true"
+ "ogg_qual\;1")
+ # texture: convert to jpeg and dds
+ # music: reduce bitrate
+ "do_jpeg\;true"
+ "jpeg_qual_rgb\;80"
+ "jpeg_qual_a\;97"
+ "do_dds\;false"
+ "do_ogg\;true"
+ "ogg_qual\;1"
+ )
+## remove stuff radiant has no use for
+#verbose find . -name \*_norm.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_bump.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_glow.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_gloss.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_pants.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_shirt.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -name \*_reflect.\* -exec rm -f {} \;
+#verbose find . -not \( -name \*.tga -o -name \*.png -o -name \*.jpg \) -exec rm -f {} \;
+buildpk3s(font-unifont.pk3dir "raw\;")
+buildpk3s(font-xolonium.pk3dir "raw\;")
+buildpk3s(xonotic-data.pk3dir "low\;-low" "normaldds\;" "normal\;-high")
+buildpk3s(xonotic-maps.pk3dir "low\;-low" "normaldds\;" "normal\;-high" "mapping\;-mapping")
+buildpk3s(xonotic-music.pk3dir "raw\;" "low\;-low")
+buildpk3s(xonotic-nexcompat.pk3dir "normaldds\;")
+message("CMake may appear to halt at '-- Configuring done', this is not the case")