con_vislines = 0;
-qbool scr_loading = false;
-void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque (qbool startup)
- scr_loading = true;
- SCR_UpdateLoadingScreen(false, startup);
-void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(void)
- scr_loading = false;
static loadingscreenstack_t *loadingscreenstack = NULL;
-static qbool loadingscreendone = false;
-static qbool loadingscreencleared = false;
-static float loadingscreenheight = 0;
-rtexture_t *loadingscreentexture = NULL;
+static qbool scr_loading = false; // we are in a loading screen
+rtexture_t *loadingscreentexture = NULL; // last framebuffer before loading screen, kept for the background
static float loadingscreentexture_vertex3f[12];
static float loadingscreentexture_texcoord2f[8];
static int loadingscreenpic_number = 0;
static void SCR_DrawScreen (void)
+ DrawQ_Start();
- // this will be set back to 0 by R_RenderView during CL_VM_UpdateView
- r_refdef.draw2dstage = 1;
- R_ResetViewRendering2D_Common(0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer);
// Quake uses clockwise winding, so these are swapped
r_refdef.view.cullface_front = GL_BACK;
r_refdef.view.cullface_back = GL_FRONT;
- if (cls.signon == SIGNONS)
+ if (!scr_loading && cls.signon == SIGNONS)
float size;
R_RenderView(0, NULL, NULL, r_refdef.view.x, r_refdef.view.y, r_refdef.view.width, r_refdef.view.height);
- else if (key_dest == key_game && key_consoleactive == 0 && (cls.state == ca_connected || cls.connect_trying))
- {
- // draw the loading screen for a while if we're still connecting and not forcing the console or menu to show up
- char temp[64];
- if (cls.signon > 0)
- SCR_PushLoadingScreen(va(temp, sizeof(temp), "Connect: Signon stage %i of %i", cls.signon, SIGNONS), 1.0);
- else if (cls.connect_remainingtries > 0)
- SCR_PushLoadingScreen(va(temp, sizeof(temp), "Connect: Trying... %i", cls.connect_remainingtries), 1.0);
- else
- SCR_PushLoadingScreen(va(temp, sizeof(temp), "Connect: Waiting %i seconds for reply", 10 + cls.connect_remainingtries), 1.0);
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
- SCR_PopLoadingScreen(false);
- }
// Don't apply debugging stuff like r_showsurfaces to the UI
r_refdef.view.showdebug = false;
// draw 2D stuff
- // Don't flicker when starting a local server.
- if(scr_loading && !loadingscreenstack && ((!cls.signon && ! || (cls.signon == SIGNONS)))
- SCR_EndLoadingPlaque();
if(!scr_con_current && !(key_consoleactive & KEY_CONSOLEACTIVE_FORCED))
if ((key_dest == key_game || key_dest == key_message) && !r_letterbox.value && !scr_loading)
Con_DrawNotify (); // only draw notify in game
host.paused = false;
- if (cls.signon == SIGNONS)
+ if (!scr_loading && cls.signon == SIGNONS)
SCR_DrawNet ();
SCR_DrawTurtle ();
- SCR_DrawConsole();
- if(!scr_loading) {
- SCR_DrawBrand();
+ if (scr_loading)
+ {
+ loadingscreenstack_t connect_status;
+ qbool show_connect_status = !loadingscreenstack && (cls.connect_trying || cls.state == ca_connected);
+ if (show_connect_status)
+ {
+ connect_status.absolute_loading_amount_min = 0;
+ if (cls.signon > 0)
+ dpsnprintf(connect_status.msg, sizeof(connect_status.msg), "Connect: Signon stage %i of %i", cls.signon, SIGNONS);
+ else if (cls.connect_remainingtries > 0)
+ dpsnprintf(connect_status.msg, sizeof(connect_status.msg), "Connect: Trying... %i", cls.connect_remainingtries);
+ else
+ dpsnprintf(connect_status.msg, sizeof(connect_status.msg), "Connect: Waiting %i seconds for reply", 10 + cls.connect_remainingtries);
+ loadingscreenstack = &connect_status;
+ }
+ SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
+ if (show_connect_status)
+ loadingscreenstack = NULL;
+ }
- SCR_DrawInfobar();
+ SCR_DrawConsole();
+ SCR_DrawInfobar();
+ if (!scr_loading)
+ {
+ SCR_DrawBrand();
if (r_timereport_active)
- DrawQ_Finish();
+ DrawQ_Finish();
loadingscreentexture_texcoord2f[6] = 0;loadingscreentexture_texcoord2f[7] = 0;
-void SCR_UpdateLoadingScreenIfShown(void)
+static void SCR_ChooseLoadingPic(qbool startup)
+ if(startup && scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup.integer)
+ loadingscreenpic_number = 0;
+ else if(scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup.integer)
+ if(scr_loadingscreen_count.integer > 1)
+ loadingscreenpic_number = rand() % (scr_loadingscreen_count.integer - 1) + 1;
+ else
+ loadingscreenpic_number = 0;
+ else
+ loadingscreenpic_number = rand() % (scr_loadingscreen_count.integer > 1 ? scr_loadingscreen_count.integer : 1);
+void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque(qbool startup)
- if(loadingscreendone)
- SCR_UpdateLoadingScreen(loadingscreencleared, false);
+ loadingscreenstack_t dummy_status;
+ // we need to push a dummy status so CL_UpdateScreen knows we have things to load...
+ if (!loadingscreenstack)
+ {
+ dummy_status.msg[0] = '\0';
+ dummy_status.absolute_loading_amount_min = 0;
+ loadingscreenstack = &dummy_status;
+ }
+ SCR_DeferLoadingPlaque(startup);
+ if (scr_loadingscreen_background.integer)
+ SCR_SetLoadingScreenTexture();
+ CL_UpdateScreen();
+ if (loadingscreenstack == &dummy_status)
+ loadingscreenstack = NULL;
+void SCR_DeferLoadingPlaque(qbool startup)
+ SCR_ChooseLoadingPic(startup);
+ scr_loading = true;
+void SCR_EndLoadingPlaque(void)
+ scr_loading = false;
+ SCR_ClearLoadingScreenTexture();
void SCR_PushLoadingScreen (const char *msg, float len_in_parent)
loadingscreenstack_t *s = (loadingscreenstack_t *) Z_Malloc(sizeof(loadingscreenstack_t));
s->absolute_loading_amount_len = 1;
- SCR_UpdateLoadingScreenIfShown();
+ if (scr_loading)
+ CL_UpdateScreen();
void SCR_PopLoadingScreen (qbool redraw)
s->prev->relative_completion = (s->absolute_loading_amount_min + s->absolute_loading_amount_len - s->prev->absolute_loading_amount_min) / s->prev->absolute_loading_amount_len;
- if(redraw)
- SCR_UpdateLoadingScreenIfShown();
+ if (scr_loading && redraw)
+ CL_UpdateScreen();
void SCR_ClearLoadingScreen (qbool redraw)
len = strlen(s->msg);
x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth(s->msg, len, size, size, true, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
y -= size;
- DrawQ_Fill(0, y, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
DrawQ_String(x, y, s->msg, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
total += size;
len = strlen(s->msg);
x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth(s->msg, len, size, size, true, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
y -= size;
- DrawQ_Fill(0, y, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
DrawQ_String(x, y, s->msg, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
total += size;
float verts[12];
float colors[16];
- loadingscreenheight = SCR_DrawLoadingStack_r(loadingscreenstack, vid_conheight.integer, scr_loadingscreen_barheight.value);
+ SCR_DrawLoadingStack_r(loadingscreenstack, vid_conheight.integer, scr_loadingscreen_barheight.value);
// height = 32; // sorry, using the actual one is ugly
GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);
-// R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
+ //R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
verts[2] = verts[5] = verts[8] = verts[11] = 0;
verts[0] = verts[9] = 0;
verts[1] = verts[4] = vid_conheight.integer - scr_loadingscreen_barheight.value;
#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#define sscanf sscanf_s
- // ^^^^^^^^^^ blue component
- // ^^^^^^ bottom row
- // ^^^^^^^^^^^^ alpha is always on
colors[0] = 0; colors[1] = 0; colors[2] = 0; colors[3] = 1;
colors[4] = 0; colors[5] = 0; colors[6] = 0; colors[7] = 1;
sscanf(scr_loadingscreen_barcolor.string, "%f %f %f", &colors[8], &colors[9], &colors[10]); colors[11] = 1;
R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, verts, colors, NULL);
R_SetupShader_Generic_NoTexture(true, true);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
- // make sure everything is cleared, including the progress indicator
- if(loadingscreenheight < 8)
- loadingscreenheight = 8;
-static cachepic_t *loadingscreenpic;
-static float loadingscreenpic_vertex3f[12];
-static float loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[8];
-static void SCR_DrawLoadingScreen_SharedSetup (qbool clear)
+static void SCR_DrawLoadingScreen (void)
- r_viewport_t viewport;
+ cachepic_t *loadingscreenpic;
+ float loadingscreenpic_vertex3f[12];
+ float loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[8];
float x, y, w, h, sw, sh, f;
char vabuf[1024];
- // release mouse grab while loading
- if (!vid.fullscreen)
- VID_SetMouse(false, false, false);
- r_refdef.draw2dstage = true;
- R_Viewport_InitOrtho(&viewport, &identitymatrix, 0, 0, vid.width, vid.height, 0, 0, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, -10, 100, NULL);
- R_Mesh_SetRenderTargets(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
- R_SetViewport(&viewport);
- GL_ColorMask(1,1,1,1);
- // when starting up a new video mode, make sure the screen is cleared to black
- if (clear || loadingscreentexture)
- GL_Clear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, NULL, 1.0f, 0);
- R_Textures_Frame();
- R_Mesh_Start();
- R_EntityMatrix(&identitymatrix);
- // draw the loading plaque
- loadingscreenpic = Draw_CachePic_Flags (loadingscreenpic_number ? va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%d", scr_loadingscreen_picture.string, loadingscreenpic_number+1) : scr_loadingscreen_picture.string, loadingscreenpic_number ? CACHEPICFLAG_NOTPERSISTENT : 0);
+ GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
+ GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);
+ GL_DepthTest(false);
+ GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
+ if(loadingscreentexture)
+ {
+ R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, loadingscreentexture_vertex3f, NULL, loadingscreentexture_texcoord2f);
+ R_SetupShader_Generic(loadingscreentexture, false, true, true);
+ R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ loadingscreenpic = Draw_CachePic_Flags(loadingscreenpic_number ? va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s%d", scr_loadingscreen_picture.string, loadingscreenpic_number+1) : scr_loadingscreen_picture.string, loadingscreenpic_number ? CACHEPICFLAG_NOTPERSISTENT : 0);
w = Draw_GetPicWidth(loadingscreenpic);
h = Draw_GetPicHeight(loadingscreenpic);
loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[2] = 1;loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[3] = 0;
loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[4] = 1;loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[5] = 1;
loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[6] = 0;loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f[7] = 1;
-static void SCR_DrawLoadingScreen (void)
- // we only need to draw the image if it isn't already there
- GL_DepthRange(0, 1);
- GL_PolygonOffset(0, 0);
- GL_DepthTest(false);
-// R_Mesh_ResetTextureState();
- GL_Color(1,1,1,1);
- if(loadingscreentexture)
- {
- R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, loadingscreentexture_vertex3f, NULL, loadingscreentexture_texcoord2f);
- R_SetupShader_Generic(loadingscreentexture, false, true, true);
- R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
- }
R_Mesh_PrepareVertices_Generic_Arrays(4, loadingscreenpic_vertex3f, NULL, loadingscreenpic_texcoord2f);
R_SetupShader_Generic(Draw_GetPicTexture(loadingscreenpic), true, true, false);
R_Mesh_Draw(0, 4, 0, 2, polygonelement3i, NULL, 0, polygonelement3s, NULL, 0);
- SCR_DrawLoadingStack();
-static double loadingscreen_lastupdate;
-static void SCR_UpdateVars(void);
-void SCR_UpdateLoadingScreen (qbool clear, qbool startup)
- keydest_t old_key_dest;
- int old_key_consoleactive;
- // don't do anything if not initialized yet
- if (vid_hidden || cls.state == ca_dedicated)
- return;
- // limit update rate
- if (scr_loadingscreen_maxfps.value)
- {
- double t = Sys_DirtyTime();
- if ((t - loadingscreen_lastupdate) < 1.0f/scr_loadingscreen_maxfps.value)
- return;
- loadingscreen_lastupdate = t;
- }
- // set up the r_texture_gammaramps texture which we need for rendering the loadingscreenpic
- R_UpdateVariables();
- if(!scr_loadingscreen_background.integer)
- clear = true;
- if(loadingscreendone)
- clear |= loadingscreencleared;
- if(!loadingscreendone)
- {
- if(startup && scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup.integer)
- loadingscreenpic_number = 0;
- else if(scr_loadingscreen_firstforstartup.integer)
- if(scr_loadingscreen_count.integer > 1)
- loadingscreenpic_number = rand() % (scr_loadingscreen_count.integer - 1) + 1;
- else
- loadingscreenpic_number = 0;
- else
- loadingscreenpic_number = rand() % (scr_loadingscreen_count.integer > 1 ? scr_loadingscreen_count.integer : 1);
- }
- if(clear)
- SCR_ClearLoadingScreenTexture();
- else if(!loadingscreendone)
- SCR_SetLoadingScreenTexture();
- if(!loadingscreendone)
- {
- loadingscreendone = true;
- loadingscreenheight = 0;
- }
- loadingscreencleared = clear;
-#ifdef USE_GLES2
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen_SharedSetup(clear);
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen_SharedSetup(clear);
- if (vid.stereobuffer)
- {
- qglDrawBuffer(GL_BACK_LEFT);
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
- qglDrawBuffer(GL_BACK_RIGHT);
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
- }
- else
- {
- qglDrawBuffer(GL_BACK);
- SCR_DrawLoadingScreen();
- }
- DrawQ_Finish();
- R_Mesh_Finish();
- // refresh
- VID_Finish();
- // this goes into the event loop, and should prevent unresponsive cursor on vista
- old_key_dest = key_dest;
- old_key_consoleactive = key_consoleactive;
- key_dest = key_void;
- key_consoleactive = false;
- Key_EventQueue_Block(); Sys_SendKeyEvents();
- key_dest = old_key_dest;
- key_consoleactive = old_key_consoleactive;
+ SCR_DrawLoadingStack();
qbool R_Stereo_ColorMasking(void)
return (vid.stereobuffer || r_stereo_sidebyside.integer || r_stereo_horizontal.integer || r_stereo_vertical.integer || R_Stereo_ColorMasking());
-void SCR_UpdateVars(void)
+static void SCR_UpdateVars(void)
float conwidth = bound(160, vid_conwidth.value, 32768);
float conheight = bound(90, vid_conheight.value, 24576);
extern cvar_t cl_minfps_qualityhysteresis;
extern cvar_t cl_minfps_qualitystepmax;
extern cvar_t cl_minfps_force;
-static double cl_updatescreen_quality = 1;
void CL_UpdateScreen(void)
+ static double cl_updatescreen_quality = 1;
vec3_t vieworigin;
static double drawscreenstart = 0.0;
double drawscreendelta;
if (!scr_initialized || !con_initialized || !scr_refresh.integer)
return; // not initialized yet
- loadingscreendone = false;
// play a bit with the palette (experimental)
+ if (scr_loading)
+ {
+ if(!loadingscreenstack && !cls.connect_trying && (cls.state != ca_connected || cls.signon == SIGNONS))
+ SCR_EndLoadingPlaque();
+ else if (scr_loadingscreen_maxfps.value)
+ {
+ static float lastupdate;
+ float now = Sys_DirtyTime();
+ if (now - lastupdate < 1.0f / scr_loadingscreen_maxfps.value)
+ return;
+ lastupdate = now;
+ }
+ }