+++ /dev/null
- 0 40 20 // die1 : die
- 40 40 20 // die2 : die differently
- 80 6 20 // draw : raise weapon
- 86 6 20 // duck : crouch quickly
- 92 12 20 // duckwalk : crouch walking
-104 10 20 // duckjump : jump from crouching position, stays on last frame until you land
-114 20 20 // duckidle : crouched
-134 30 20 // idle : standing
-164 10 20 // jump : jump, stays on last frame until you land
-174 10 20 // pain1 : flinch from pain
-184 10 20 // pain2 : flinch differently
-194 6 20 // shoot : 300ms shooting anim, may be played faster/slower by code, used for all weapons
-200 1 20 // taunt : not used
-201 10 20 // run : run forward
-211 10 20 // runbackwards : run backwards
-221 10 20 // strafeleft : fast shuffling to the left
-231 10 20 // straferight : fast shuffling to the right
-241 10 20 // forwardright : running forward and right
-251 10 20 // forwardleft : running forward and left
-261 10 20 // backright : running backward and right
-271 10 20 // backleft : running backward and left
\ No newline at end of file