qglVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[3]), p ? p : varray_buf_vertex3f);CHECKGLERROR
- if (gl_state.colorarray)
+ p = gl_state.pointervertexcount ? m->pointer_color : NULL;
+ if (gl_state.pointer_color != p)
- p = gl_state.pointervertexcount ? m->pointer_color : NULL;
- if (gl_state.pointer_color != p)
- {
- if (gl_batchelementcount)
- R_Mesh_EndBatch();
+ if (gl_batchelementcount)
+ R_Mesh_EndBatch();
- gl_state.pointer_color = p;
- if (p || gl_mesh_floatcolors.integer)
- qglColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[4]), p ? p : varray_buf_color4f);
- else
- qglColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(GLubyte[4]), p ? p : varray_buf_color4b);
- }
+ gl_state.pointer_color = p;
+ if (p || gl_mesh_floatcolors.integer)
+ qglColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(float[4]), p ? p : varray_buf_color4f);
+ else
+ qglColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, sizeof(GLubyte[4]), p ? p : varray_buf_color4b);
l = r_mesh_rcachesequentialchain_current;
if (l == lhead)
l = l->next;
- if (l != lhead)
+ while (l != lhead && l->data->offset < offsetend && l->data->offset + l->data->request.data_size > offset)
- while (l->data->offset < offsetend && l->data->offset + l->data->request.data_size > offset)
- {
//r_mesh_rcachesequentialchain_current = l;
- lnext = l->next;
- // if at the end of the chain, wrap around
- if (lnext == lhead)
- lnext = lnext->next;
+ lnext = l->next;
+ // if at the end of the chain, wrap around
+ if (lnext == lhead)
+ lnext = lnext->next;
//r_mesh_rcachesequentialchain_current = lnext;
- // unlink from sequential chain
- l->next->prev = l->prev;
- l->prev->next = l->next;
+ // unlink from sequential chain
+ l->next->prev = l->prev;
+ l->prev->next = l->next;
- // link into free chain
- l->next = &r_mesh_rcachefreechain;
- l->prev = l->next->prev;
- l->next->prev = l->prev->next = l;
+ // link into free chain
+ l->next = &r_mesh_rcachefreechain;
+ l->prev = l->next->prev;
+ l->next->prev = l->prev->next = l;
- l = &l->data->hashlink;
- // unlink from hash chain
- l->next->prev = l->prev;
- l->prev->next = l->next;
+ l = &l->data->hashlink;
+ // unlink from hash chain
+ l->next->prev = l->prev;
+ l->prev->next = l->next;
- l = lnext;
+ l = lnext;
//r_mesh_rcachesequentialchain_current = l;
- }
//r_mesh_rcachesequentialchain_current = l;