-------- KEYS --------
targetname: make the trigger_teleporter point to this.
target: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
+target2: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
+target3: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
+target4: target to activate when a teleporter targeting this is used
angle: direction in which player will look when teleported, OR use
angles: pitch and yaw when coming out of the teleporter (also specifies the direction the player will aim when coming out)
cnt: weight for random selection, in case a teleporter points at multiple misc_teleporter_dest
Note that in Xonotic, teleporters preserve momentum of the player using them.
-------- KEYS --------
target: this must point to a misc_teleporter_dest entity. If it points to more than one, a destination is randomly selected on teleport.
+target2: target to activate when the teleporter is used
+target3: target to activate when the teleporter is used
+target4: target to activate when the teleporter is used
team: team that owns this teleporter (5 = red, 14 = blue, etc) (when set, only this team can teleport)
targetname: when targeted by a func_button, pressing the button will reassign the teleporter to the team of the activator.
-------- SPAWNFLAGS --------
Should be thick enough to fit a player entity (i.e. 32 units), preferably even thicker.
-------- KEYS --------
target: must point to another trigger_warpzone, or...
+target2: is triggered when a player ENTERS the warpzone (and warps away)
+target3: is triggered when a player LEAVES the warpzone (from the other warp zone to this one)
+target4: is triggered in both cases
targetname: must be pointed to by another trigger_warpzone. Should be pointed to by a misc_warpzone_position entity, or...
killtarget: should point to a target_position entity, or