cl.latestframenumsposition = (cl.latestframenumsposition + 1) % LATESTFRAMENUMS;
+void CL_RotateMoves(const matrix4x4_t *m)
+ // rotate viewangles in all previous moves
+ vec3_t v;
+ vec3_t f, r, u;
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0;i < CL_MAX_USERCMDS;i++)
+ {
+ if (cl.movecmd[i].sequence > cls.servermovesequence)
+ {
+ usercmd_t *c = &cl.movecmd[i];
+ AngleVectors(c->viewangles, f, r, u);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(m, f, v); VectorCopy(v, f);
+ Matrix4x4_Transform(m, u, v); VectorCopy(v, u);
+ AnglesFromVectors(c->viewangles, f, u, false);
+ }
+ }
PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = model->animscenes[framenum].framecount / model->animscenes[framenum].framerate;
+void VM_CL_RotateMoves(void)
+ /*
+ * Obscure builtin used by GAME_XONOTIC.
+ *
+ * Edits the input history of cl_movement by rotating all move commands
+ * currently in the queue using the given transform.
+ *
+ * The vector passed is an "angles transform" as used by warpzonelib, i.e.
+ * v_angle-like (non-inverted) euler angles that perform the rotation
+ * of the space that is to be done.
+ *
+ * This is meant to be used as a fixangle replacement after passing
+ * through a warpzone/portal: the client is told about the warp transform,
+ * and calls this function in the same frame as the one on which the
+ * client's origin got changed by the serverside teleport. Then this code
+ * transforms the pre-warp input (which matches the empty space behind
+ * the warp plane) into post-warp input (which matches the target area
+ * of the warp). Also, at the same time, the client has to use
+ * R_SetView to adjust VF_CL_VIEWANGLES according to the same transform.
+ *
+ * This together allows warpzone motion to be perfectly predicted by
+ * the client!
+ *
+ * Furthermore, for perfect warpzone behaviour, the server side also
+ * has to detect input the client sent before it received the origin
+ * update, but after the warp occurred on the server, and has to adjust
+ * input appropriately.
+ */
+ matrix4x4_t m;
+ vec3_t v = {0, 0, 0};
+ vec3_t x, y, z;
+ AngleVectorsFLU(PRVM_G_VECTOR(OFS_PARM0), x, y, z);
+ Matrix4x4_FromVectors(&m, x, y, z, v);
+ CL_RotateMoves(&m);
// To create a almost working builtin file from this replace:
VM_getbindmaps, // #631 vector(void) getbindmap
VM_setbindmaps, // #632 float(vector bm) setbindmap
NULL, // #633
+NULL, // #634
+NULL, // #635
+NULL, // #636
+NULL, // #637
+VM_CL_RotateMoves, // #638
+NULL, // #639
const int vm_cl_numbuiltins = sizeof(vm_cl_builtins) / sizeof(prvm_builtin_t);