return '1 0 0'; //red
+float HUD_Timer_Elapsed(float curtime, float starttime)
+ float time_elapsed = floor(curtime - STAT(GAMESTARTTIME));
+ if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
+ time_elapsed = max(0, time_elapsed);
+ return time_elapsed;
+float HUD_Timer_TimeLeft(float curtime, float starttime, float timelimit)
+ float timeleft = timelimit + starttime - curtime;
+ if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
+ timeleft = bound(0, timeleft, timelimit);
+ return ceil(timeleft);
void HUD_Timer()
string timer;
string subtimer = string_null;
string subtext = string_null;
- float hudtime, timelimit, timeleft;
- int overtimes;
+ float curtime, timelimit, timeleft;
vector timer_size, subtext_size, subtimer_size;
vector timer_color = '1 1 1';
vector subtimer_color = '1 1 1';
bool swap = (autocvar_hud_panel_timer_secondary == 2 && STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME));
- // Calculate game time and timelimit
- hudtime = (intermission_time ? intermission_time : time);
+ // Use real or frozen time and get the time limit
+ curtime = (intermission_time ? intermission_time : time);
// Calculate time left
- timeleft = timelimit + STAT(GAMESTARTTIME) - hudtime;
- if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
- timeleft = bound(0, timeleft, timelimit);
- timeleft = ceil(timeleft);
- //LOG_INFOF("Hudtime %d - intermission_time %d - timelimit %d - timeleft %d", hudtime, intermission_time, timelimit, timeleft);
+ timeleft = HUD_Timer_TimeLeft(curtime, STAT(GAMESTARTTIME), timelimit);
// Timer color
if(!intermission_time && !warmup_stage && timelimit > 0)
timer_color = HUD_Timer_Color(timeleft);
// Timer text
- if (autocvar_hud_panel_timer_increment || timelimit == 0) {
- float time_elapsed = floor(hudtime - STAT(GAMESTARTTIME));
- if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
- time_elapsed = max(0, time_elapsed);
- timer = seconds_tostring(time_elapsed);
- } else {
+ if (autocvar_hud_panel_timer_increment || timelimit == 0)
+ timer = seconds_tostring(HUD_Timer_Elapsed(curtime, STAT(GAMESTARTTIME)));
+ else
timer = seconds_tostring(timeleft);
- }
- // Round-based game modes
+ // Secondary timer for round-based game modes
if(STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME) && autocvar_hud_panel_timer_secondary)
subtimer = "--:--";
subtimer_color = '1 0 0';
} else {
- float round_hudtime, round_timelimit, round_timeleft;
+ float round_curtime, round_timelimit, round_timeleft;
- round_hudtime = (game_stopped_time ? game_stopped_time : time);
+ // Use real or frozen time and get the time limit
+ round_curtime = (game_stopped_time ? game_stopped_time : time);
round_timelimit = STAT(ROUND_TIMELIMIT);
- // Calculate round time left
- round_timeleft = round_timelimit + STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME) - round_hudtime;
- if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
- round_timeleft = bound(0, round_timeleft, round_timelimit);
- round_timeleft = ceil(round_timeleft);
+ // Calculate time left
+ round_timeleft = HUD_Timer_TimeLeft(round_curtime, STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME), round_timelimit);
// Subtimer color
if(!intermission_time && round_timelimit > 0)
subtimer_color = HUD_Timer_Color(round_timeleft);
// Subtimer text
- if (autocvar_hud_panel_timer_increment || round_timelimit <= 0) {
- float round_time_elapsed = floor(round_hudtime - STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME));
- if (!autocvar_hud_panel_timer_unbound)
- round_time_elapsed = max(0, round_time_elapsed);
- subtimer = seconds_tostring(round_time_elapsed);
- } else {
+ if (autocvar_hud_panel_timer_increment || round_timelimit <= 0)
+ subtimer = seconds_tostring(HUD_Timer_Elapsed(round_curtime, STAT(ROUNDSTARTTIME)));
+ else
subtimer = seconds_tostring(round_timeleft);
- }
// Subtext
+ int overtimes = STAT(OVERTIMESADDED);
if(warmup_stage || autocvar__hud_configure)
subtext = _("Warmup");