set bot_ai_aimskill_firetolerance_maxdegrees 60 "Maximum firing angle. Used on close range"
set bot_ai_aimskill_mouse 1 "How much of the aiming filters are applied"
set bot_ai_keyboard_distance 250 "Keyboard emulation is disabled after this distance to the goal"
-set bot_ai_keyboard_treshold 0.57
+set bot_ai_keyboard_threshold 0.57
set bot_ai_aimskill_offset 0.3 "Amount of error induced to the bots aim"
set bot_ai_aimskill_think 1 "Aiming velocity. Use values below 1 for slower aiming"
set bot_ai_custom_weapon_priority_distances "300 850" "Define close and far distances in any order. Based on the distance to the enemy bots will choose different weapons"
set camera_speed_chase 4 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis while chasing the player"
set camera_speed_free 8 "Camera movement speed on the x/y/z axis in free mode"
set camera_speed_attenuation 10 "Camera movements attenuation factor. Bigger is smoother. Applies to mouse movements"
-set camera_mouse_treshold 0.5 "Use to ignore small mouse movements. This allows for smoother camera control"
+set camera_mouse_threshold 0.5 "Use to ignore small mouse movements. This allows for smoother camera control"
set camera_chase_smoothly 0 "Attenuate player movements (only in chase mode)"
set camera_look_player 0 "Always look to the player. Mouse input is ignored in this mode"
set camera_look_attenuation 8 "Attenuation of \"looking\" movements, only if camera_look_player is set. Bigger is smoother"
tmp = getmousepos() * 0.1;
- if(vlen(tmp)>autocvar_camera_mouse_treshold)
+ if(vlen(tmp)>autocvar_camera_mouse_threshold)
mouse_angles_x += tmp_y * cos(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp_x * sin(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD));
mouse_angles_y -= tmp_x * cos(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp_y * -sin(mouse_angles_z * DEG2RAD));
float autocvar_camera_free;
float autocvar_camera_look_attenuation;
float autocvar_camera_look_player;
-float autocvar_camera_mouse_treshold;
+float autocvar_camera_mouse_threshold;
float autocvar_camera_reset;
float autocvar_camera_speed_attenuation;
float autocvar_camera_speed_chase;
float autocvar_bot_ai_friends_aware_pickup_radius;
float autocvar_bot_ai_ignoregoal_timeout;
float autocvar_bot_ai_keyboard_distance;
-float autocvar_bot_ai_keyboard_treshold;
+float autocvar_bot_ai_keyboard_threshold;
float autocvar_bot_ai_navigation_jetpack;
float autocvar_bot_ai_navigation_jetpack_mindistance;
float autocvar_bot_ai_strategyinterval;
local float trigger, trigger1;
blend = bound(0,sk*0.1,1);
- trigger = autocvar_bot_ai_keyboard_treshold;
+ trigger = autocvar_bot_ai_keyboard_threshold;
trigger1 = 0 - trigger;
// categorize forward movement