"classname" "worldspawn"
-"author" "mintOX"
-"license" "GPL"
-"message" "geoplanetary"
-"description" "remake of geomonetary for xonotic"
+"author" "MintOX, Debugger, Mirio"
+"message" "Geoplanetary"
+"_description" "Geomonetary in space"
( 160 -192 64 ) ( -192 -192 0 ) ( 160 64 64 ) exx/base-metal03 0 0 0 0.25 0.25 0 0 0
( 160 64 64 ) ( 96 64 64 ) ( 160 64 -64 ) common/caulk 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0 0 0
title Geoplanetary
description Geomonetary in space
author MintOX, Debugger, Mirio
-cdtrack 18
+cdtrack 17
has weapons
gametype ctf
gametype dom
clientsettemp_for_type all r_water 1
-clientsettemp_for_type all r_water_resolutionmultiplier 1
-//For my daughter Alysa. Thanks for all your help. I love you boo!
-//Thanks to Dokujisan and ohters on HOCFT that helped!
-//Released 5/17/2010
\ No newline at end of file
+clientsettemp_for_type all r_water_resolutionmultiplier 1
\ No newline at end of file
blendfunc add
- qer_editorimage textures/map_geoplanetary/scanline.jpg
- q3map_lightimage textures/map_geoplanetary/scanline.jpg
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nomarks
- surfaceparm trans
- qer_trans 0.5
-map textures/map_geoplanetary/scanline.jpg
-blendfunc add
-tcMod turb 0 0.15 0 0.15
-tcmod scroll 0 0.3
- nopicmip
- qer_editorimage textures/map_geoplanetary/hoctf0201.jpg
- q3map_lightimage textures/map_geoplanetary/hoctf0201.jpg
- surfaceparm nolightmap
- surfaceparm nomarks
- map textures/map_geoplanetary/hoctf0201.jpg
- animmap .2 textures/map_geoplanetary/xonoticlogo.jpg textures/map_geoplanetary/geoplanetary.jpg
\ No newline at end of file