-int asm_parsetype(const char *key, char **skip, long line) {
- size_t keylen = strlen(key);
- if (!strncmp(key, *skip, keylen)) {
- if ((*skip)[keylen] != ':'){
- printf("%li: Missing `:` after decltype\n", line);
- exit(1);
- }
- *skip += keylen+1;
- /* skip whitespace */
- while (**skip == ' ' || **skip == '\t')
- (*skip)++;
- if (!isalpha(**skip)) {
- printf("%li: Invalid identififer: %s\n", line, *skip);
- exit(1);
- } else {
- assembly_constants_add((globals) {
- .name = util_strdup("empty"),
- .offset = code_globals_elements
- });
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
void asm_parse(FILE *fp) {
char *data = NULL;
- char *skip = NULL;
long line = 1; /* current line */
size_t size = 0; /* size of line */
asm_state state = ASM_NULL;
- while ((data = skip = asm_getline(&size, fp)) != NULL) {
- /* remove any whitespace at start */
- while (*skip == ' ' || *skip == '\t')
- skip++;
- /* remove newline at end of string */
- *(skip+*(&size)-1) = '\0';
- if (asm_parsetype(asm_keys[5], &skip, line)) {
- if (state != ASM_NULL) {
- printf("%li: Error unfinished function block, expected DONE or RETURN\n", line);
- goto end;
- }
- state = ASM_FUNCTION;
- code_defs_add((prog_section_def){
- .type = TYPE_VOID,
- .offset = code_globals_elements,
- .name = code_chars_elements
- });
- code_globals_add(code_functions_elements);
- code_functions_add((prog_section_function) {
- .entry = code_statements_elements,
- .firstlocal = 0,
- .locals = 0,
- .profile = 0,
- .name = code_chars_elements,
- .file = 0,
- .nargs = 0,
- .argsize = {0}
- });
- code_chars_put(skip, strlen(skip));
- };
+ while ((data = asm_getline(&size, fp)) != NULL) {
+ data = util_strsws(data); /* skip whitespace */
+ data = util_strrnl(data); /* delete newline */
- #if 0
- /* if we make it this far then we have statements */
- {
- size_t i = 0; /* counter */
- size_t o = 0; /* operands */
- size_t c = 0; /* copy */
- char *t = NULL; /* token */
- /*
- * Most ops a single statement can have is three.
- * lets allocate some space for all of those here.
- */
- char op[3][32768] = {{0},{0},{0}};
- for (; i < sizeof(asm_instr)/sizeof(*asm_instr); i++) {
- if (!strncmp(skip, asm_instr[i].m, asm_instr[i].l)) {
- if (state != ASM_FUNCTION) {
- printf("%li: Statement not inside function block\n", line);
- goto end;
- }
- /* update parser state */
- if (i == INSTR_DONE || i == INSTR_RETURN) {
- goto end;
- state = ASM_NULL;
- }
- /* parse the statement */
- c = i;
- o = asm_instr[i].o; /* operands */
- skip += asm_instr[i].l; /* skip instruction */
- t = strtok(skip, " ,");
- i = 0;
- while (t != NULL && i < 3) {
- strcpy(op[i], t);
- t = strtok(NULL, " ,");
- i ++;
- }
- /* check */
- if (i != o) {
- printf("not enough operands, expected: %li, got %li\n", o, i);
- }
- /* TODO: hashtable value LOAD .... etc */
- code_statements_add((prog_section_statement){
- c,
- { atof(op[0]) },
- { atof(op[1]) },
- { atof(op[2]) }
- });
- goto end;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* if we made it this far something is wrong */
- if (*skip != '\0')
- printf("%li: Invalid statement %s, expression, or decleration\n", line, skip);
- end:
+ /* TODO: everything */
+ (void)state;
+ goto end;
+ end:
line ++;