0 darkplaces parse: support ' quoted strings
0 darkplaces physics: figure out why monsters keep making fall pain sound after they've landed in dpmod (Cruaich)
0 darkplaces physics: test TecnoX and find the frikbot crash in SV_Physics (KrimZon)
+0 darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES4 malfunctioning after a few seconds, probably not acknowledging packets properly (Sajt)
+0 darkplaces protocol: PROTOCOL_DARKPLACES5 not sending skin? (Sajt)
0 darkplaces protocol: add DP_SENSITIVITYSCALE extension which scales sensitivity on client like viewzoom does, but without affecting fov, note if this is non-zero it overrides viewzoom sensitivity entirely, it does not scale it (Urre)
0 darkplaces protocol: add DP_WEAPONSKIN extension which would add a .float weaponskin field (protoplasmatic, Kazashi)
0 darkplaces protocol: add EF_DOUBLESIDED for double sided entity rendering (disable cull face for this entity) (yummyluv)
d darkplaces renderer: examine the surface rendering code to make sure it has no bugs regarding texture selection for any of the passes (sublim3)
d darkplaces renderer: figure out the 'inverted bumps' bug on some texture orientations (see crate tops at end of e1m1, tenebrae1 does not suffer this problem somehow) (U8Poo)
d darkplaces renderer: fix a crash when changing level while using qe1 textures (Todd)
+d darkplaces renderer: implement PXQ_GFX_LETTERBOX extension (RenegadeC)
d darkplaces renderer: make gl_picmip affect only maps, models, and sprites by setting their TEXF_PICMIP flag (Zenex, Urre)
d darkplaces renderer: make gl_texture_anisotropy take effect immediately like gl_texturemode rather than needing an r_restart (metlslime, zinx)
d darkplaces renderer: make sure zym code is rendering at correct brightness, it's too dark in nexuiz (Vermeulen)