return true;
+void Font_Postprocess(unsigned char *imagedata, int pitch, int w, int h, int *pad_l, int *pad_r, int *pad_t, int *pad_b)
+ if(imagedata)
+ {
+ // perform operation, not exceeding the passed padding values,
+ // but possibly reducing them
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // calculate parameters
+ *pad_l = *pad_r = *pad_t = *pad_b = 0;
+ }
static float Font_SearchSize(ft2_font_t *font, FT_Face fontface, float size);
static qboolean Font_LoadMap(ft2_font_t *font, ft2_font_map_t *mapstart, Uchar _ch, ft2_font_map_t **outmap);
static qboolean Font_LoadSize(ft2_font_t *font, float size, qboolean check_only)
int map_index;
ft2_font_map_t *fmap, temp;
+ int gpad_l, gpad_r, gpad_t, gpad_b;
if (!(size > 0.001f && size < 1000.0f))
size = 0;
return (Font_SearchSize(font, fontface, size) > 0);
+ Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, 0, 0, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
memset(&temp, 0, sizeof(temp));
temp.size = size;
- temp.glyphSize = CeilPowerOf2(size*2);
+ temp.glyphSize = CeilPowerOf2(size*2 + max(gpad_l + gpad_r, gpad_t + gpad_b));
temp.sfx = (1.0/64.0)/(double)size;
temp.sfy = (1.0/64.0)/(double)size;
temp.intSize = -1; // negative value: LoadMap must search now :)
int status;
int tp;
FT_Int32 load_flags;
+ int gpad_l, gpad_r, gpad_t, gpad_b;
int pitch;
int gR, gC; // glyph position: row and column
return false;
+ Font_Postprocess(NULL, 0, 0, 0, &gpad_l, &gpad_r, &gpad_t, &gpad_b);
// copy over the information
map->size = mapstart->size;
map->intSize = mapstart->intSize;
unsigned char *imagedata, *dst, *src;
glyph_slot_t *mapglyph;
FT_Face face;
+ int pad_l, pad_r, pad_t, pad_b;
mapch = ch - map->start;
imagedata = data + gR * pitch * map->glyphSize + gC * map->glyphSize * bytesPerPixel;
+ imagedata += gpad_t * pitch + gpad_l;
//status = qFT_Load_Char(face, ch, FT_LOAD_RENDER);
// we need the glyphIndex
face = font->face;
w = bmp->width;
h = bmp->rows;
- if (w > map->glyphSize || h > map->glyphSize) {
+ if (w > (map->glyphSize - gpad_l - gpad_r) || h > (map->glyphSize - gpad_t - gpad_b)) {
Con_Printf("WARNING: Glyph %lu is too big in font %s, size %g: %i x %i\n", ch, font->name, map->size, w, h);
if (w > map->glyphSize)
- w = map->glyphSize;
+ w = map->glyphSize - gpad_l - gpad_r;
if (h > map->glyphSize)
h = map->glyphSize;
+ pad_l = gpad_l;
+ pad_r = gpad_r;
+ pad_t = gpad_t;
+ pad_b = gpad_b;
+ Font_Postprocess(imagedata, pitch, w, h, &pad_l, &pad_r, &pad_t, &pad_b);
// now fill map->glyphs[ch - map->start]
mapglyph = &map->glyphs[mapch];
//double mHeight = (glyph->metrics.height >> 6) / map->size;
mapglyph->txmin = ( (double)(gC * map->glyphSize) ) / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHARS_PER_LINE) );
- mapglyph->txmax = mapglyph->txmin + (double)bmp->width / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHARS_PER_LINE) );
+ mapglyph->txmax = mapglyph->txmin + (double)(bmp->width + pad_l + pad_r) / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHARS_PER_LINE) );
mapglyph->tymin = ( (double)(gR * map->glyphSize) ) / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHAR_LINES) );
- mapglyph->tymax = mapglyph->tymin + (double)bmp->rows / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHAR_LINES) );
+ mapglyph->tymax = mapglyph->tymin + (double)(bmp->rows + pad_t + pad_b) / ( (double)(map->glyphSize * FONT_CHAR_LINES) );
//mapglyph->vxmin = bearingX;
//mapglyph->vxmax = bearingX + mWidth;
mapglyph->vxmin = glyph->bitmap_left / map->size;
- mapglyph->vxmax = mapglyph->vxmin + bmp->width / map->size; // don't ask
+ mapglyph->vxmax = mapglyph->vxmin + (bmp->width + pad_l + pad_r) / map->size; // don't ask
//mapglyph->vymin = -bearingY;
//mapglyph->vymax = mHeight - bearingY;
mapglyph->vymin = -glyph->bitmap_top / map->size;
- mapglyph->vymax = mapglyph->vymin + bmp->rows / map->size;
+ mapglyph->vymax = mapglyph->vymin + (bmp->rows + pad_t + pad_b) / map->size;
//Con_Printf("dpi = %f %f (%f %d) %d %d\n", bmp->width / (mapglyph->vxmax - mapglyph->vxmin), bmp->rows / (mapglyph->vymax - mapglyph->vymin), map->size, map->glyphSize, (int)fontface->size->metrics.x_ppem, (int)fontface->size->metrics.y_ppem);
//mapglyph->advance_x = advance * usefont->size;
//mapglyph->advance_x = advance;