Looked weird having a bright energy ball that emits no light, and it was
set g_keepaway_noncarrier_force 1 "force done to other players if both you and they don't have the ball"
set g_keepaway_noncarrier_selfdamage 1 "self damage if you don't have the ball"
set g_keepaway_noncarrier_selfforce 1 "self force if you don't have the ball"
-set g_keepawayball_effects 0 "Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)"
+set g_keepawayball_effects 8 "Add together the numbers you want: EF_ADDITIVE (32) / EF_NODEPTHTEST (8192) / EF_DIMLIGHT (8)"
set g_keepawayball_trail_color 254 "particle trail color from player/ball"
set g_keepawayball_damageforcescale 3 "Scale of force which is applied to the ball by weapons/explosions/etc"
set g_keepawayball_respawntime 10 "if no one picks up the ball, how long to wait until the ball respawns"