me.keepspaceLeft = me.marginLeft * me.realFontSize_x;
me.keepspaceRight = me.marginRight * me.realFontSize_x;
- me.realOrigin_y = 0.5 * (1 - me.realFontSize_y);
+ float lines;
+ vector dfs;
+ vector fs;
+ // set up variables to draw in condensed size, but use hinting for original size
+ fs = me.realFontSize;
+ fs_x *= me.condenseFactor;
+ dfs = draw_fontscale;
+ draw_fontscale_x *= me.condenseFactor;
+ if(me.allowCut) // FIXME allowCut incompatible with align != 0
+ lines = 1;
+ else if(me.allowWrap) // FIXME allowWrap incompatible with align != 0
+ {
+ getWrappedLine_remaining = me.text;
+ lines = 0;
+ while(getWrappedLine_remaining)
+ {
+ if (me.allowColors)
+ getWrappedLine((1 - me.keepspaceLeft - me.keepspaceRight), fs, draw_TextWidth_WithColors);
+ else
+ getWrappedLine((1 - me.keepspaceLeft - me.keepspaceRight), fs, draw_TextWidth_WithoutColors);
+ ++lines;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ lines = 1;
+ draw_fontscale = dfs;
+ me.realOrigin_y = 0.5 * (1 - lines * me.realFontSize_y);
+ if(substring(me.text, 0, 3) == "Wel")
+ print(ftos(me.realOrigin_y), " ", me.text, "\n");
void Label_configureLabel(entity me, string txt, float sz, float algn)
entity e;
entity label, box;
- me.TD(me, 3, 3, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Welcome to Xonotic, please select your language preference and enter your player name to get started. You can change these options later through the menu system.")));
+ me.TD(me, 2, 3, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Welcome to Xonotic, please select your language preference and enter your player name to get started. You can change these options later through the menu system.")));
e.allowWrap = 1;
- me.TR(me);
me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Text language:")));