velocityjitter 300 300 300
velocitymultiplier 0.5
airfriction 3
+// red_pass
+// used nowhere in code
+effect red_pass
+trailspacing 64
+color 0xFF0000 0x970000
+size 2 2
+tex 32 32
+alpha 64 128 64
+airfriction 5
+sizeincrease 2
+type static
+// ============== DRIFTING SMOKE
+effect red_pass
+trailspacing 12
+color 0xFF0000 0x970000
+size 1 1
+tex 0 8
+alpha 32 64 32
+airfriction 9
+sizeincrease 8
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+type static
+// ============== BRIGHT CORE
+effect red_pass
+trailspacing 12
+color 0xFF0000 0x970000
+size 4 4
+//tex 48 55
+alpha 256 256 1280
+type static
+// blue_pass
+// used nowhere in code
+effect blue_pass
+trailspacing 64
+color 0x0000FF 0x000097
+size 2 2
+tex 32 32
+alpha 64 128 64
+airfriction 5
+sizeincrease 2
+type static
+// ============== DRIFTING SMOKE
+effect blue_pass
+trailspacing 12
+color 0x0000FF 0x000097
+size 1 1
+tex 0 8
+alpha 32 64 32
+airfriction 9
+sizeincrease 8
+velocityjitter 64 64 64
+type static
+// ============== BRIGHT CORE
+effect blue_pass
+trailspacing 12
+color 0x0000FF 0x000097
+size 4 4
+//tex 48 55
+alpha 256 256 1280
+type static
// other
sound(player, CH_TRIGGER, flag.snd_flag_touch, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM);
+ WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum(flag.passeffect), reciever.origin, player.origin);
ctf_EventLog("pass",, player);
- te_lightning2(world, reciever.origin, player.origin);
if(!flag.scale) { flag.scale = FLAG_SCALE; }
if(! { = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_skin : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_skin); }
if(!flag.toucheffect) { flag.toucheffect = ((teamnumber) ? "redflag_touch" : "blueflag_touch"); }
+ if(!flag.passeffect) { flag.passeffect = ((!teamnumber) ? "red_pass" : "blue_pass"); } // invert the team number of the flag to pass as enemy team color
// sound
if(!flag.snd_flag_taken) { flag.snd_flag_taken = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_taken.wav" : "ctf/blue_taken.wav"); }