// scan the number of characters on the line, not counting color codes
char *newline = strchr(start, '\n');
int l = newline ? (newline - start) : (int)strlen(start);
- float width = DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(start, l, 8, 8, false, FONT_CENTERPRINT);
+ float width = DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(start, l, false, FONT_CENTERPRINT) * 8;
x = (vid_conwidth.integer - width)/2;
if (l > 0)
dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Downloading %s %3i%% (%i/%i) at %i bytes/s\n", cls.qw_downloadname, cls.qw_downloadpercent, cls.qw_downloadmemorycursize, cls.qw_downloadmemorymaxsize, cls.qw_downloadspeedrate);
len = (int)strlen(temp);
- x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temp, len, size, size, 0, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
+ x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temp, len, 0, FONT_INFOBAR) * size) / 2;
y = vid_conheight.integer - size - offset;
DrawQ_Fill(0, y, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? 0.5 : 1, 0);
DrawQ_String_Font(x, y, temp, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
len = (int)strlen(addinfo);
- x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(addinfo, len, size, size, false, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
+ x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(addinfo, len, false, FONT_INFOBAR) * size) / 2;
DrawQ_Fill(0, y - size, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 1, 1, 1, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? 0.8 : 1, 0);
DrawQ_String_Font(x, y - size, addinfo, len, size, size, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Downloading %s ... %5.1f%% @ %.1f KiB/s\n", downinfo[i].filename, 100.0 * downinfo[i].progress, downinfo[i].speed / 1024.0);
len = (int)strlen(temp);
- x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temp, len, size, size, false, FONT_INFOBAR)) / 2;
+ x = (vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temp, len, false, FONT_INFOBAR) * size) / 2;
DrawQ_Fill(0, y + i * size, vid_conwidth.integer, size, 0, 0, 0, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? 0.5 : 1, 0);
DrawQ_String_Font(x, y + i * size, temp, len, size, size, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
// text[key_linepos + 1] = 0;
- x = vid_conwidth.value * 0.95 - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(text, key_linepos, con_textsize.value, con_textsize.value, false, FONT_CONSOLE);
+ x = vid_conwidth.value * 0.95 - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(text, key_linepos, false, FONT_CONSOLE) * con_textsize.value;
if(x >= 0)
x = 0;
ti->colorindex = -1;
return ti->fontsize * ti->font->width_of[0];
- return DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(w, length, ti->fontsize, ti->fontsize, false, ti->font, maxWidth);
+ return DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(w, length, false, ti->font, maxWidth) * ti->fontsize;
int Con_CountLineFunc(void *passthrough, const char *line, size_t length, float width, qboolean isContinuation)
// FIXME word wrap
inputsize = (numChatlines ? con_chatsize : con_notifysize).value;
- x = vid_conwidth.value - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temptext, 0, inputsize, inputsize, false, FONT_CHAT);
+ x = vid_conwidth.value - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(temptext, 0, false, FONT_CHAT) * inputsize;
if(x > 0)
x = 0;
DrawQ_String_Font(x, v, temptext, 0, inputsize, inputsize, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, &colorindex, false, FONT_CHAT);
// draw the background
DrawQ_Pic(0, lines - vid_conheight.integer, scr_conbrightness.value >= 0.01f ? Draw_CachePic("gfx/conback", true) : NULL, vid_conwidth.integer, vid_conheight.integer, scr_conbrightness.value, scr_conbrightness.value, scr_conbrightness.value, cls.signon == SIGNONS ? scr_conalpha.value : 1.0, 0); // always full alpha when not in game
- DrawQ_String_Font(vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(engineversion, 0, con_textsize.value, con_textsize.value, false, FONT_CONSOLE), lines - con_textsize.value, engineversion, 0, con_textsize.value, con_textsize.value, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_CONSOLE);
+ DrawQ_String_Font(vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(engineversion, 0, false, FONT_CONSOLE) * con_textsize.value, lines - con_textsize.value, engineversion, 0, con_textsize.value, con_textsize.value, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_CONSOLE);
// draw the text
if(con_lines_count > 0)
// if r_textshadow is not zero, an additional instance of the text is drawn first at an offset with an inverted shade of gray (black text produces a white shadow, brightly colored text produces a black shadow)
float DrawQ_String(float x, float y, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes);
float DrawQ_String_Font(float x, float y, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt);
-float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(const char *text, size_t maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt);
-float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxWidth);
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(const char *text, size_t maxlen, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt);
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxWidth);
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth_TrackColors(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxwidth);
// draw a very fancy pic (per corner texcoord/color control), the order is tl, tr, bl, br
void DrawQ_SuperPic(float x, float y, cachepic_t *pic, float width, float height, float s1, float t1, float r1, float g1, float b1, float a1, float s2, float t2, float r2, float g2, float b2, float a2, float s3, float t3, float r3, float g3, float b3, float a3, float s4, float t4, float r4, float g4, float b4, float a4, int flags);
// draw a triangle mesh
-static float DrawQ_String_Font_UntilX(float startx, float starty, const char *text, size_t *maxlen, float w, float h, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxx)
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth_TrackColors(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxwidth)
+ int num, colorindex = STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT;
+ size_t i;
+ float x = 0;
+ if (*maxlen < 1)
+ *maxlen = 1<<30;
+ if (!outcolor || *outcolor == -1)
+ colorindex = STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT;
+ else
+ colorindex = *outcolor;
+ for (i = 0;i < *maxlen && text[i];i++)
+ {
+ if (text[i] == ' ')
+ {
+ if(x + fnt->width_of[' '] > maxwidth)
+ break; // oops, can't draw this
+ x += fnt->width_of[' '];
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (text[i] == STRING_COLOR_TAG && !ignorecolorcodes && i + 1 < *maxlen)
+ {
+ if (text[i+1] == STRING_COLOR_TAG)
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ else if (text[i+1] >= '0' && text[i+1] <= '9')
+ {
+ colorindex = text[i+1] - '0';
+ i++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ num = (unsigned char) text[i];
+ if(x + fnt->width_of[num] > maxwidth)
+ break; // oops, can't draw this
+ x += fnt->width_of[num];
+ }
+ *maxlen = i;
+ if (outcolor)
+ *outcolor = colorindex;
+ return x;
+float DrawQ_String_Font(float startx, float starty, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float w, float h, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt)
int num, shadow, colorindex = STRING_COLOR_DEFAULT;
size_t i;
float vertex3f[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*4*3];
float texcoord2f[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*4*2];
float color4f[QUADELEMENTS_MAXQUADS*4*4];
- qboolean checkwidth;
- if (*maxlen < 1)
- *maxlen = 1<<30;
+ if (maxlen < 1)
+ maxlen = 1<<30;
// when basealpha == 0, skip as much as possible (just return width)
if(basealpha > 0)
at = texcoord2f;
av = vertex3f;
batchcount = 0;
- checkwidth = (maxx >= startx);
for (shadow = r_textshadow.value != 0 && basealpha > 0;shadow >= 0;shadow--)
x += r_textshadow.value;
y += r_textshadow.value;
- for (i = 0;i < *maxlen && text[i];i++)
+ for (i = 0;i < maxlen && text[i];i++)
if (text[i] == ' ')
- if(checkwidth)
- if(x + fnt->width_of[' '] * w > maxx)
- break; // oops, can't draw this
x += fnt->width_of[' '] * w;
- if (text[i] == STRING_COLOR_TAG && !ignorecolorcodes && i + 1 < *maxlen)
+ if (text[i] == STRING_COLOR_TAG && !ignorecolorcodes && i + 1 < maxlen)
if (text[i+1] == STRING_COLOR_TAG)
num = (unsigned char) text[i];
- if(checkwidth)
- if(x + fnt->width_of[num] * w > maxx)
- break; // oops, can't draw this
if(basealpha > 0)
// FIXME make these smaller to just include the occupied part of the character for slightly faster rendering
x += fnt->width_of[num] * w;
- if(checkwidth)
- *maxlen = i;
- checkwidth = 0; // we've done all we had to
if (basealpha > 0)
return x;
-float DrawQ_String_Font(float startx, float starty, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float w, float h, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt)
- return DrawQ_String_Font_UntilX(startx, starty, text, &maxlen, w, h, basered, basegreen, baseblue, basealpha, flags, outcolor, ignorecolorcodes, fnt, startx-1);
float DrawQ_String(float startx, float starty, const char *text, size_t maxlen, float w, float h, float basered, float basegreen, float baseblue, float basealpha, int flags, int *outcolor, qboolean ignorecolorcodes)
return DrawQ_String_Font(startx, starty, text, maxlen, w, h, basered, basegreen, baseblue, basealpha, flags, outcolor, ignorecolorcodes, &dp_fonts[0]);
-float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxWidth)
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(const char *text, size_t *maxlen, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt, float maxWidth)
- return DrawQ_String_Font_UntilX(0, 0, text, maxlen, scalex, scaley, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, NULL, ignorecolorcodes, fnt, maxWidth);
+ return DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth_TrackColors(text, maxlen, NULL, ignorecolorcodes, fnt, maxWidth);
-float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(const char *text, size_t maxlen, float scalex, float scaley, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt)
+float DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(const char *text, size_t maxlen, qboolean ignorecolorcodes, const dp_font_t *fnt)
- return DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(text, &maxlen, scalex, scaley, ignorecolorcodes, fnt, -1);
+ return DrawQ_TextWidth_Font_UntilWidth(text, &maxlen, ignorecolorcodes, fnt, 1000000000);
#if 0
colors = (int)PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM1);
- PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = DrawQ_String_Font(0, 0, string, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, !colors, getdrawfont()); // 1x1 characters, don't actually draw
+ PRVM_G_FLOAT(OFS_RETURN) = DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(string, 0, !colors, getdrawfont()); // 1x1 characters, don't actually draw
fps_y = vid_conheight.integer - fps_height;
if (fpsstring[0])
- fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(fpsstring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
+ fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(fpsstring, 0, true, FONT_INFOBAR) * fps_scalex;
DrawQ_Fill(fps_x, fps_y, vid_conwidth.integer - fps_x, fps_scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
if (red)
DrawQ_String_Font(fps_x, fps_y, fpsstring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
if (timestring[0])
- fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(timestring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
+ fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(timestring, 0, true, FONT_INFOBAR) * fps_scalex;
DrawQ_Fill(fps_x, fps_y, vid_conwidth.integer - fps_x, fps_scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
DrawQ_String_Font(fps_x, fps_y, timestring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
fps_y += fps_scaley;
if (datestring[0])
- fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(datestring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
+ fps_x = vid_conwidth.integer - DrawQ_TextWidth_Font(datestring, 0, true, FONT_INFOBAR) * fps_scalex;
DrawQ_Fill(fps_x, fps_y, vid_conwidth.integer - fps_x, fps_scaley, 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0);
DrawQ_String_Font(fps_x, fps_y, datestring, 0, fps_scalex, fps_scaley, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, NULL, true, FONT_INFOBAR);
fps_y += fps_scaley;