- todo: difficulty ratings are: 0 = trivial, 1 = easy, 2 = easy-moderate, 3 = moderate, 4 = moderate-hard, 5 = hard, 6 = hard++, 7 = nightmare, d = done, -d = done but have not notified the people who asked for it, f = failed, -f = failed but have not notified the people who asked for it
--d darkplaces client bug: ignore modelflags on view weaponmodel - in Malice the double barreled shotgun leaves a smoke trail, and the hellfire rotates, also in Zerstorer the riot shotgun rotates (Hidayat)
--d darkplaces client bug: make sure QuakeDoneQuick works (Chris Kemp)
--d darkplaces client: add a config saving command (Speeds)
--d darkplaces client: add ability to load gfx/particlefont.tga (Vermeulen, -frightfan, Error)
--d darkplaces client: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to enable converting id1 blood effects to TE_BLOOD style (Alex Boveri)
--d darkplaces client: add cvars for sbar alpha (background and foreground) (Throvold@uboot.com)
--d darkplaces client: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
--d darkplaces client: add r_waterwarp cvar to control amount of viewwarping underwater (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
--d darkplaces client: lerp lightstyles (Mitchell)
--d darkplaces docs: add de-we to credits page for the great icons (de-we)
--d darkplaces docs: write a readme (Antti)
--d darkplaces editlights: add r_editlights_editall command, same as _edit but affects all lights (mashakos)
--d darkplaces input bug: figure out what's wrong with ctrl key in Linux, hitting character keys tends to do nothing, and holding a character key and then hitting ctrl tends to leave the character key stuck on, this sounds like a window manager issue, but somehow quake3 works around it (Baalz)
--d darkplaces menu: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to menu (Alex Boveri)
--d darkplaces menu: add graphics options menu and put realtime lighting stuff in it (Antti)
--d darkplaces menu: add slowmo to options menu (Cristian Beltramo)
--d darkplaces menu: player setup menu network speed is never applying to rate (Mitchell)
--d darkplaces physics: bmodels (doors, etc) hurt player if player pushes against it, and sometimes gets stuck for a frame when falling onto it (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
--d darkplaces renderer: check out qe1 textures and make sure they load in all the e1 maps, report of crashing in most but not all maps (Linny Amore)
--d darkplaces renderer: figure out what's wrong with gloss rendering vertex calculations, which may be GF2 related (QorpsE)
--d darkplaces renderer: make sure r_novis works (Carni)
--d darkplaces sound: dsound broken, needs to be managed as part of video system (jeremy janzen)
--d darkplaces video: add vid_vsync cvar and also to options menu (metlslime)
--d darkplaces: add ogg music playback using optional library after adding wav music playback (-Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend, Akuma)
--d darkplaces: add wav music playback (-Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend)
--d dpmod: add rotfish to spawnmonsters code (only spawn if they land in water) (Zombie)
--d dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
--d dpmod: make grunts reload less often, like every 10 shotgun shells (scar3crow)
--f darkplaces client: fix view blends slightly lingering as time goes on, they should go away completely (Cruaich)
--f darkplaces: add crude DML model loading with animation list (ask Riot for dml library) (Mitchell)
--f darkplaces: crashes on radeon in rare situations that seem to occur in dpmod dm 7 mode? (Option42)
+-d (Alex Boveri) darkplaces client: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to enable converting id1 blood effects to TE_BLOOD style (Alex Boveri)
+-d (Alex Boveri) darkplaces menu: add cl_particles_particleffect_bloodhack cvar to menu (Alex Boveri)
+-d (Andrew A. Gilevsky) darkplaces client: add gl_polyblend cvar to control amount of viewblend effect (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
+-d (Andrew A. Gilevsky) darkplaces client: add r_waterwarp cvar to control amount of viewwarping underwater (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
+-d (Andrew A. Gilevsky) darkplaces physics: bmodels (doors, etc) hurt player if player pushes against it, and sometimes gets stuck for a frame when falling onto it (Andrew A. Gilevsky)
+-d (Antti) darkplaces docs: write a readme (Antti)
+-d (Antti) darkplaces menu: add graphics options menu and put realtime lighting stuff in it (Antti)
+-d (Baalz) darkplaces input bug: figure out what's wrong with ctrl key in Linux, hitting character keys tends to do nothing, and holding a character key and then hitting ctrl tends to leave the character key stuck on, this sounds like a window manager issue, but somehow quake3 works around it (Baalz)
+-d (Carni) darkplaces renderer: make sure r_novis works (Carni)
+-d (Chris Kemp) darkplaces client bug: make sure QuakeDoneQuick works (Chris Kemp)
+-d (Cristian Beltramo) darkplaces menu: add slowmo to options menu (Cristian Beltramo)
+-d (Hidayat) darkplaces client bug: ignore modelflags on view weaponmodel - in Malice the double barreled shotgun leaves a smoke trail, and the hellfire rotates, also in Zerstorer the riot shotgun rotates (Hidayat)
+-d (Joseph Caporale) darkplaces: add ogg music playback using optional library after adding wav music playback (Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend, Akuma)
+-d (Joseph Caporale) darkplaces: add wav music playback (Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend)
+-d (Linny Amore) darkplaces renderer: check out qe1 textures and make sure they load in all the e1 maps, report of crashing in most but not all maps (Linny Amore)
+-d (Mitchell) darkplaces client: lerp lightstyles (Mitchell)
+-d (Mitchell) darkplaces menu: player setup menu network speed is never applying to rate (Mitchell)
+-d (QorpsE) darkplaces renderer: figure out what's wrong with gloss rendering vertex calculations, which may be GF2 related (QorpsE)
+-d (Speeds) darkplaces client: add a config saving command (Speeds)
+-d (Throvold@uboot.com) darkplaces client: add cvars for sbar alpha (background and foreground) (Throvold@uboot.com)
+-d (Vic) darkplaces client: make CL_RocketTrail2 use the entity to keep track of trail spacing like CL_RocketTrail does (Vic)
+-d (avirox) darkplaces editlights: light entity loader is broken, it ends up with scrambled colors (avirox, Tomaz)
+-d (de-we) darkplaces docs: add de-we to credits page for the great icons (de-we)
+-d (frightfan) darkplaces client: add ability to load gfx/particlefont.tga (Vermeulen, frightfan, Error)
+-d (jeremy janzen) darkplaces sound: dsound broken, needs to be managed as part of video system (jeremy janzen)
+-d (joe hill) dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
+-d (mashakos) darkplaces editlights: add r_editlights_editall command, same as _edit but affects all lights (mashakos)
+-d (metlslime) darkplaces video: add vid_vsync cvar and also to options menu (metlslime)
+-f (Cruaich) darkplaces client: fix view blends slightly lingering as time goes on, they should go away completely (Cruaich)
+-f (Mitchell) darkplaces: add crude DML model loading with animation list (ask Riot for dml library) (Mitchell)
+-f (Option42) darkplaces: crashes on radeon in rare situations that seem to occur in dpmod dm 7 mode? (Option42)
0 darkplaces client: add back cl_particles_lighting cvar and add back the particle lighting (romi)
0 darkplaces client: add back random framegroup animation sync for sprites and models so torch flames don't play in sync (Elric)
0 darkplaces client: add cvars to control lighting quality to allow performance tradeoffs; r_shadow_ options for use of dot3 shading, etc
0 darkplaces client: corona on your own muzzleflash is annoying when looking down because it can be seen (flum)
0 darkplaces client: increase resolution of particlefont to 512x512 (Chillo)
0 darkplaces client: interpolate punchangle and punchvector from network (Sajt)
-0 darkplaces client: make CL_RocketTrail2 use the entity to keep track of trail spacing like CL_RocketTrail does (Vic)
0 darkplaces client: make blood decals a bit lighter as they're nearly black (ashridah)
-0 darkplaces client: make cl_beams_relative only affect view-attached beams
0 darkplaces client: make server queries use a queue to avoid flooding out queries too fast (Willis)
0 darkplaces client: mini scoreboard (the deathmatch overlay) shows player names multiple times in some cases, fix this!
0 darkplaces client: skybox should not be reset by r_restart (Stribbs)
0 darkplaces collision: Mod_Q3BSP_TraceBrush_RecursiveBSPNode can be optimized to take a clipflags parameter like R_Q3BSP_RecursiveworldNode (Vic)
0 darkplaces collision: mod_q3bsp_optimizedtraceline going through brushes? (Vermeulen)
-0 darkplaces commandline: make commandline parser ignore + and - if they were not directly following a space, so that + and - can be used in map names and such, also ignore if - or + is start of a number (Urre)
0 darkplaces console: add "set" and "seta" commands (DP_CONSOLE_SET and DP_CONSOLE_SETA extensions) to create a cvar and set its value (seta makes a saved cvar) (VorteX)
0 darkplaces console: make typing "; quit " in messagemode NOT quit the game (jitspoe)
0 darkplaces editlights: add coronascale setting to rtlights (romi)
-0 darkplaces editlights: fix positioning of light editing display, it's not following the console properly
-0 darkplaces editlights: light entity loader is broken, it ends up with scrambled colors (avirox, Tomaz)
0 darkplaces editlights: r_shadow should load .ent when importing light entities
0 darkplaces editlights: split rtlight drawshadows option into drawworldshadows and drawentityshadows options, this allows combinations like no world shadows (for speed) but still having entity shadows (Mitchell, romi)
0 darkplaces image: add scaling capabilities to Image_CopyMux
-0 darkplaces input: add more joystick buttons, 3 isn't enough (Static_Fiend)
0 darkplaces input: centerview command isn't doing anything until console is activated, it should begin the pitch drift immediately as in quake (Sajt)
0 darkplaces input: fix the mouse move when console is raised in glx, probably by ignoring the first move after console raise (mashakos)
0 darkplaces loading: check for out of bounds lump data ranges in maps (FrikaC)
d darkplaces client: add two cvars to replace sbar_alpha, one would control background as 0-1, and one would control everything else as 0-1
d darkplaces client: fix disappearing decals bug, it seems that when the smoke disappears so do the decals (Urre)
d darkplaces client: locked console scrollback (sublim3)
+d darkplaces client: make cl_beams_relative only affect view-attached beams
d darkplaces client: make colormap > cl.maxclients error be only a warning, to play QDDQ demo of end map (Stribbs)
d darkplaces client: reset cl.viewzoom on connect (Rick)
+d darkplaces commandline: make commandline parser ignore + and - if they were not directly following a space, so that + and - can be used in map names and such, also ignore if - or + is start of a number (Urre)
d darkplaces console: redesign startup script handling to scan scripts for cvars (ignoring commands) and then init video and then run the scripts for real
d darkplaces editlights: add r_editlights_copyinfo and r_editlights_pasteinfo commands to clone the properties of a light, all except for origin (Stribbs)
+d darkplaces editlights: fix positioning of light editing display, it's not following the console properly
d darkplaces filesystem: darkplaces-glx -path transfusion crashes, fix the crash even though it's not going to work anyway (Todd)
d darkplaces game: GAME_FNIGGIUM: "data" directory (not "id1" at all)
d darkplaces game: GAME_FNIGGIUM: 22050/44100 khz sound default
d darkplaces game: GAME_FNIGGIUM: console doesn't show unless you manually pull it down (Sajt)
d darkplaces game: GAME_FNIGGIUM: minimum resolution: 640x480
d darkplaces input: CTRL-V clipboard paste feature in windows (Rick, FrikaC)
+d darkplaces input: add more joystick buttons, 3 isn't enough (Static_Fiend)
d darkplaces input: allow typing characters > 128 into console to allow Latin1 fonts to be used properly, already works in text messages (Urre)
d darkplaces input: key repeat should work in menus, for example scrolling quickly through options (Up2nOgOoD)
d darkplaces loading: fix bumpmapping, there's something quite mixed up about the svectors and tvectors (Randi)
d dpmod: add combo kill detection; rapid burst of kills (Sajt)
d dpmod: add frags for killing monsters in dpmod (scar3crow)
d dpmod: add killing spree reporting; how many kills since spawn when you die, as well as announcing when you hit certain numbers of kills (Sajt)
+d dpmod: add rotfish to spawnmonsters code (only spawn if they land in water) (Zombie)
d dpmod: add support for info_player_deathmatch in singleplayer for q3 compatibility (Static_Fiend)
d dpmod: add target_position entity for a touch of q3 compatibility on jumppads (Static_Fiend)
d dpmod: apparently can't fire in start.bsp? (scar3crow)
d dpmod: fix backpacks (giving no ammo)
d dpmod: impulse 154 should cycle to deathmatch 7 (Rick)
d dpmod: make enforcers drop more cells for plasma gun (Sajt)
+d dpmod: make grunts reload less often, like every 10 shotgun shells (scar3crow)
d dpmod: make tarbabies easier to kill? (Sajt)
d dpmod: make tarbabies explode larger (Sajt)
d dpmod: make the in-wall spikeballs only appear in developer 1 mode (Tomaz)