set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-mario.cfg
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-nexuiz25.cfg
set g_balance_portal_health 200 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-samual.cfg
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-xdf.cfg
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-xonotic.cfg
set g_balance_portal_lifetime 15 // these get recharged whenever the portal is used
// }}}
+// {{{ hlac
+// hlac projectile settings are supposed to match the blaster, make sure they match when updating the blaster balance
+// }}}
exec bal-wep-xonotic.cfg