- Bots must learn to use the Grabber gun. The weapon code of havocbot is still there, but doesn't know how to shoot the Grabber\r
-- Allow an item respawn time of -1 (never respawn again)\r
-- Alt fire button can be used to get out of the belly of someone who lets you out (eg. a team mate)\r
+- Allow an item respawn time of -1 (never respawn again). Useful for RPG and Single Player maps\r
Known bugs:\r
+void Vore_StomachLeave()\r
+ // allows players to get out of their predator at will in some circumstances, such as team mates\r
+ float canleave;\r
+ canleave = (teams_matter && self.team == self.eater.team); // currently, the only circumstance where you can use this if for team mates\r
+ if(canleave)\r
+ Vore_Regurgitate(self);\r
+ else if(time > self.complain_swallow)\r
+ {\r
+ play2(self, "weapons/unavailable.wav");\r
+ sprint(self, strcat("You may not willingly get out of ", self.eater.netname, "\n"));\r
+ self.complain_swallow = time + complain_delay;\r
+ }\r
.float gurglesound_finished, gurglesound_oldstomachload;\r
void Vore_Gurglesound()\r
+ else if(self.BUTTON_ATCK2)\r
+ Vore_StomachLeave();\r
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