- todo: difficulty ratings are: 0 = trivial, 1 = easy, 2 = easy-moderate, 3 = moderate, 4 = moderate-hard, 5 = hard, 6 = hard++, 7 = nightmare, d = done, -d = done but have not notified the people who asked for it, f = failed, -f = failed but have not notified the people who asked for it
--d darkplaces cleanup: make sure engine dumps log file to disk if there is a Sys_Error (VorteX)
-d darkplaces client bug: ignore modelflags on view weaponmodel - in Malice the double barreled shotgun leaves a smoke trail, and the hellfire rotates, also in Zerstorer the riot shotgun rotates (Hidayat)
-d darkplaces client bug: make sure QuakeDoneQuick works (Chris Kemp)
-d darkplaces client: add GAME_PRYDON mode which would make vore spike trails blue as they're used for ice (Urre, -Harb, FrikaC)
-d darkplaces: add wav music playback (-Joseph Caporale, Static_Fiend)
-d dpmod: make grapple off-hand (joe hill)
-f darkplaces client: fix view blends slightly lingering as time goes on, they should go away completely (Cruaich)
--f darkplaces server: Mem_Alloc crash when entities are spawning, sv_main line 1760 (VorteX)
-f darkplaces: add crude DML model loading with animation list (ask Riot for dml library) (Mitchell)
-f darkplaces: crashes on radeon in rare situations that seem to occur in dpmod dm 7 mode? (Option42)
0 darkplaces cleanup: clean up Collision_TraceBrushBrush to have another temp variable besides f and clean up the enterfrac2 handling (Vic)
7 darkplaces: make it work on Savage4 again (Ender)
7 darkplaces: mirrors (Sajt)
7 darkplaces: shadow volume clipping (romi)
+d darkplaces cleanup: make sure engine dumps log file to disk if there is a Sys_Error (VorteX)
d darkplaces client: ValidateState should not error out about colormap > maxclients, only warn (Static_Fiend)
d darkplaces client: fix disappearing decals bug, it seems that when the smoke disappears so do the decals (Urre)
d darkplaces client: locked console scrollback (sublim3)
f LordHavoc: examine .mb (Maya Binary) file from Electro and learn its format (Electro)
f darkplaces client: add chase_pitch cvar to control pitch angle of chase camera, and chase_angle cvar to control yaw angle of chase camera, and add back chase_right cvar (Electro)
f darkplaces client: figure out why dlights are flashing on/off in TEU, particularly test the flashlight (Electro)
+f darkplaces server: Mem_Alloc crash when entities are spawning, sv_main line 1760 (VorteX)
f darkplaces server: add automatic binding to whatever address the machine's hostname resolves to (in addition to; see original quake code for examples (yummyluv)
f darkplaces: add DP_EF_PRECISEANGLES extension (sends short angles instead of byte), failed because network protocol was upgraded by default (Wazat for Battlemech, FrikaC, mashakos, RenegadeC, Sajt)
f darkplaces: add _0.tga support (per texture) to bsp/md2/md3 loaders