--- /dev/null
+seta _keybinder_mapname2 "ESDF"
+// alias for switching the teamselect menu
+in_bind 2 f5 menu_showteamselect
+in_bind 2 f6 team_auto
+in_bind 2 f7 menu_showsandboxtools
+in_bind 2 f9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
+// movement
+in_bind 2 e +forward
+in_bind 2 s +moveleft
+in_bind 2 d +back
+in_bind 2 f +moveright
+in_bind 2 UPARROW +forward
+in_bind 2 LEFTARROW +moveleft
+in_bind 2 DOWNARROW +back
+in_bind 2 RIGHTARROW +moveright
+in_bind 2 SHIFT +crouch
+in_bind 2 SPACE +jump
+// weapons
+in_bind 2 1 weapon_group_0
+in_bind 2 q weapon_group_1
+in_bind 2 2 weapon_group_2
+in_bind 2 3 weapon_group_3
+in_bind 2 4 weapon_group_4
+in_bind 2 5 weapon_group_5
+in_bind 2 6 weapon_group_6
+in_bind 2 r weapon_group_7
+in_bind 2 a weapon_group_8
+in_bind 2 w weapon_group_9
+in_bind 2 v weaplast
+in_bind 2 MOUSE1 +fire
+in_bind 2 MOUSE2 +fire2
+in_bind 2 MOUSE3 togglezoom
+in_bind 2 MOUSE4 weaplast
+in_bind 2 MOUSE5 +hook
+in_bind 2 MWHEELUP weapnext
+in_bind 2 MWHEELDOWN weapprev
+in_bind 2 b reload
+in_bind 2 BACKSPACE dropweapon
+in_bind 2 h dropweapon
+in_bind 2 g +use
+in_bind 2 c +button8 // drag object
+// misc
+in_bind 2 < +hook
+in_bind 2 ` toggleconsole
+in_bind 2 ~ toggleconsole
+in_bind 2 TAB +showscores
+in_bind 2 ESCAPE togglemenu
+in_bind 2 ENTER messagemode
+in_bind 2 j messagemode
+in_bind 2 y messagemode2
+in_bind 2 z messagemode2
+in_bind 2 u "+con_chat_maximize"
+in_bind 2 m +hud_panel_radar_maximized
+in_bind 2 b "quickmenu"
+in_bind 2 i +show_info
+in_bind 2 PAUSE pause
+in_bind 2 F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
+in_bind 2 F10 menu_showquitdialog
+in_bind 2 F11 disconnect
+in_bind 2 F12 screenshot
+in_bind 2 F4 ready
+in_bind 2 ALT +showaccuracy
+// team say
+in_bind 2 kp_ins messagemode
+in_bind 2 kp_del messagemode2
+in_bind 2 kp_end "+userbind 1"
+in_bind 2 kp_downarrow "+userbind 2"
+in_bind 2 kp_pgdn "+userbind 3"
+in_bind 2 kp_leftarrow "+userbind 4"
+in_bind 2 kp_5 "+userbind 6"
+in_bind 2 kp_rightarrow "+userbind 7"
+in_bind 2 kp_home "+userbind 9"
+in_bind 2 kp_uparrow "+userbind 10"
+in_bind 2 kp_pgup "+userbind 11"
+in_bind 2 kp_multiply "+userbind 12"
+in_bind 2 kp_slash "+userbind 13"
+in_bind 2 kp_enter "+userbind 16"
+in_bind 2 kp_plus "+userbind 17"
+in_bind 2 kp_minus "+userbind 18"
+in_bind 2 F1 vyes
+in_bind 2 F2 vno
+//used for spectate/observer mode
+in_bind 2 F3 spec
--- /dev/null
+seta _keybinder_mapname1 "WASD"
+// alias for switching the teamselect menu
+in_bind 1 f5 menu_showteamselect
+in_bind 1 f6 team_auto
+in_bind 1 f7 menu_showsandboxtools
+in_bind 1 f9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
+// movement
+in_bind 1 w +forward
+in_bind 1 a +moveleft
+in_bind 1 s +back
+in_bind 1 d +moveright
+in_bind 1 UPARROW +forward
+in_bind 1 LEFTARROW +moveleft
+in_bind 1 DOWNARROW +back
+in_bind 1 RIGHTARROW +moveright
+in_bind 1 SHIFT +crouch
+in_bind 1 SPACE +jump
+// weapons
+in_bind 1 5 weapon_group_0
+in_bind 1 q weapon_group_1
+in_bind 1 1 weapon_group_2
+in_bind 1 2 weapon_group_3
+in_bind 1 4 weapon_group_4
+in_bind 1 3 weapon_group_5
+in_bind 1 c weapon_group_6
+in_bind 1 e weapon_group_7
+in_bind 1 v weapon_group_8
+in_bind 1 f weapon_group_9
+in_bind 1 x weaplast
+in_bind 1 MOUSE1 +fire
+in_bind 1 MOUSE2 +fire2
+in_bind 1 MOUSE3 togglezoom
+in_bind 1 MOUSE4 weaplast
+in_bind 1 MOUSE5 +hook
+in_bind 1 MWHEELUP weapnext
+in_bind 1 MWHEELDOWN weapprev
+in_bind 1 r reload
+in_bind 1 BACKSPACE dropweapon
+in_bind 1 g dropweapon
+in_bind 1 b +use
+in_bind 1 n +button8 // drag object
+// misc
+in_bind 1 CTRL +hook
+in_bind 1 ` toggleconsole
+in_bind 1 ~ toggleconsole
+in_bind 1 TAB +showscores
+in_bind 1 ESCAPE togglemenu
+in_bind 1 ENTER messagemode
+in_bind 1 t messagemode
+in_bind 1 y messagemode2
+in_bind 1 z messagemode2
+in_bind 1 u "+con_chat_maximize"
+in_bind 1 m +hud_panel_radar_maximized
+in_bind 1 o "quickmenu"
+in_bind 1 i +show_info
+in_bind 1 PAUSE pause
+in_bind 1 F9 "cl_cmd hud minigame"
+in_bind 1 F10 menu_showquitdialog
+in_bind 1 F11 disconnect
+in_bind 1 F12 screenshot
+in_bind 1 F4 ready
+in_bind 1 ALT +showaccuracy
+// team say
+in_bind 1 kp_ins messagemode
+in_bind 1 kp_del messagemode2
+in_bind 1 kp_end "+userbind 1"
+in_bind 1 kp_downarrow "+userbind 2"
+in_bind 1 kp_pgdn "+userbind 3"
+in_bind 1 kp_leftarrow "+userbind 4"
+in_bind 1 kp_5 "+userbind 6"
+in_bind 1 kp_rightarrow "+userbind 7"
+in_bind 1 kp_home "+userbind 9"
+in_bind 1 kp_uparrow "+userbind 10"
+in_bind 1 kp_pgup "+userbind 11"
+in_bind 1 kp_multiply "+userbind 12"
+in_bind 1 kp_slash "+userbind 13"
+in_bind 1 kp_enter "+userbind 16"
+in_bind 1 kp_plus "+userbind 17"
+in_bind 1 kp_minus "+userbind 18"
+in_bind 1 F1 vyes
+in_bind 1 F2 vno
+//used for spectate/observer mode
+in_bind 1 F3 spec
+seta _keybinder_mapname0 "Classic"
// alias for switching the teamselect menu
bind f5 menu_showteamselect
bind JOY10 "+show_info"
bind JOY11 "+showscores"
bind JOY12 "+con_chat_maximize"
-seta joyadvanced "1"
-seta joyadvaxisr "2"
-seta joyadvaxisx "3"
-seta joyadvaxisy "1"
-seta joyadvaxisz "4"
-seta joysidesensitivity "1.0"
-seta joypitchsensitivity "0.9"
-seta joyyawsensitivity "-1.8"
-// SDL only
-seta joy_deadzoneforward "0.05"
-seta joy_deadzonepitch "0.05"
-seta joy_deadzoneside "0.05"
-seta joy_deadzoneup "0.05"
-seta joy_deadzoneyaw "0.05"
-seta joy_sensitivitypitch "0.9"
-seta joy_sensitivityyaw "-1.8"
// team say
bind kp_ins messagemode
//used for spectate/observer mode
bind F3 spec
+//other Gamepad settings
+seta joyadvanced "1"
+seta joyadvaxisr "2"
+seta joyadvaxisx "3"
+seta joyadvaxisy "1"
+seta joyadvaxisz "4"
+seta joysidesensitivity "1.0"
+seta joypitchsensitivity "0.9"
+seta joyyawsensitivity "-1.8"
+// SDL only
+seta joy_deadzoneforward "0.05"
+seta joy_deadzonepitch "0.05"
+seta joy_deadzoneside "0.05"
+seta joy_deadzoneup "0.05"
+seta joy_deadzoneyaw "0.05"
+seta joy_sensitivitypitch "0.9"
+seta joy_sensitivityyaw "-1.8"
// usercommands. These can be edited and bound by the menu.
seta "userbind1_press" "say_team quad soon"; seta "userbind1_release" ""; seta "userbind1_description" "team: quad soon"
seta "userbind2_press" "say_team free item %x^7 (l:%y^7); g_waypointsprite_team_here_p"; seta "userbind2_release" ""; seta "userbind2_description" "team: free item, icon"
seta "userbind32_press" ""; seta "userbind32_release" ""; seta "userbind32_description" ""
alias _userbind_call "${$1}"
alias +userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_press"
-alias -userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_release"
\ No newline at end of file
+alias -userbind "_userbind_call userbind${1}_release"
+// alternative bindmaps
+exec binds-xonotic-wasd.cfg
+exec binds-xonotic-esdf.cfg
cmd("\ndefer 0.2 \"togglemenu 1\"\n");
void XonoticInputSettingsTab_fill(entity me)
entity e;
me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticHeaderLabel(_("Key Bindings")));
+ me.gotoRC(me, 1, 0);
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticButton(_("<<"), '0 0 0'));
+ e.onClick = KeyBinder_Bindmap_Down;
+ e.onClickEntity = kb;
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0.5, _("0")));
+ e.textEntity = kb;
+ me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticButton(_(">>"), '0 0 0'));
+ e.onClick = KeyBinder_Bindmap_Up;
+ e.onClickEntity = kb;
- me.TD(me, me.rows - 3, 3, kb);
+ me.TD(me, me.rows - 4, 3, kb);
me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 2, 0);
me.TD(me, 1, 1, e = makeXonoticButton(_("Change key..."), '0 0 0'));
e.onClick = KeyBinder_Bind_Change;
return me;
-void replace_bind(string from, string to)
+void replace_bind(string from, string to, int bindmap)
int n, j;
float k; // not sure if float or int
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(from, 0)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(from, bindmap)); // uses '...' strings
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
k = stof(argv(j));
if(k != -1)
- localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", to, "\"\n");
+ localcmd("\nin_bind \"", itos(bindmap), "\" \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", to, "\"\n");
cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1");
me.nItems = 0;
+ vector temp = getbindmaps();
+ me.bindmap = temp.x;
// TEMP: Xonotic 0.1 to later
- replace_bind("impulse 1", "weapon_group_1");
- replace_bind("impulse 2", "weapon_group_2");
- replace_bind("impulse 3", "weapon_group_3");
- replace_bind("impulse 4", "weapon_group_4");
- replace_bind("impulse 5", "weapon_group_5");
- replace_bind("impulse 6", "weapon_group_6");
- replace_bind("impulse 7", "weapon_group_7");
- replace_bind("impulse 8", "weapon_group_8");
- replace_bind("impulse 9", "weapon_group_9");
- replace_bind("impulse 14", "weapon_group_0");
+ // Do we still need this?
+ replace_bind("impulse 1", "weapon_group_1", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 2", "weapon_group_2", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 3", "weapon_group_3", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 4", "weapon_group_4", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 5", "weapon_group_5", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 6", "weapon_group_6", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 7", "weapon_group_7", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 8", "weapon_group_8", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 9", "weapon_group_9", me.bindmap);
+ replace_bind("impulse 14", "weapon_group_0", me.bindmap);
+void XonoticKeyBinder_changeBindmap(entity me, int num)
+ if (num < 0 || num >= MAX_BINDMAPS)
+ {
+ LOG_WARNF("Invalid bindmap number specified: %d", num);
+ return;
+ }
+ me.bindmap = num;
+ // bindmap bg is always 0
+ setbindmaps(vec2(me.bindmap, 0));
+ me.showNotify(me);
+string XonoticKeyBinder_toString(entity me)
+ string b = itos(me.bindmap);
+ string name = strcat("_keybinder_mapname", b);
+ if (cvar_string(name) != "")
+ {
+ return cvar_string(name);
+ }
+ return itos(me.bindmap);
void XonoticKeyBinder_loadKeyBinds(entity me)
bool force_initial_selection = false;
me.setSelected(me, 0);
+void KeyBinder_Bindmap_Up(entity btn, entity me)
+ me.changeBindmap(me, (me.bindmap + 1)%MAX_BINDMAPS);
+void KeyBinder_Bindmap_Down(entity btn, entity me)
+ me.changeBindmap(me, (me.bindmap + MAX_BINDMAPS - 1)%MAX_BINDMAPS);
void XonoticKeyBinder_showNotify(entity me)
if(func == "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, me.bindmap)); // uses '...' strings
nvalid = 0;
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
k = stof(argv(j));
if(k != -1)
//localcmd("\nunbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\"\n");
- localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n");
+ localcmd("\nin_bind \"", itos(me.bindmap), "\" \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n");
- localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(key), "\" \"", func, "\"\n");
+ localcmd("\nin_bind \"", itos(me.bindmap), "\" \"", keynumtostring(key), "\" \"", func, "\"\n");
localcmd("-zoom\n"); // to make sure we aren't in togglezoom'd state
cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "1");
if(func == "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, me.bindmap)); // uses '...' strings
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
k = stof(argv(j));
if(k != -1)
//localcmd("\nunbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\"\n");
- localcmd("\nbind \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n");
+ localcmd("\nin_bind \"", itos(me.bindmap), "\" \"", keynumtostring(k), "\" \"", KEY_NOT_BOUND_CMD, "\"\n");
localcmd("-zoom\n"); // to make sure we aren't in togglezoom'd state
draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + extraMargin * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0);
if(func != "")
- n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, 0)); // uses '...' strings
+ n = tokenize(findkeysforcommand(func, me.bindmap)); // uses '...' strings
s = "";
for(j = 0; j < n; ++j)
#pragma once
#include "listbox.qh"
+// WARNING: Keep this lower than or equal with the engine limit
+const int MAX_BINDMAPS = 5;
CLASS(XonoticKeyBinder, XonoticListBox)
+ ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, bindmap, int, 0);
+ METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, toString, string(entity));
METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, configureXonoticKeyBinder, void(entity));
ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, rowsPerItem, int, 1);
METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, int, vector, bool, bool));
METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float));
METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, keyGrabbed, void(entity, float, float));
METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, destroy, void(entity));
+ METHOD(XonoticKeyBinder, changeBindmap, void(entity, int));
ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0');
ATTRIB(XonoticKeyBinder, realUpperMargin, float, 0);
void KeyBinder_Bind_Clear(entity btn, entity me);
void KeyBinder_Bind_Edit(entity btn, entity me);
void KeyBinder_Bind_Reset_All(entity btn, entity me);
+void KeyBinder_Bindmap_Up(entity btn, entity me);
+void KeyBinder_Bindmap_Down(entity btn, entity me);