seta g_balance_teams 0 "automatically balance out players entering instead of asking them for their preferred team"
seta g_balance_teams_prevent_imbalance 0 "prevent players from changing to larger teams"
-set g_balance_teams_scorefactor 0.25 "at the end of the game, take score into account instead of team size by this amount (beware: values over 0.5 mean that a x:0 score imbalance will cause ALL new players to prefer the losing team at the end, despite numbers)"
+set g_balance_teams_scorefactor 0.34 "at the end of the game, take score into account instead of team size by this amount (beware: values over 0.5 mean that a x:0 score imbalance will cause ALL new players to prefer the losing team at the end, despite numbers)"
set g_tdm_teams 2 "how many teams are in team deathmatch (set by mapinfo)"
seta g_tdm_teams_override 0 "how many teams are in team deathmatch"
set g_tdm_team_spawns 0 "when 1, a map can define team spawnpoints for TDM"