float gl_modelviewprojection16f[16];
qboolean gl_modelmatrixchanged;
-int gl_maxdrawrangeelementsvertices;
-int gl_maxdrawrangeelementsindices;
#ifdef DEBUGGL
int gl_errornumber = 0;
renderpath_t renderpath;
qboolean allowalphatocoverage; // indicates the GL_AlphaToCoverage function works on this renderpath and framebuffer
- unsigned int drawrangeelements_maxvertices;
- unsigned int drawrangeelements_maxindices;
unsigned int maxtexturesize_2d;
unsigned int maxtexturesize_3d;
unsigned int maxtexturesize_cubemap;
vid.support.arb_debug_output = GL_CheckExtension("GL_ARB_debug_output", debugoutputfuncs, "-nogldebugoutput", false);
vid.allowalphatocoverage = false;
-// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noshaders disables use of OpenGL 2.0 shaders (which allow pixel shader effects, can improve per pixel lighting performance and capabilities)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noanisotropy disables GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic (allows higher quality texturing)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noblendminmax disables GL_EXT_blend_minmax
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noblendsubtract disables GL_EXT_blend_subtract
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nocubemap disables GL_ARB_texture_cube_map (required for bumpmapping)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodepthtexture disables use of GL_ARB_depth_texture (required for shadowmapping)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodrawbuffers disables use of GL_ARB_draw_buffers (required for r_shadow_deferredprepass)
-// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nodrawrangeelements disables GL_EXT_draw_range_elements (renders faster)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -noedgeclamp disables GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp or GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp (recommended, some cards do not support the other texture clamp method)
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nofbo disables GL_EXT_framebuffer_object (which accelerates rendering), only used if GL_ARB_fragment_shader is also available
// COMMANDLINEOPTION: GL: -nomtex disables GL_ARB_multitexture (required for faster map rendering)